Ipstenu (Mika Epstein) (@ipstenu)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @ipstenu


    The Allow Images plugin works fine on 1.0-Alpha6 Trunk build (and pretty much all a6 builds from when it was new until when I pulled it from svn yesterday).



    For a non-shared DB, you just have to define the database instead of $bbdb



    _ck_, I looked into some things about regionality and I don’t think you’ll be able to get it much better than it is, unless you do as you mentioned, with the whois. Even then, it’s not going to be accurate 100%, since sometimes a server is in the US, but it runs a Brazillian site, etc. (And I’m still pissed at Google, a year later, from when I was in Japan and I went to google.com and it kicked me to google.jp, based on my IP, and ignoring everything else like the fact that my browser info showed I used English. At the time, I couldn’t get it to show the link to ‘Google in English’ and I was stuck in Japanese for a while.) Regions and localization are things that seem like a really good idea, but there’s no way to make it perfect, since you can never tell when someone’s abroad :/

    I like how you replaced “sticky” with a nifty little icon.

    Thanks! That was my first ‘hack’ for bbPress and I slapped this in my functions.php

    // This sets sticky label as an image
    remove_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'bb_sticky_label', 20);
    function my_sticky_label( $label ) {
    global $topic;
    if (is_front()) {
    if ( '2' === $topic->topic_sticky ) {
    return sprintf(__('<img src="/images/sticky.png" alt="[sticky]" /> %s'), $label);
    } else {
    if ( '1' === $topic->topic_sticky || '2' === $topic->topic_sticky ) {
    return sprintf(__('<img src="/images/sticky.png" alt="[sticky]" /> %s'), $label);
    return $label;
    add_filter('bb_topic_labels', 'my_sticky_label', 20);



    Link? I can’t repro that on my alpha build…



    *snicker* I’m on the top 1000! (#906! Woo!). How are you detecting regionality? I notice a lot of .net/.org sites are ???

    In reply to: How apply Do-follow?



    do follow is the opposite of no-follow, last I heard. Which is amusing since by default, it’s all do-follow ;)

    That link is interesting! Wonder if it actually happened (dated Oct 2007…)

    In reply to: How apply Do-follow?



    Link ‘do follow’ is basically just NOT putting in no-follow to your links, unless you’re talking about something else.

    In reply to: *Lost* Admin Username





    It’s in here bb-includes/functions.bb-template.php (line 680):

    function forum_description( $args = null ) {
    if ( is_numeric($args) )
    $args = array( 'id' => $args );
    elseif ( $args && is_string($args) && false === strpos($args, '=') )
    $args = array( 'before' => $args );
    $defaults = array( 'id' => 0, 'before' => ' – ', 'after' => '' );
    $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

    if ( $desc = apply_filters( 'forum_description', get_forum_description( $args['id'] ), $args['id'], $args ) )
    echo $args['before'] . $desc . $args['after'];

    So you could probably whip up some function to override it.

    You both have one dash, most likely, but different fonts :)



    2. https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_nonce_field

    Don’t worry about the nonce field, it’s just for WP side and doesn’t translate, as of yet, to BB.

    3. I think it’s just the internal http referrer, but I could be wrong.



    A couple people have done it, mostly by buggering cookies and login stuff I THINK on the WP side. You’d have to start with these posts for that:





    Ipstenu made some great points, to show you the thoughts of someone with a different perspective. While you might not see his point of view, he was kind enough to lay out his view point for you.

    As much as Ipstenu and _ck_ are making generalisations, so are you. You have no proof that “the majority” want what you want. You keep using the phrase “the majority” to back up your points, and while i mostly agree with your premise, i’m not overly confident that randomly adding in your guess on how many people might possibly maybe agree with you is helpful.

    She … but that’s okay.

    And of course I’m making generalizations. You kind of have to when the samples to draw from (bbPress users) are small, and the ideas are in-progress/developing as we speak :)

    Silver-bullet means a magic cure all that does everything you (and by you I mean the individual) wants.

    Mine is different from yours and everyone elses. So yeah, I’d rather see bbPress built with the flexibility to fit everyone. And that does mean something for the folks who want full-integration. But what we have today isn’t it. And based on what’s been posted before, I suspect it won’t be unless someone makes a plugin that does it.

    As for being wrong about integration… I was incorrect, in part, but I was correct in what I meant. Didn’t say what I meant, which is soooo my bad. Can I blame being sick? Anyway, if you read https://bbpress.org/documentation/integration-with-wordpress/ it mentions functions (ie DEEP integration) as being both optional and not suggested. Which is what I meant. People ask about it, and the direction is right there. Now I will totally admit that ‘function’ doesn’t mean ‘theme integration’ and that is confusing to the newbies. So yes, the info in there makes sense, but it’s vague if you’re not really sunk into this already :)



    Ah. Yes, but no. Read https://bbpress.org/about/

    bbPress is a simple forum software. Full stop. The fact that it integrates better with WP than other forums is … a bonus. In fact, none of the about pages mention wordpress except in that WP was the reason for tBB to be made.

    The reason people come to BBPress is becuase of the intergration possibilities

    Yes, most likely this is true. Heaven’s knows it was for me!

    limiting the deep integration is the most Counter-Intuitive thing against its own selling point

    Except it’s not a selling point. If it was, I’d agree with you, but it’s clearly not. Even in the documentation on how to to shallow and deep integration, it suggests not doing it because of load and overhead and other things.

    I have no need for deep integration and I never will. I use four totally separate tools for my website: MediaWiki, bbPress, WordPress and Gallery2. ONLY WP and BB are integrated and even then, it’s just users so people can comment and post. I could, if I wanted, integrate WP+BB+MW, but even then I’d just want logins.

    Why? Because while I want the site to look the same on each one, each tool I use is slightly different and needs customization. I feel that I can give my users a BETTER level of cross-tool integration if I take the time to customize each of my tools to that it is consistent with my site design AND consistent with the intended use of the tool itself. And I’m not the only person who thinks that way.

    Some people want a silver bullet, a tool that does it all. Some people want the right tool for the right job and will customize as needed. Neither is right or wrong, it’s just preference.

    By keeping bbPress NOT deep-integrated with WordPress, bbPress leaves itself open to be integrated with any other application, or not. It allows itself to be customized based on the needs of the client. And that is, in my opinion, a fantastic selling point :)



    Easy. You redirect BB presses signup/login to WP and then the WP profile to BB.

    Okay, not ‘easy’ but … If you’ve integrated login, you can edit the login links on BBpress so registrations go to WP and then put a couple redirects in your htaccess in case someone gets ‘smart’. You still have people login through BB or WP, but since it’s the same server, it’s all good.



    _ck_ – I’ve seen it on pretty much every site since I upgraded to FF 3 :/

    But yeah, good point. You could do this <?php echo getlastmod('style.css'); ?> (filemtime is cached which would kind of defeat the purpose)



    seriously guys, deep intergration is probably the most essential feature an “intergratable forum” has to have.

    All this talk about…. well… Not everyone wants it.. is utter garbage.

    Wow. Harsh. So my not wanting it means I’m garbage or my site is garbage? Nah, I know you don’t mean I’m crap, no worries, but really think about what you just said.

    I agree that SOME people want deep/full integration. And some people don’t. Should full integration be offered? Yes, but only for people who are totally hard-core hackers. Because it’s so hard, because it’s so complicated, and because it’s something that, if done wrong, will seriously jack you up.

    Shallow integration, of users and db, is what most people need. If you can theme WP, you can theme BB. If you can make a theme in WP, you can make it work in BB too with about an hour of work and make it seem seamless.

    A pain? Yes. But IMO better than having to re-code everything.

    And I too would rather sit on a cactus than use iframes.



    Actually that’s an old trick from IE and it’s moronic ‘You have to delete everything to get IE 6 to dump css cache!’ days.

    I update that v number every time I make a change to my code, which is a pill, but … yeah, that would do it.

    I can’t believe that FF has devolved like that. BAD FF! No cookies!

    FYI, for those who are lost, you’d do something like this:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css?v=<?php echo mt_rand(); ?>" type="text/css" />



    My guess would be this: wordpress.com is to wordpress.org what talkpress is to bbpress

    Nes pas?

    (and I’ve been told they don’t use those questions in the SATs anymore, which makes me feel old…)



    A quick view-source shows this li’l gem: ver=1.0-alpha-6 as well as <form class="login" method="post" action="https://healthexpert.talkpress.com/bb-login.php">

    Looks familiar, no? ;)



    If you’re asking “Can you use two separate DBs for two separate applications?”

    Then yes.

    If you’re not asking that then … I dunno.



    Except it’s not what ‘everyone’ wants :)

    People who want an integrated forum/blog may want that, but then it’s a whole new measure of pain when one half upgrades. And they’re getting there (with things like BuddyPress), but bbPress is a forum. That’s it. It happens to integrate with WP, but that’s not all it is.



    That would be because it’s a duplication of the theme, and not ‘deep’ integration.



    Looks okay… Did you dump all the cookies for your site from your browser? Which I realize is a standard debugging thing for this stuff but still should be said and not thought ;)



    FF 3+ has some weird caching issues. I have that problem on multiple sites.




    Double check your AUTH/Secure etc keys in each config file to make sure they’re exactly the same.

    In fact, copy the ones from WP into BB and manually add in the ‘BB_’ in the name.

    Also, in wp-config you should have

    // Cookies
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.mysite.com');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '/' );

    But in bb-config it’s part of the WP cookie speed up so:

    $bb->cookiedomain = '.mysite.com';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';

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