hotforwords (@hotforwords)

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  • hotforwords


    I am running 2.7 and alpha 5 with the same problem and can’t get the roles to work either. I did everything the way it was described to do.. even did a clean install of a website and bbpress to test it out and it didn’t assign roles there either.

    I used the bbpress integration plugin as well.

    I have 44,000 members, so this is a bit of an issue for me. I had to manually go in and assign roles to about 15,000 members and have to manually assign roles for all new members, which is about 100 a day, and a real pain.



    My roles don’t get assigned as I mentioned above, only this time I can go into the bbpress admin and change their role where I couldn’t do that before.

    I get this error: Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/hfw/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 2009

    But at least, this time, the pull-down works to change the role.



    @johnjamesjacoby, I get the exact same problem. I cannot get a role assigned to my users at all! And it’s really frustrating. I create a user in BBPress and no role assigned in WordPress. User created in WordPress and no role assigned in BBPress. I have the exact same problem as you.



    jdub, you ROCK!

    I had 44,756 members in my WordPress site and only ~28,000 members in my forums.. so I had 16,287 broken accounts in the forums

    I ran your MYSQL query and in 2.0724 seconds it repaired the 16,287 accounts and now I am golden!!

    Thanks so much!




    I started out with my bbpress database being different from the wordpress database, but sharing the same wp_users.

    But I seem to be having problems where new users on WordPress have no role in BBpress… and I get an error when trying to change their role: function.array-key-exists (same error as here.)

    Is there an easy way to merge the bbpress database with wordpress since they use the same user list anyway? That way I can have the same setup you suggest in this video?



    I have the same setup, running 2.7 and bbpress alpha 4. About half of my users got roles, half didn’t. And we’re talking about 15,000 plus users with no roles!

    When I create a user in WordPress, the user has no role in bbpress and I get the errors above when trying to edit the user with no role. Even after logging in, there is still no role.


    Is there a way I can add the updated files from the latest trunk that you are talking about? I am not technical enough to understand svn.




    I just solved it… I went to: /bb-includes/ -> line 932 and changed ‘show_all’ => false to ‘show_all’ => true

    I kept the topic_page_links() as is and this change automatically truncated the pages with a … in the middle.

    You can see it in action here:



    in other words I am getting the same thing with both topic_pages() and topic_pages($topic->ID)




    I tried topic_pages($topic->ID) and it gives me the nav like you said (including next by the way).. but the links go nowhere (they go to: /forums/page/2 which does not include seem to include the topic). This means that the $topic->ID appears to be doing nothing.

    Am I entering that $topic->ID incorrectly?

    I am using a – and then the >



    Deadpan110, your procedure worked perfectly for me. I have WordPress 2.6.5 and bbpress 1 alpha 2.

    I didn’t know what to put into Secret_Key and Secret_Salt.. I assumed they referred to: Secret and Auth_Salt in WP 2.6.5

    And it works great! Now let’s see what happens with 2.7!

    In reply to: bbpress update soon?



    I really don’t understand the statement that “it will be a while” before they upgrade bbpress! I upgraded to 2.6 as my website (blog) is the most important part and I wanted to add bbpress as a side thing. It confuses me that they company that owns both products is basically telling you to downgrade back to 2.5.1 on WordPress to get the two things working! I will never do that… I will just have to wait for the bbpress update.. but the “awhile” part really makes me concerned! Is that months from now? Or weeks?

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