Hansaplastique (@hansaplastique)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: bbPress 2.5.4



    After update from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4 my website is completely down with the following message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bbp_get_topic_post_type() in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress-notify-nospam/bbpress-notify-nospam.php on line 107

    Any suggestions?



    Hi Stephen,

    In my search for a “fix” I totally forgot about the popup “Crayon Syntax Highlighter” offers.
    I’ve been playing around with this for about a year now and ended up using “CodeColorer” as I was creating my own WYSIWYG editor. I think I’ll explore the Crayon option again.

    As for the editor; I don’t know how to start such a wider discussion.
    I agree that ideally you’d like to use the editor that comes with WordPress, even if it’s just to stay more consistent (comments vs forum posts).
    How would one go about that?



    Thanks Stephen for the reply and suggestion.

    I’ve looked at those yes and they work great except for code that has backticks in it πŸ™ … Some examples shell code that is being posted on my forum actually uses backticks in the code which makes it all a big mess … πŸ™

    The current “fancy” editor doesn’t work well with code either, specially when switching back and forth between WYSIWYG and code.
    In this day and age I’d like to avoid that my visitors have to “code” their own HTML to get a message posted right.

    What I’ve done so far:
    – create my own rich editor
    – disable backticks in bbPress

    This works pretty good, but it most certainly is not perfect either.
    Obviously changing bbPress core files is a no-no from a maintenance perspective (hence my request).

    While looking for a solution I noticed that I’m not the only one experiencing this back tick problem – frankly; the editor for bbPress needs some serious reconsideration … isn’t it time for a capable WYSIWYG editor?

    No disrespect intended to the developers!!
    I really appreciate the enormous amount of work they have done, and I understand that my editor issues are maybe not the top priority.
    I really like bbPress as a forum for WordPress, and I consider it so far the best option out there.



    Thanks devs for doing a great job.

    : I agree with getting a full editor, or an alternative rich editor. πŸ™‚



    Or is there an option to disable this feature?

    In reply to: Allow HTML from users



    In the code Jared so kindly offered, you’ll need to add soemthing like this to the array:

    'div' => array(
    		'class'     => array()



    This “topic” was also discussed in an older (2 years old) Post.
    But no clarification how “safe” it is to remove the mod_security rule for particular bbPress links (which ones, anyone?).



    Since bbPress sanitizes a post, is it save to disable the mod_security rule (for forum pages only) concerning the SQL injection rules?

    (what do you do on this forum?)



    Alright found the cause of this issue: mod_secure is catching it πŸ™

    Any way to make this work without compromising security?
    (ie. the bbpress.org server seems to be fine with posting this)



    FYI: I have looked at Debugging in WordPRess.

    I did install the “debug bar” but the amount of queries and info after a post is not telling me why it did not post.

    Are there other factors that can make it that such a post will not be posted?
    (ie. mod_secure on the webserver, etc – any logs I can snoop through, etc)



    One step further: if I try to submit this code in my test environment (local network), it works just fine.

    Does anyone have an idea how to debug/approach this issue?



    Since that worked just fine here, I’ll have to blame my own editor πŸ™‚
    (I’m using a rich editor, not TinyMCE)

    If I send “rich” content to BBPress (ie. HTML), what would the proper formatting be for code?



    Well after playing with this issue for several hours I have narrowed the problem down to this;

    If I try to post the following trivial example code example:

    update project_management set prj_first_activated = CURRENT_DATE;

    the post will not be posted (I guess trying that here will help get insight – if it behaves the same, then I know that there is a good chance that it’s BBPress related).

    If I leave the “=” out of the code however, it posts just fine.

    In reply to: Allow HTML from users



    No worries – it was very helpful, took me only a few seconds to get it to work.
    Thank you very much again πŸ™‚

    In reply to: Allow HTML from users



    Thanks Jared – I very much appreciate the link. Works like a charm! πŸ™‚

    Minor issue with the code: it is missing “function” in front of the “ja_filter_bbpress_allowed_tags” definition.

    In reply to: Allow HTML from users



    Thanks Jared, I appreciate you taking the time to reply …

    My question remains how do I correctly add style or class to the allowed tags without modifying the actual formatting.php file πŸ™

    In reply to: Allow HTML from users



    Thanks for your response Jared … I don’t mind the change, just would like to know the recommended way to change the allowed tags without having to modify the bbPress files … πŸ™‚

    For example;
    I allow registered users to place smileys in their text. The smileys are IMG’s with a particular class – the class however will be removed unless I give the user unfiltered HTML.
    I trust my users, but just not THAT much πŸ™‚

    In reply to: Allow HTML from users



    I’d be curious to know what the recommended technique is to add or remove allowed HTML tags as well … the recent change (not using the tags list of WP) broke my editor πŸ™



    I’ve made some good progress with TinyEditor. It’s indeed very fast and implementation has not been super complicated (so far).

    But again; mobile browsers are not the greatest browsers.

    Typing and submitting works fine on iOS. Formatting however is lost somehow.
    Kindle (Android) still claims it can’t load wp-comments-post.php.

    With both selecting text, and applying formatting is a disaster. Often the selection “hint” (Select, Select All, Copy, etc) overlaps the buttonbar of the editor.

    Note: At this moment (to keep things easy) I’m only testing this in WordPress comments. Once that works OK I’m going to try to use it for bbPress posts.



    Never mind Redactor – it’s commercial.
    Great editor but it wouldn’t fit in the license model either WordPress or bbPress.



    I agree; this is more something bbPress inherited from WordPress I’m assuming, since WP brings us tinyMCE. The issues at hand appear common knowledge in the tinyMCE community – and it appears that most WYSIWYG editors have similar problems.

    2 WYSIWYG editors stood out so far for me to consider doing some testings with:
    TinyEditor (super small and very responsive)
    Redactor (little bigger but much more functionality, yet still responsive

    As for a bug/issue ticket; where do we do that? and wouldn’t this a bug/issue for WordPress?



    Android devices appear to be very slow here as well, and selecting text is a challenge – I completely agree.

    The MyTouch and the Kindle both report to be a regular Linux (Kindle) or Macintosh (I couldn’t believe it, and tested this numerous times in different ways) AppleWebKit browser – no notion of “mobile” or “Android”.

    Also on the myTouch, when pressing a button on the menubar of tinyMCE behaves very odd.

    These findings basically tell me that Fancy Editor is useless for mobile visitors (thanks for bringing it up!).

    So either we have to revert back to “just text” for mobile users or find an alternative editor that actually does behave properly.



    Note: iPad (3rd gen) and iPhone (4S) work just fine.



    OK, I’ve been testing Android a little more intense than before; boy that’s a drama on it’s own.

    So the first problem I noticed (T-Mobile/HTC myTouch 4G): Android does not like tinyMCE. It will let me type, but nothing appears in the editor, instead it ends up in the email input (not sure if this is a generic problem or maybe just my theme).

    Adding elements through tinyMCE plugins works but the FancyBox appears to be not working all that well.

    Submitting works – but of course none of the typed text in the message, only what I added through one of the tinyMCE plugins.

    Next I tried a Amazon Kindle Fire HD (can’t really recommend this tablet – great hardware, crappy software). Things work better here, including entering text.
    However … submitting the comment ends up in a “Webpage not available – The webpage at http:///wp-comments.php could not be loaded because: Unkown Error”.

    Is this in anyway familiar with the situation you run into?



    I haven’t had any problems on smartphones,… yet … iPhone/Android; they all work fine.
    I’m sure there are other platforms (Windows,BlackBerry) but I do not know anyone who has either to test.

    What problems do you run into?
    I’d be very interested in your feedback on where it goes wrong/misbehaves (so I can adapt my website as well).
    – Does tinyMCE misbehave?
    – Or simply not work (lack of JavaScript)?

    It might be difficult to determine if a visitor uses a phone or a regular computer, specially since the gap between the two is getting more narrow by the day.

    Some examples are discussed here: Stackoverflow.
    There is an example of browser sniffing (not my favorite) and some other techniques.

    However … they all rely on JavaScript (which would be too late for doing something in PHP).

    I did find some PHP code that could do the trick here: php-mobile-detect.
    I have not tested it though.

    If a cellphone is detected call (untested):

    bbp_the_content( array( β€˜context’ => β€˜reply’, β€˜tinymce’ => false ) );

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