gerikg (@gerikg)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @gerikg


    Also another problem is when you upgrade from an older version (wordpress/bbpress) the XX-config.php files are different than what you already have. Check wp-config.php against wp-config-sample.php & bb-config.php against bb-config-sample.php should be fairly simple.




    Start with my instructions here.

    The difference is step 7

    Step 7 WordPress type will be WordPress MU

    You’ll have I think four lines.

    define( ‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘####################’ );

    define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’ );

    define( ‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    Copy it to both files but take out the HASH line in bbpress.

    So copy copy the four line into wp-config but the last three line into bb-config

    In reply to: Last Post on Forums



    okay looks like it works BUT I need an if statement because not all forums have topics in them.

    “Warning: current() [function.current]: Passed variable is not an array or object in”

    In reply to: Last Post on Forums


    <tr<?php bb_forum_class(); ?>>
    <td><?php forum_icon(); ?> <?php bb_forum_pad( '<div class="nest">' ); ?><a href="<?php forum_link(); ?>"><b><?php forum_name(); ?></b></a><br /><?php forum_description( array( 'before' => '<small>', 'after' => '</small>' ) ); ?><?php bb_forum_pad( '</div>' ); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><?php forum_topics(); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><?php forum_posts(); ?></td>
    <td class="lastp"><?php $topic = $GLOBALS['topic'] = get_latest_topics( array( 'number' => 1, 'forum' => get_forum_id() ) ); ?><small>by <?php topic_last_poster(); ?><br />on <a href="<?php topic_last_post_link(); ?>"><?php echo date("D M j Y G:i:s", strtotime($topic->topic_time)); ?></small></a></td>

    results in


    on Wed Dec 31 1969 19:00:00

    In reply to: Last Post on Forums



    plutopsyche make sure my-template folder has a permission of 755.



    If I remember correctly bbpress refuses you to put www and WordPress doesn’t care. When one has www and the other one does not the cookies don’t work.



    Chrishajer, I’ll try. There are several reasons why it doesn’t work but I’ll write it here. I usually find it and then write about it but I’ll try your way.

    1 When installing wordpress/bbpress do NOT use “www.” Example: use not and use the same database. You do not need to change the prefix, I prefer you don’t because you’ll run into problem later.

    2 Make sure bbpress is in a folder in wordpress. example: wordpress/bbpress/ not on the same level.

    3 The folder does not have to be named bbpress, most people make it forum or forums.

    *After successfully installing both programs open wp-config.php (in the wordpress folder) file. Around line # 45-# 48 you’ll see define(‘AUTH_KEY’…. go to this URL ( and get the EIGHT keys and REPLACE the FOUR keys that are there. Save. Keep the file open for now.

    4 Open bb-config.php (in the bbpress folder) do the same thing here. With the SAME keys you put in the wordpress file put in the bb-config file around line # 41-45. Save. Keep the file open for now.

    5 Clear your cache on your browser. Log into your bbpress dashboard and go to Settings->Wordpress Integration-> WordPress Administrator should be keymaster. Every other option should be member for now. WordPress address (URL) should be the URL again NO www. Blog address (URL) the same as before. The last 3 should be LOCKED if not repeat the steps 3&4.

    6 Login to your wordpress dashboard. Go to Plugins->Add New-> search for “bbPress Integration” it should be the first one. Install it and activate.

    7 Go to Settings-> bbPress Integration. Enter the bbPress URL without the www. Your plugins URL leave blank. Click on Save Changes. On the bottom box you’ll see some text copy it. Most likely it will say “define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );”

    8 Paste the line in wp-config.php file around line # 16 (MUST be on top. Don’t know why) and paste it in bb-config.php in line # 13 (Must be on top). Save. You can delete the plugin, it’s no longer needed.

    9 Clear your cache on your browser and you’re done.

    Known Problems

    *Two different database, one for WP and one for BBP, does not always work.

    *Changing the database prefix. There are tutorials out there that tell you to do it, just don’t.

    *Hosting companies that offer free databases, have buggy databases.

    *BBpress not being in WordPress folder. I don’t think the plugin takes that into account.


    In reply to: Last Post on Forums



    plutopsyche not yet, but they are going to work on it (codex) by 2010.

    Any other suggestions?



    I can look at it. You just need to give me access. Email me at my username at

    In reply to: Last Post on Forums



    I got that, so what does work?



    this is somewhat related: I noticed stats.php in the default template, how do you go to it?

    In reply to: Last Post on Forums



    anyone… am I under too unclear?



    Hey guys, sorry I missed the meeting. I’m glad you people are going forward on this. I just want to thank you. I’ll keep my suggestions and comments for the next meeting. I notice a lot of comments I made on the here were brought up in the chat. I will try to attend if you let me.

    In reply to: Future of bbPress



    I disagree with the not having the standalone. Some website have no reason to have anything on their site other than a forum. You can have two versions plugin and standalone. I did mention before giving 0.9 & 1.0 version names instead of numbers because it confuses people. Example bbPress Blue v1.0 (for 1.0) and bbPress Red v1.0 (for 0.9).

    I would say stay away from buddypress for now. They have a lot issues that they are trying to deal with since their release from BP 1.0 to BP1.1 (a big change). Buddypress is already using bbpress in their install but for the Group feature which can conflict and confuse people.

    I installed WPMU just for BuddyPress a regret it since then. I’m having a lot of basic issues that isn’t addressed.

    Anyway back to the topic. I was able to integrate WP+BB easily, I don’t have PHP knowledge but I was able to. It’s the so many versions of the integration that screw people up in my experience. I think bbPress is great already, you just need more plugins and themes. And most important finish the development documents. I know WP didn’t have it for years but why follow? If you have more theme development also I believe bbPress will pick up faster.

    In reply to: Buddybar in bbpress



    The creator is on they can help you, hopefully.



    I’m not an expert but this is what I noticed


    you had..

    /** Braucht man für die Cookie-Integration von bbpres laut bbpress-integration */

    /*define( ‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘1111’ );*/

    define( ‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘.[gerikgtookout].de’ );

    define( ‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );

    when you’re using WPMU you need those when you’re using WP you just need the cookiepath. It was probably my fault because of my previous posts.

    the cookiepath must be at the top for it to work, I don’t know why but it does. I added define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ ); to the top

    The keys I took from not which they recommend. It has 8 keys. I also copied the same keys into the bb-config file but added “BB_” to the beginning.


    It looks like you were using an old config file (you must of upgraded?) I took the config file from the new version and just plugged in your information. I added define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ ); to the top just like WP. I also added if (file_exists(‘../wp/wp-load.php’))

    require_once(‘../wp/wp-load.php’); for deeper integration (for you to use WP functions in bbPress) which I think you were already, or trying to. I logged into your admin section in bbpress and notice you wrote “http://[gerikgtookout].de&#8221; as your wordpress URL but it should of been “http://[gerikgtookout].de/wp&#8221; clicked save and everything worked fine.



    The plugin just gives you information, once you get the information from it you can delete it.



    bbPress is not a plugin. It’s a stand alone. You can integrate it. To avoid headaches later make a folder in your WP and put the files in there. Call it whatever you think you want the url to be.

    if you want then call the folder forums when you put all the bbpress files in.





    if you mind giving me access I’ll look at it. Email me at my user name at gmail dot com.



    Not really just asking. The only way I see it, is forums is just another part of the website every other part of the website has sidebars just not the forums.



    you have to put the bbPress folder in /blog/ where ever that is located in MU, go to your MU section and you click SITE ADMIN-> BLOGS and it should tell you there where it is. Never tried it but that’s where I would start.



    I like the general notice, my head is not working today, what is that exactly? Just the sticky front topics?

    You thought about having the sidebars in the forums like your main site?



    Sounds like it. Can you reinstall BBpress?

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