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WP plugins in deep integration

  • Hey everyone,

    I’ve set up ‘deep integration’ with my WP install, and non of the functionality created by my WP plugins (e.g. the ‘exclude pages’) plugin is working.

    Is there a fix for this, or does deep integration not include the functionality offered by plugins?

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  • update…

    any news on WP plugins in BBpress yet?

    Is ‘manually’ really the best solution?

    Can someone at least tell me ‘why’, plugins don’t work inside a ‘deeply integrated’ BBPress install?



    Where does the ‘exclude pages’ plugin not work? What is the URL for the plugin? Where is the output correct (URL) and where is it incorrect (URL).

    Since the exclude pages functionality should be easy to see, let’s stick with trying to figure out why just this one plugin does not work in your integration.

    sure. thanks for the reply.

    notice here:

    there is no ‘articles’ page..

    here (the forum):

    the ‘articles’ page shows up.

    I’m using the WordPress plugin ‘exclude pages’ (

    to hide the page on my WP install.

    The forum is deeply integrated but notice that BBPress doesn’t reflect the changes from the plugin



    OK, I see.

    How are you getting your WordPress header to display in the forum? Did you just integrate deeply and the include the header <?php get_header(); ?>?

    not on this ‘live’ site… (my initial BBPress theme).. I actually duplicated the header code (using wp_list_pages etc…)

    On my local server I use get_header() and I’m still having the issue.



    So, on this live site, why not just use wp_list_pages('exclude=WHATVER_ID') – unless you’re not planning on using this wp_list_pages functionality on the live site in the future.

    I know that doesn’t resolve the issue of plugins apparently not working in your integration, but I am more concerned with the results at this point than figuring out where the problem lies with integration in general.

    Can you just exclude pages in the wp_list_pages on your forum?

    Yes, I could exclude it this way and get the desired result…

    The real reason I would like to get WP plugins working in BBP is for future development I’m considering on the BBPress platform.

    At this point; just the reason they don’t work would be enough to keep moving.

    I’m pretty knowledgeable about the workings of WP

    Has anyone else had trouble with WP plugins?



    I am having the same exact problem. However, I am doing what was said above, and integrating deeply and including the header. I have no experience with code, so I was wondering if someone could tell me what to do? I am using the same plugin, and no luck.

    Any news on this subject?

    A fix for this, or even info on it so I can design themes to it would be very helpful.

    I would say that BBPress isn’t fully compatible with WordPress; until at least the ‘navigation’ plugins that work on WP work on BBPress as well.

    Any news on this subject?

    A fix for this, or even info on it so I can design themes to it would be very helpful.

    I would say that BBPress isn’t fully compatible with WordPress; until at least the ‘navigation’ plugins that work on WP work on BBPress as well.



    @arpowers – I deep integrated my local installation, just to test, and I have the same problem. All template tags work fine, but the Page Mash plugin is displaying all hidden pages, and the sidebar is only displaying the default place holder widgets, but not the other ones.

    I believe that the problem is that the plugin settings and other data are stored in the wp_options table, and this is not being pulled into bbPress. It seems like deep integration allows for the use of the wp template tags, but not much more beyond it… Maybe there is a way to make the wp_options table available to bbPress, by defining something in bb-config.php?

    I believe that the problem is that the plugin settings and other data are stored in the wp_options table

    I don’t think this is the issue. Options set in WP seem to work fine.

    Something else is causing it.. probably a global variable set in WP that isn’t set in BBPress for some reason…



    Yes, a global variable makes sense.

    It is very possible that the solution turns out to be simple, in the end.

    I’ve been fiddling around with bb-settings.php, but to no avail

    especially after line 1099 * Load Plugins

    and bb-config to either include or require_once wp functions, settings, pluggable…

    of course it’s trial and error… no luck so far.

    Unfortunately, I yet have to learn how to define a global variable…



    I have a workaround for the navigation issue.

    This does not solve why some plugins are not working with integration (which would still be nice to know, and what code would fix it), but allows to have consistent menu tabs when integrating the theme. It involves using theme options for excluding pages, rather than a plugin.

    Incidentally, my theme already comes with the option to exclude pages from navigation, but I still used PageMash for other handy features… Then it occurred to me to test if the options would be reflected into bbPress, and sure they were!!! This way, no core code changes, all is controlled from within the theme.

    @arpowers – I am sure you already know how to do this. Posting links just in case, for others as well.

    To create the theme options page, there are tutorials, showing code to add to functions.php

    in the arrays to exclude the pages, this is what I have:

    array(	"name" => "Main Menu Settings",
    "desc" => "The navigation menu tabs at the top.",
    "id" => $shortname."_admin_heading",
    "type" => "info"),

    array( "name" => "Exclude",
    "desc" => "Enter a comma-separated list of Page IDs to be excluded from the main menu tabs (example - 5,9,22).",
    "id" => $shortname."_exclude_pages",
    "std" => "",
    "type" => "text"),

    array( "name" => "Sort by",
    "desc" => "'<strong>menu_order</strong>' - sorts the Pages by Page Order<br /> '<strong>post_title</strong>' - sorts Pages alphabetically (by title)<br /> '<strong>post_date</strong>' - sort Pages by their creation date.",
    "id" => $shortname."_sort_pages",
    "type" => "select",
    "std" => "menu_order",
    "options" => array("menu_order", "post_title", "post_date"))

    I hope this helps!

    Just checking again, has anyone figured out why WordPress plugins don’t work in integration?



    Don’t you just love people that say “Bump” and dont add anything to the conversation?

    I also love it when it’s their only post on the forum ever – way to give back :)

    Deep integration is not supported by automattic, and apparently was never the intention of the BBpress developers. To that end, getting BBpress with a WP “deep integration”, to then call WP plugins is never going to be something that’s going to get any development time or priority.

    I think this is a shame because we could make use of WP plugins that we’re effectively replicating in BBpress, but we shouldn’t be reliant on plugins for layout.

    That said, i wonder if anyone has testing creating a call to a plugin function from inside an added function in the your WP’s theme’s functions.php file?

    To reiterate though, try and avoid WP plugins for theming. What will happen if there is a WP upgrade that breaks the theme?

    Also, every time someone bumps a thread, God kills a kitten. Please think of the kittens.

    Bump: To add support to an important issue by bringing it to the front of the discussion forum and reiterating the comments above with no added value.

    Deep integration with WordPress may not have been the intention of the BBpress developers but there is demand for it, and that will only continue to grow as the WordPress userbase grows. The fact that “most” deep integration works – be that intentionally through the efforts of the BBpress team or unintentionally by luck of BBpress’s coding structure – gives the assumption that popular WordPress Plugins that don’t work will in time… PageMash is an example of a bread and butter Plugin for commercial/professional WordPress sites.

    Out of curiosity how many users in this community have been introduced to BBpress through WordPress, I’m sure it would be available through a poll or in the referral logs for this site.

    (I hope you liked my personal definition of bump, I’m a kitten killer)



    “gives the assumption that popular WordPress Plugins that don’t work will in time”

    You know what they say about Assumption…

    …you get a Forum full of people wanting things that don’t exist! :D

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