Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Important update for bbpress seo tools
locate in the plugin file the function
function create_seo_meta_txt($content) {
$raw = str_replace(PHP_EOL, ' ', strip_tags($content));
$raw = str_replace(' ', ' ', $raw);
$snippet = substring_words($raw, 120, '');
return htmlentities($snippet, ENT_QUOTES);
}and replace “htmlentities” with “wp_specialchars”.
Let me know if this works for you. This plugin is a little quick and dirty for these functions
The seo plugin for wordpress has for internationalization huge blocks of code
In reply to: PHP Help (Compressing code)You don’t need to use all the php tags and how do you test if the image exists?
In reply to: Hiding Sub-ForumsIn reply to: Hide subforums on homepageI do it with a similar function:
In reply to: Important update for bbpress seo toolswhich encoding do you use utf-8?
and please send me your URL
In reply to: Coverter from WP-Forum to bbpressdidn’t know that there is also a wordpress forum, is this a WP plugin?
In reply to: What are the future plans for BBpress?There are some discussions about the future of bbpress, check the blog on this website
In reply to: Important update for bbpress seo toolsThe new version is fine, it’s just the old version if you update you’re fine
In reply to: Custom User Profile Fields?search the forum, there are several threads about how-to add extra profile fields
In reply to: User status updates Facebook styleLooks great but actually I have no idea on how to set a status update on my facebook page. I checked the help, but I can’t find the spots they mention.
do you have a screenshot?
In reply to: Hide subforums on homepagesearch the forum, there are several post about this question
In reply to: User registration password mails not sendingI use the smtp mailer plugin since a few days and works much better now (even for members where the mail never reached the mailbox)
In reply to: Where do I control how the forum list looks likeThe tags are created inside the templates files, the style sheet might use some more “advanced” classes and attributes
There are more ways to style html, not just simple pseudo classes
In reply to: Request: Image upload with free image hostingis this postimage site only here that slow?
what are popular free images hosting sites especially for forums?
which of them provides an API for the upload?
How about Flickr?
In reply to: Wrapping the text in the forum tableyou need to tweak the table width inside the style sheet, check my forum, I do the same…
In reply to: Invalid email address…if the email address/domain tested against the DNS? that might be a problem for users on a windows host
In reply to: Registration – PasswordThe registration works like for wordpress, the user can change the password afterwards.
If you change this function bbpress will not work with wordpress
In reply to: phpbb vs bbpress which is faster?I think you can’t compare both forums, bbpress is still in an early stadium.
bbpress is very cool because it’s very easy to combine bbpress with wordpress (and buddypress)
EDIT: and bbpress is more spamproof (at least for me)
In reply to: I have A Plug in QuestionI don’t think that you need a big plugin to do that, you have with each link this information:
“You last replied: 6 days ago”
Check the profile theme file (and others) I’m almost sure there is a way to get this last topic reply number for a specific user.
right no session at all
@rareexample, just use the cookies created by bbpress (using firefox it’s easy to discover the cookies)
In reply to: A plugin, which changes header or footerThis is something you should change in your templates, plugins are used for different more dynamic tasks.
check the header and footer files from your template
In reply to: How to: allow headings in postGreat, thanks for sharing this resource!
In reply to: plugin and limited memory bbpressI guess it’s just an error from your webhost or you need a better webhost
In reply to: Question about security one plugyou don’t need that plugin anymore, ver. 1.02 is already using phpmailer
In reply to: Error 500check the .htaccess file and be sure that your server support mod_rewrite