Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Reliable bbPress Hosting?
Best wordpress hosting I have ever seen:
must be good for bbpress too
I have plans to write a plugin to do this, check my website frequently
In reply to: Pretty-URLSI’m sure they will offer a similar system as in WP in a future version
In reply to: Forum-Wide RSS -Feed for topicshow about the feed on the forums main page?
In reply to: Custom text for password mail message (redux)Hi,
I was looking into that feature as well, but it’s not somthing you can fix with a plugin.
You need to wait until one of the next versions
In reply to: BB Seo Tools BugsHi,
check the information here:
In reply to: Help with css layoutI think the title is embedded inside the table, you need to “isolate” that header element
In reply to: Digg/Slashdot style moderationyou mean a like/dislike feature?
In reply to: When bbpress 1.0.3?I hear only wordpress integration and buddypress etc.
I use bbpress as standalone because it’s fast and easy to modify (just like WP)
Why should I use a forum together with a blog? both applications are very similar.
make bbpress better with features like merging topics or other forum typical functions
In reply to: Country displayThere is no plugin, but check the free geoip script from maxmind, I’m sure you can use that script to create your own function
In reply to: When bbpress 1.0.3?The bbpress forum is more active than a year ago, so I think it’s time for a clear word about the future of bbpress.
In reply to: BBPress:Syntax Hiliter plugin and a bad replacementThis one has a few tiny issues but should do the job:
In reply to: Im a new in forums and i need advice.It’s very easy to use your sites template with bbpress
In reply to: Forums excerpt and description?Maybe you can shorten the desription using this custom php function?
if (!function_exists('substring_words')) {
function substring_words($str, $txt_len, $prefix = ' [...]') {
$words = explode(' ', $str);
$count = 0;
$new_str = '';
$abbr = '';
foreach ($words as $val) {
if ($count < $txt_len) {
$new_str .= $val.' ';
$count = $count + strlen($val);
$new_str = rtrim($new_str, ' ,.;:');
$new_str .= (strlen($str) > $txt_len) ? $prefix : '';
return $new_str;
}In reply to: Facebook Connect for bbPress?check the plugin section and the forum there is some plugin to register by openID
In reply to: Theme: Semi-Minimal Released (v.1.0)Nice design, I’m wondering why people using a sidebar for forum, the page looks fine for the first post and than the page became very small
In reply to: Feedback: BBpress Lite & BBpressI used the 0.9 branch until version 1.02 got released. While there are not so much reasons to upgrade from 0.9 to 1.02, people should always use latest versions. Why should I start with an older version?
makes no sense…
In reply to: Paginationit must be
.page-numbers .current {font-weight:bold;}
otherwise “current” becomes and element and not a pseudo class
bbpress is a forum software, the other links are custom and part of the bbpress website (or is your question related to promoting your own website?)
In reply to: Mail me after postwhich browser are you using ?
yes that are the same plugins, but I’m too lazy to maintain plugins on the bbpress server
In reply to: Limit page views for guestsLimit page views for guests
there is no plugin, but it’s easy to create (this is just an example not a full working snippet)
If your visitors are from the same network you might have problems with this.
$ipkey = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
if ($_SESSION[$ipkey] >= 10) {
header("Location: /register.php");
}check also the function on my own forum.
In reply to: line breaksyou’re talking about line breaks while posting to the forum?
I’m sure that bbpress removes double linebreaks, just like WP
In reply to: Plugin Request: GarageI don’t think that “only” some plugins will do the job, this looks to me like a custom version for bbpress. Actually it looks like a market place…
What is your budget for this job?
In reply to: Mail me after postI wrote this plugin called moderator notification:
In reply to: How to show latest 5 discussions under each formHi,
I don’t think that there is a standard function for that, do you tried some custom code?
since version 1.0 it’s possible to have custom functions in the template functions.php file. Just like in wordpress.