dozza (@dozza)

Forum Replies Created

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  • dozza


    @robin-w Thanks for your feedback, insight and testing on my behalf.

    I’ve used the troubleshooter to run the site using 2022 theme and only bbpress. Still won’t allow me to add the user to the forum.

    Also the username has the initial of firstname and lastname capitalised so it is more accurately of the format ‘Firstname. Secondname’ – i note that in the ‘all forums’ screen, the moderators columns are all displayed lowercase. So i tried adding the username in the format ‘firstname. secondname’ but to no avail.

    To further narrow down the issue I successfully created a new member/user on the site with the actual username ‘Firstname. Secondname’. After upgrading their Forum role to moderator, i attempted to added them as a moderator to a forum. So i added ‘Firstname. Secondname’ (without inverted commas) into the Forum Moderators field and hit update. This then left the field with ‘firstname-lastname’ in place. So when adding the moderator it swaps the ‘dot space’ to a hyphen and makes all characters lowercase.

    With this new discovery, I tried adding the original problem username back as a forum moderator, all lowercase with the ‘dot space’ replaced with a hyphen.

    But it didn’t accept it.

    So I’m confused now as to why it works with one new user in the same format as the old user (which doesn’t work)?

    See the above testing in action here

    With the new knowledge, I finally retried adding the troublesome username in lowercase with hyphen whilst in a similar troubleshooting set-up but again it didn’t accept it.

    Any further thoughts?



    @robin-w Glad it worked for you too.



    Also, if you are hosted at Siteground, it seems the SG Optimizer plugin CSS optimise settings create conflicts with default Divi Performance options. I had to also disable the Dynamic CSS option under Divi > Theme Options > Performance before I was able to fix the issue completely.



    I was experiencing exactly the same or very similar on Divi site running bbPress and Memberpress.

    I wans’t sure where the issue lay, but it turned out it was with Divi’s Static CSS generation option. ElegantThemes helped me track it down: Divi > Theme options > Builder > Advanced > Static CSS File Generation > Clear.

    Clear the static Css file then purge all browser and server-side caching and the acoount profile pages should look as expected now.

    You can then pad out the forum profile pages content a little with something like this:
    `/* bbPress Account profile pages padding */
    padding: 50px 68px;



    I need these pages to display correct as I’m going to start membership with all users being subscribed to all forums. Then I’m adding bbPNNS Memberpress bridge so they can manage forum/topic subs themselves afterwards.



    Ive hit save at > Permalinks on both live and staging to no effect. I’ve also tested the staging site using 2022 and 2023 default themes and both times at /forums/ (my main forum index page) i get completely blank screen but rest of site is as expected.



    You mean simply hit save? No reset button….



    Good question – should have clarified that. Yes, it occurs on live site too but only just noticed! Its when you select ‘forum profile’ tab after selecting …/account/

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