Daniel Lemes (@daniel_iceman)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @daniel_iceman


    Edit: sorry, i’ve noticed my mistake since use the title was what Rackmire wanted. I need the inverse: use the parent forum title as class. I’m using a custom page template (forum.php).



    Sorry, this functions seems to return the topic title, not the forum title. I have ‘googled’ around and got this:

    $forum_object = get_queried_object();
    $forum_id = $forum_object->forum_id; // get the forum id, is it right?
    $forum_title = get_forum_name( $topic->forum_id ); // get forum title by id
    $forum_class = sanitize_title_with_dashes($forum_title); //sanitize

    Not working since get_forum_name doesn’t work outside bbpress (inside WordPress header). Any other idea on how get the forum title (not the topic) and use as body class on WordPress? Thank you.



    Anywhere in your theme (i put on a custom page template), use this:

    $wp_roles = new WP_Roles();

    …where “bbp_role” can be “bbp_keymaster”, “bbp_participant”, etc. This worked for me.




    At least i found how to remove this annoying roles.

    Anywhere in your theme (i put on a custom page template), use this:

    $wp_roles = new WP_Roles();

    It was the only way to remove bbp_keymaster and bbp_participant roles that keep appearing even after uninstall bbPress.



    To get register date i’m using:

    echo 'Member since: '.date("Y/m/d", strtotime(get_userdata(bbp_get_reply_author_id())->user_registered));

    Still working to show post count, soon i’ll get it 😉



    If there is anybody interested, i had the same problem with Origin. To solve, i edited the file breadcrumb-trail.php (bad idea, but i’m not using a child theme but a completely modified version of Origin). So, on line 450, we had before:

    /* Get the queried forum ID and its parent forum ID. */
    $forum_id = get_queried_object_id();
    $forum_parent_id = bbp_get_forum_parent( $forum_id );

    And now, working fine (exactly as John said here):

    /* Get the queried forum ID and its parent forum ID.  */
    $forum_id = get_queried_object_id();
    $forum_parent_id = bbp_get_forum_parent_id( $forum_id );

    Hope it helps.

    In reply to: Blank forum list



    Sorry, php devoured, cleaning:

    `… get_template_part( ‘menu’, ‘primary’ ); // Loads the menu-primary.php template.
    /** STOPS HERE **/
    do_atomic( ‘header’ ); // origin_header
    do_atomic( ‘close_header’ ); // origin_close_header …`



    Easy: create a new page, name it anything and paste the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] on it.

    I did the same and it works, but there is a problem: the link to forum “main page” on breadcrumbs still pointing the blank “original” one. I noticed that you’re using Oxygen theme from AlienWP; i’m using Origin (same developer) and have the same problem. Unfortunately they don’t give support for these free themes (except we buy an Membership for 39 bucks…)



    I have the very same issue and to make it clear: i’m using Origin theme too, and the breadcrumbs on topic page have a link to forums list (works fine) and to forum which those topic belongs (don’t work).

    Even creating a blank page with the shortcode [bbp-topic-index], how to use same slug (WordPress automatically puts a number 2 in the end)?

    Forums list (working fine) http://www.memoriabit.com.br/forums/
    Forum (not working) http://www.memoriabit.com.br/forums/forum/sega-mega-drive-genesis
    Topic (working fine) http://www.memoriabit.com.br/forums/topic/super-monaco-gp/

    Thanks in advance.

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