Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbp-topic-form won’t show up properly on mobile
Sorry I have not replied before we have been on holiday.
Hi Prima Thanks but that does not seen to work, no change
In reply to: Rating of Topics by membersHi Andreas,
I use bbress voting plugin
You can see it in action at
I have it so it will order according to the vote as well.
In reply to: sub topics not showingHi Robin,
Yes the problem is still there, the countries should be listed on the home page under the countries forum, directly under the line of text ” Airports are listed under the country they are in. ”
In reply to: bbp-topic-form won’t show up properly on mobileHi Robin,
I did try that but it made the reply too small.
Before we look more I would like to share what I see on the
Iphone res 640px topic create off screen – reply off screen
HTC res 1080px topic create off screen – reply off screen
Lumia res 768px topic create off Screen – Reply off screen
Galaxy res 240px topic create OK screen – reply off screen
tablets all OKwhat I find really strange is that on ALL the above phones the Header pic, post title and contents all fit OK.
website is
In reply to: sub topics not showingOK I think if you look here you should see old forum code here is new reply to: sub topics not showingI have inspect data from comparing the pre 2.6 and latest version as seen on Chrome
I can see the difference but cannot get to show it here “IMG” does not seem to work so I don’t know how to put a picture here.In reply to: sub topics not showingI have no caching plugin, am I the only one who still has this problem now ?
In reply to: bbp-topic-form won’t show up properly on mobileHi Robin
Forums and topics are fine on all the phones and tablets, it is only the replies on all the phones that is not correct.
In reply to: sub topics not showingHi Robin,
I have just been testing on my development site as the sub forums are a major part. I will change the front page and update now. The website is the countries sub forums should be on the front page under countries.
In reply to: bbp-topic-form won’t show up properly on mobileI have tried to sort this out as well without any luck, I have tried other themes as well, it is the same on bbpress 2.5.14 which I am still using because subforums has not been sorted yet.
In reply to: sub topics not showingHi,
I have just updated to 2.6.2 your just released version and it still does not work.
CliveIn reply to: Help with reply topics headerThank you, I thought it was not working but had a cache problem.
Thanks again
In reply to: Help with reply topics headerThanks again Robin, I know I should put these in my child theme, I just worry that a update will alter the original file and I do not notice it. That sorted out the formatting perfectly.
The change you gave me for the for the mobile replies
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {#bbpress-forums .bbp-reply-author {
display : none ;
takes out all the author info including in the replies, I just want to remove the author title and release the space so my text can move over.Regards
CliveIn reply to: Help with reply topics headerThank you Robin,
I don’t think I made myself clear about the red wording, what you see now with me still using version 2.5.14. your rewrite of the loop-reply.php changed the line <?php _e( ‘Posts’, ‘bbpress’ ); ?> where I added my words and formatting to esc_html_e( ‘Posts’, ‘bbpress’ ); which is where I cannot get the formatting into.
I am still using 2.5.14 because the subforums are still not showing up, on my home page that is all the counties.
I will change the mobile bits later as I am on my way out for coffee !!
In reply to: Notify user when a reply goes into moderationI have seen that users (all guests) do not get any indication what happened to their post (all go to moderation). If it is blocked a message is shown, if it is OK all they get is the form going blank.
this was happening before the update to 2.6.0. I have not updated yet as on my development site I still cannot see sub forums.In reply to: lost forum topicsThat’s Great Thank you
In reply to: lost forum topicsI have just downloaded site and I am running it on desktopserver, I get the same problem when I update it.
I have tried taking out the functions.php and the style.css from my child theme but the sub forums are still missing on the home page.In reply to: replies not showing up in dashboardI tried to do it inside wordpress but with no luck, which is why I went to the post and metapost tables in the database, if you do not have access I am not sure what you can do.
CliveIn reply to: replies not showing up in dashboardHave you checked the database tables for the problem I had in the post above yours, it worked for me
In reply to: DISable trackbacks and pingbacks [on this page]It would seem that pings and trackbacks are still open on posts, is there a way to close them.
In reply to: more than 50 topics on the front pageI put it in the functions.php file in my child theme
In reply to: replies not showing up in dashboardI have found the reason but not sure why it happened, I had 2 published post-type reply for the same post (same information in both contents) one had a post_parent = 0 and the other had a number, I deleted the record without a post_parent, I also deleted the records in the postmeta table with the same post ID. Is there anywhere else I should remove data ?
In reply to: replies not showing up in dashboardIt gets slightly stranger, I created a new reply last night and that shows up but is the only one, If I change the dates to May19 or any other month I see the replies for that month, if I change it to June 19 I don’t see any, not even the one I created last night.
In reply to: _oembed_ good or bad ?sorry, I don’t like to bump but any comments on this please
In reply to: _oembed_ good or bad ?When I said in the post above it has been deleted I meant the corresponding post has been deleted, the entry in postmeta is still there.
I am not convinced that much cleanup happens, I have also notices that if I just go into Appearance / menus it creates draft posts with a post_type nav_menu_item and the following in postmeta
_menu_item_type post_type
_menu_item_menu_item_parent O
_menu_item_object_id S
_menu_item_object page
_menu_item_classes a:1:{i:O;s:O:’”’;}
menu item xfn
menu item un
_menu_item_orphaned 1559640252when do these get deleted ?