chrishajer (@chrishajer)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @chrishajer


    I have WP and bbPress integrated and have no problem logging in as admin in WP then also being admin in bbPress. I have the opposite problem (not really a problem): when I log into bbPress as a normal user, and I try to access wp-admin, it gives me an error about not having sufficient permissions. In wp-admin > users, I edited the permissions for the “normal” bbPress user, and he can act as admin at WP now. Never tried to admin bbPress as that user…

    I think it’s probably something else: I did not require the hack you are suggesting to make this work.

    In bbPress, does it say:

    Welcome, admin! View your profileĀ» (Admin | Logout)

    up top?

    If it does, clicking the Admin link there will take you to the bbPress dashboard. Is that not happening for you?



    Glad you fixed it.

    edit: you’re going to want to look at this thread to fix the freshness -1 years problem on your forum.



    When I go here:

    I get this:

    There doesn't seem to be a config.php file. I need this before we can get started. Open up config-sample.php, fill in your details, and save it as config.php.

    Did you rename config-sample.php to config.php?

    When I try to load config-sample.php directly, I get this error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ':' in /home/virtual/site122/fst/var/www/html/bbpress/config-sample.php on line 53

    Maybe that colon is related to one of the wp_ URL lines (URLs must be quoted.)

    Hang in there: you’re close.



    I wonder if the problem with this line:


    is related to this style syntax and could be fixed in a similar manner (if necessary):



    Update: the above was working, but on the command line, php -l complained:

    parse error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in … that line

    I got this to work:

    <?php _e(' by ') ?><a href="<?php user_profile_link($bb_post->poster_id); ?>"><?php echo get_user_name($bb_post->poster_id); ?></a>

    That’s what was suggested initially: I’ m not sure what I did wrong the first time around, but this is what is working now, with no parse errors. Thanks.



    <?php _e(' by ')?><?php echo bb_get_user($bb_post->poster_id)->user_login ?>

    Returns the user’s name. Perfect. Thanks.



    OK – will try. Thank you for your help.



    bb_get_user($bb_post->poster_id) also did not work (does not error, just shows no output.)


    $bb_post->poster_id does not return anything either.



    That does not work :)

    Here is the code I am using:

    <?php foreach ( $recent as $bb_post ) : ?>

    <li><a href="<?php post_link(); ?>"><?php topic_title($bb_post->topic_id); ?></a><small> <?php _e('Posted') ?> <?php echo date(__('F j, Y, h:i A'), bb_get_post_time()); ?><?php _e(' by ')?><?php get_user_name($bb_post->poster_id) ?></small>

    seems like it should work. It doesn’t error out, it’s just blank after the ” by “

    Is there a list of functions, similar to the WP codex, where I could learn about them?




    Ah, I suppose if I actually read the apache auth dialog I would have seen that. Logged in now. Thanks.



    Hi again. It appears the notification includes the name of the member who started the topic, not the last poster? All the notifications I’ve received have listed the member who started the topic.

    I guess “By:” in the notification could mean the thread was started “by” or the reply was “by” – that part is ambiguous. Was this supposed to send the name of the last person who posted?

    Seems like this will send the name of the member who started the topic:


    Is there a way to see who the last comment was posted by to see if it’s worth logging on to see the comment?



    I may have downloaded the wrong version. This is from the file notification_all.php

    * Plugin URI:

    * Version: 1.1

    Oops! “notification all” – haha

    I will download the new version now, with the enhancement on the last poster’s name. Thanks a bunch. Merry Christmas.



    Enhancement request: could the notification include the name of the member who made the post?


    There is a new post on: POSTTITLE





    Host comes up for me and has for the past couple days, since people started posting about trouble. I have been able to get there fine.



    No problem – glad it worked for you. If it makes your topics closed to replies, let me know, since I will have the same problem.



    I was able to edit that file and the option is removed when creating a new topic, and old threads will still accept replies.

    Here is the change I made:

    Remove lines 22 through 28:

    <?php if ( is_tag() || is_front() ) : ?>

    <label for="forum_id"><?php _e('Pick a section:'); ?>

    <?php forum_dropdown(); ?>


    <?php endif; ?>

    and insert:

    <input type="hidden" name="forum_id" id="forum_id" value="1" />

    so that it looks like this:

    <?php endif; ?>

    <input type="hidden" name="forum_id" id="forum_id" value="1" />

    <p class="submit">

    That assumes your forum_id is 1. You can check the HTML source of your rendered page to verify the forum_id.

    Making those changes worked for me. The drop down for selecting a forum to move a topic is still available for admin.



    Update: admin is receiving notifications of new posts on this topic even though it is not marked as a favorite.

    Does admin get a notification of all new posts and threads by default and that’s just how it works? Haven’t tried adding a favorite as a normal user to see how it looks to them.




    Hi, I installed this plugin and I thought it was working properly, but someone started a new topic today, and admin was emailed a notification of a new post. It is not one of my favorites. (obviously, since it was new.) Are notifications of new threads automatically emailed to admin? I did not try this as a normal user, so I don’t know if anyone else is seeing this.

    I checked my favorites and this new thread is not automatically added there. I just received the notification email. No additional posts have been made on that thread, so I don’t know if I will continue receiving notifications of new posts on the thread or not.




    Simple, perfect, exactly as promised. Thank you. I was thinking about doing this.

    In reply to: IE Display Problem



    Also, while looking at this, overflow-x in the style.css is not valid. It’s an IE specific extension. I moved that line overflow-x: hidden; from #front-page #hottags in the style.css to an IE conditional in header.php like this:

    <!--[if IE 6]>

    <style type="text/css">

    #front-page #hottags { overflow-x: hidden; }



    That code was placed right after this:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bb_stylesheet_uri( 'rtl' ); ?>" type="text/css" />

    <?php endif; ?>

    CSS validates now, and everything appears to still work for IE and FF.

    In reply to: IE Display Problem



    Yes, that fixed it here too. Thank you.

    In reply to: IE Display Problem



    I think I found why mine is different. in bb-templates/header.php, the body tag looks like this when installed:

    <body id="<?php bb_location(); ?>">

    I modified mine at some point to add some javascript onload stuff, and when I removed that, I removed the id tag altogether (inadvertently.)

    so, my body tag now is just <body> and all my pages look the same (index.php, forum.php, etc.)

    I think that was a side effect of playing with the header template, but the tags are across the top instead of down the left side. When I reinsert that bb_location, my display is messed up in IE6 too. Now, to just clear that div and make it work in IE. Then I can put that back to normal. I guess the answer to my question then is that the hot tags are supposed to be down the left side in a 150px wide div.

    In reply to: IE Display Problem



    I fixed this inadvertently but I am trying to figure out how. On the front page of my forum, I have “Hot Tags” across the top and the “Latest Discussions” beneath, and both are the same width (760px I think.) The CSS is div #wrapper div #main div #hottags p .frontpageheatmap.


    I could have sworn when I first installed bbPress the tags were on the left in a 150px wide div #hottags.

    Are the hot tags supposed to be on the left in a 150px wide div, or above the latest discussions? Are the hot tags and heatmap supposed to be different things on different pages?

    The reason I bring this up is that mine displays fine in IE and FF with the frontpageheatmap all the way across, but maybe I am missing the hottags? If I can figure out what is different about mine, maybe that will help clear the div issue on topiQ’s site. In IE, that hottags div is pushing everything else down the page.



    That’s almost certainly due to a PHP error, and errors are not being shown in the browser on your host. I suspect something in config.php is amiss. Can you post the config.php, or look for these common errors:

    • strings must be quoted (like your akismet key if you entered one)
    • your domain name, home and siteurl must all be quoted (due to slashes and colon)
    • possible problem with the table prefix for bb or wp?

    If you have a command line at your host, you can also check the syntax of the config.php file by running:

    php -l config.php

    No syntax errors detected in config.php

    that’s a lowercase L after the php

    Post your config (edit out the good stuff) if you need more help.



    In the posts tab of the admin section, I think only deleted posts show up (that is my experience and I have 171 posts in 21 categories. ) If you want to view/edit/delete/’mark as spam’ the posts, log in as admin and perform your work on the forum, not the admin section. It was confusing to me at first, thinking they would show up the admin section, but there’s nothing I would need to do with them there anyway.

    If fact, looking through bb-admin/content-posts.php, the <h2> tag is hard coded “Deleted Posts”:

    <h2><?php _e('Deleted Posts'); ?></h2>

    So, I think that is the intention: to just show deleted posts.


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