chrishajer (@chrishajer)

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  • @chrishajer


    baptiste said: “The point of using a href is to hide the URL itself and have a clickable phrase. a is listed as an allowed tag and in kses it appears to be allowed. I can’t understand why it’s being stripped out of the post. It should not be”

    Good point. I forgot I can do that with mine and it works fine. I am not using any WordPress integration plugin for mine – just user registrations are integrated. What integration plugins are you using and what does it get you?

    I used the instructions here but stopped short of the cookies. I think all that is ‘integrated’ in mine are user accounts. Maybe I didn’t complete the integration and that’s why mine is acting different than yours.


    (edit: the link to “here” works exactly like you want it to in your install, but it does not. I grok your problem now. )



    Thank you mdawaffe :)



    Sounds like you’re looking for forum categories:



    Sorry for the double post. The first time I posted, I got a 408 Request Timeout error:

    Request Timeout

    This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase ‘Connection Timeout’.



    Mike Baptiste, maybe I don’t understand how the whole thing works, but in my database, they are stored without the href information, in the bbpress_posts table, and the <a href= stuff is added upon display. So checking the see that they are not there in the database might not be a valid check. Mine are stored without the href and they display fine and are clickable.

    Also, when entering a URL in a post, I don’t enter the href or anything else, I just put the URL in there, with a http://, and it becomes clickable automagically when it’s displayed. Without the http://, it appears that sometimes they are not identified as links by bbPress (especially when there is no www. at the beginning.)

    I just registered at your forum, made a post with a link in it, just the URL, and it is clickable. Maybe you’re doing too much work trying to add the <a href=""> </a> stuff? I never tried to know that it doesn’t work. Things that look like URLs are made clickable by bbPress.

    In reply to: redirection error



    DonHarry – what was the debug information? Maybe someone else can help? I see your server is Apache 2.2.3 and the PHP version is 5.2.0. I don’t think any of the earlier solutions will apply, especially if you are using the latest 0.75 version.

    Maybe you can post your config.php with the tasty portions replaced with xxx (be careful not to change any quotations, slashes or semicolons). Maybe you have a problem there.

    In reply to: Display name plugin



    You need to create the my-plugins folder. Similarly, if you want to change any of your templates, rather than modifying the ones in bb-templates, create a my-templates directory and copy the file over that you want to modify, then make modifications there.

    The my-* folders override the bb-* folders every time.

    Good luck.

    In reply to: redirection error



    What version is installed? This problem has come up a couple times before, and I thought it was fixed in the latest .75 version, at least.

    If you’re not using .75, I would start there. Here are some forum posts that dealt with the redirect issue before .75 came out:



    Is the plugin viewer different than the “Extend” menu item on this site? That has an RSS feed:

    bbPress plugin browser: Recent Plugins

    Maybe this is different than what you’re asking for.



    Yeah, the alt tag missing is not causing the problem. That was a lot of the errors. Ignoring those errors, there are still others. Two <body> tags was interesting…



    baptiste: can you post a URL where we can see an example of the problem?



    actorjiml: there is a lot of stuff going on with that page making it not XHTML compliant. Check here for your site:

    I can’t select any of the discussion text on the page either, like something is preventing it. The source looks fine (other than the errors) and I would guess that whatever is making the text non-selectable is also making the links not work.

    Once you are outside the discussion (like the RSS feed link at the bottom, and the Register Link up top) the links work fine. So maybe a misbehaving plugin or template modification is causing the problem with the discussion text.

    One other thing: if you disable the CSS, the links work fine.



    I was wondering how you were going to do this one Trent. <strike> is not valid XHTML is it? Although it still renders properly, at least in FF I think you need to do something like this now:

    .strike {

    text-decoration: line-through;


    or inline (bad, bad)

    style="text-decoration: line-through"

    Also, I can’t remember if the <del> tag is XHTML compliant or not. Maybe you could just change the strike to del and call it a day?



    Sam, thanks for giving us a different direction. I forgot all about the database collation. This post in particular, and the thread too, had some good information about this:



    waiting ….




    Thanks for the confirmation Trent. I was just guessing.



    From the source of install.php:

    // Let's check to make sure bb isn't already installed.


    if ( $installed )


    die(__('<h1>Already Installed</h1><p>You appear to have already installed bbPress. Perhaps you meant to run the upgrade scripts instead? To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.</p>') . '</body></html>');

    I think it would just work by browsing to your forum in that case.



    I am fairly certain the bb-admin/install.php checks for a previous installation. So, download the new files, copy config-sample.php over to config.php and run bb-admin/install.php. If it notices you’ve already installed, it should give you a warning that it’s already installed, and that maybe you meant to run the upgrade script. The upgrade is only useful for old installations, I think, so ignore that.

    The other option is that you would just download the files and put them in the same place (replacing everything you deleted). Edit the config.php (copy config-sample.php over to config.php and edit that) and try browsing the forum. Do not run the installer. If the database tables are still there, I think this will work.

    Hopefully the version you installed is still available for download (was yours 0.75?)

    Of course, this is all just a guess. Can’t hurt to try though.





    Can you put this before the DOCTYPE in the forum header:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    Since it’s xhtml, not xhtml transitional like the blog, maybe that will do the trick?

    edit: on my server this resulted in a parse error, maybe because the <? is being interpreted as php? This might not be a good idea :D



    Sorry I don’t have any better info for you. Never dealt with UTF-8 encoding before. How about this?

    And, it appears the charset is independent of the browser (from the command line):

    me:~ > curl -I

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 17:03:01 GMT

    Server: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)

    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.9

    Connection: close

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

    me:~ > curl -I

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 17:03:10 GMT

    Server: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)

    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.9


    Connection: close

    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    Now I’m intrigued.





    Maybe this thread will help?

    Your example works for me on XP with Firefox

    In reply to: IE Display Problem



    I think this should be a new topic, but I think what you are looking for are two plugins:

    Avatar plugin (for the profile)

    Allow images plugin (for the posts)

    Maybe a mod can move these two posts to a new topic?



    What browser are you using that gives you this problem?

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