chrishajer (@chrishajer)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @chrishajer


    AndrewMac, did you try the test in this post:

    That will confirm if you can send mail from your server. It’s odd that WordPress works but bbPress does not. Is it possible the $bb->admin_email needs to be a real email address for the mails to be sent by your host? Is that a real email account?

    Also, are there any mail logs or error logs? Maybe that would provide a clue.



    We should probably start a new thread to talk about themes, but there is a nice showcase here:

    And searching the forum tag “theme” or “themes” turns up a lot (in addition to theme problems.) Now, good and simple are subjective, but these are as simple as they come:

    In reply to: Can’t login



    Maybe there are problems with the mod_rewrite rules with your forum? If this line is set to true, or slugs, try setting it to false in your config.php

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    As for the other sites, I have no clue. Let’s fix your site.



    Good to know that still works.



    I thought I heard the replies in the URL was for RSS?

    If you want to get rid of it, maybe this still works?



    I just checked an example on my forum for comparison.

    When I am logged in (not using permalinks at all):

    When I am logged out:

    Both work, neither is broken, they’re just different.

    I checked it in this forum too (using slugs?)

    Logged in:

    Logged out:



    Doesn’t every template/theme header call bb_head();? So then you could write a plugin that calls something like add_action('bb_head', 'blah_maintenance_mode'); right? I think the header supplied should be a 503 header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');

    One of these days I’ll learn how to write a plugin :D

    In reply to: Forum WIthin WordPress



    I think you might be better off with a WordPress plugin then, if you really want them always in WordPress.

    In reply to: How Do I Do This?



    I hope so – now go get some members!

    Where you going to fix the ids to make them unique for each city table?



    I hope so. I typically use .htaccess to change the DirectoryIndex if I’m working on the forum, but that doesn’t prevent anyone from accessing the site from search engines or bookmarks with direct URLs. It just prevents access from the home page. It would be better to have a maintenance mode.



    At the bottom of the post, when you’re logged in as keymaster, there is a link to “[Stick topic (to front)]” where “Stick topic” is one link, and “to front” is another. Just click one of those and your post becomes sticky and stays on top.

    Glad you resolved it.



    It still looks like it’s using pretty permalinks, according to the links I found on your forum which don’t work. Are you sure you edited and saved the correct file, config.php in your /foro directory?

    Here are some links that don’t work:

    Normal links don’t look like that, just pretty permalinks.

    In reply to: How Do I Do This?



    table ids, yes, the code from livibetter would need a tiny modification to create unique ids for each table. :)

    And for the anchoring, do you mean something like a list up top on the page, then each of those link further down the page to a named anchor? Like this?

    (click a for sale or for rent category and it just scrolls down the page a little bit to the proper table)



    In your config.php, make sure your “mod_rewrite” line says false:

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    Permalinks are not supported on your host, at least not right now. Change that line to false (maybe you have slugs or true there now?) and it should work fine.

    If things work like that, you can figure out the proper mod_rewrite rules for your .htaccess file.

    BTW – those are not real folders, they’re just URLs created by bbPress that look like folders. They won’t be in the filesystem.



    There is a plugin for WordPress but I haven’t seen one for bbPress.


    In reply to: How Do I Do This?



    Only 47 posts? Piece of cake.

    I did notice, in Firefox the logo is not entirely clickable. Certain parts of it are, if you hit it just right, but not the whole thing. Odd. In IE7, it’s all clickable.

    Oh, and I probably told you this incorrectly as well (although not intentionally.) The <a href should have a <strong>title attribute, not an alt attribute. The <img should have an alt. So

    <a href="" title="go home"> and

    <img src="" alt="the angry waiter logo" />

    Sorry about that.

    And, to keep your page valid XHTML, you’re going to have to give each forumlist a different ID by appending the name or number of the forum to it. So it would be

    <table id="forumlist-chicago">

    and <table id="forumlist-atlanta">

    or <table id="forumlist-4">

    and<table id="forumlist-11">



    Sounds to me like you edited a file (maybe db-mysqli.php) and have a blank line or a space after the closing ?> in the file. PHP doesn’t like that, so it throws that Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by error. Check any file you modified (db-mysqli.php?) for a blank line or space after the closing ?>

    In reply to: How Do I Do This?



    This needs to be removed. It’s right after the header div in header.php

    <img id="headerlogo"

    That is doing you no good. Actually, my message was a combination of a couple messages. Initially I was going to say give the image an id so you could position it, then I said to just style it with #header img – in any case, you need to remove the above since it’s not valid and is causing weird things.

    And you must be working on it since there is no border.

    In reply to: How Do I Do This?



    In header.php, in the header div (where the login_form() is) put this:

    <img id=”headerlogo” src=”; alt=”The Angry Waiter” />

    Right now though, the image is taller than the header div (the header is 106px, the image is 131px, I think.)

    So, to make it all work, you’ll need to make the header div taller, or the image less tall. Then you’ll need to apply some styling to the image you just placed in the header. Something like this:

    #header img {
    whatever: here;

    That just gets the image into the header. Then you need to wrap an <a href="" alt="go home"></a> around that image tag you just added, to link the image to the destination.

    In reply to: How Do I Do This?



    Integration doesn’t matter at all if you’re just linking one to the other, they’re just simple html links. You can link anything to anywhere, no integration required.

    Not sure what you mean about “on top of” – the new logo is a background image over to the bottom/right of the header div. The problem with making it a background image, rather than just an image in your code, is that to make it clickable back to the main site, you’d have to make the whole header a link back to the main site. If you look at the source for the page, you’ll see there is no img tag for awforumlogo2.jpg that you can wrap in an <a href=" tag to link back to the main site. I don’t think you want that image as a background image for the header if you’re going to make a link out of it.

    I would remove the background image from your style.css and put the img tag in header.php somewhere in the <div id="header"> section (around line 34 in a stock installation).

    Once you have an image in header.php, you can work on positioning it where you want it and linking it to what you want as well. Then you can figure out where you want your forum title as well.

    In reply to:



    I kinda like it. The colors aren’t my bag, but neither is glam rock :)

    I would add some padding to the bottom, to get the black on the blog or the white in the forum to extent below the bottom of the content a little bit, to “frame” it.

    I think the padding would be added to the #main div on the forum. In the blog, I’m not sure since it’s a table layout.

    Otherwise looks like a nice forum, lots of activity. Nice job.

    In reply to: Username wrap?



    On the template for this site, it’s a problem. With the stock kakumei theme, it’s not. You can do whatever you want with your template, making that div wider maybe, or you can just change the styling of the .threadauthor and choosing a smaller font size or something.

    It’s all possible with CSS, no major modifications required. Just modify style.css in your current template.

    In this template, the content is ridiculously narrow, I think. Make the whole thing wider and there is much more room for stuff.

    In reply to: How Do I Do This?



    Just grab the links to the individual forum pages then, and insert them into a WordPress page. You’ll have to maintain it manually, so if you add a new city you would need to add a new link to that WordPress page. I imagine there is probably a way with integration to use the bbPress functions in a WordPress page but I think that’s more work than it’s worth, especially if your list of cities is pretty much set.

    Your WordPress page would be titled “Forum” then, and in that page would be the links to the individual forums. Then you might not even need front-page.php since you’d be navigating directly to the parent forums for each city. I think you would probably leave it there so if anyone navigated in the breadcrumbs to the next level ‘up’ they would still get a list of all cities, either links to the parents, or the way you had it set up initially with the long front page.

    In reply to: How Do I Do This?



    When I last looked at your site (just now) there was no header logo so I could not see about that. Can you draw out where you are thinking of putting the buttons and stuff? I can’t picture what you mean.

    So, where is the logo, where is the login and register stuff and where is the link to home and the forum?

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