Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Stop Email Notification
As just received from @sergey, you could also set this filter:
add_filter( ‘bbp_is_subscriptions_active’, ‘__return_false’ );Or just: Settings → Forums → Forum Features → Subscriptions; uncheck “Allow users to subscribe to forums and topics”. That should stop all communication directly.
In reply to: Stop Email NotificationThis is bbPress, for BuddyPress you could check the BuddyPress forums 🙂
Below just a quick idea to stop ALL email to subscribers, but UNTESTED:
function casiepa_fltr_get_forum_subscribers( $user_ids ) { return array(); }; // add the filter add_filter( 'bbp_forum_subscription_user_ids', 'casiepa_fltr_get_forum_subscribers', 10, 1 );
In reply to: bbPress Unsubscribe when no longer Participant Role@juliemarie99
If it can help, I have a slightly older plugin ‘bbP Manage Subscriptions’ where you can as admin manually (un)subscribe users.
But it’s manual, one after the other, so I hope you don’t have too many to unsubscribe (bulk actions is on my list, but no time at present to implement)In reply to: bbpress is not compatible with any SEO pluginI have just installed bbPress 2.5.12 and Yoast SEO 4.4 on a completely new WP 4.7.3. I have found the noindex the very first time on the standard /forums page, but after the following steps it seems I do get SEO info and I can fill keywords at forum level in /wp-admin.
- Install bbPress and activate
- Install Yoast SEO and activate
- In /wp-admin/options-reading.php make sure NOT to have the ‘Search Engine Visibility’ ticked
- Run the Yoast SEO configuration wizard from /wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpseo_dashboard#top#general and make sure to mark forums as ‘Visible’.
So at least Yoast SEO works.
If somebody else can do further testing, that would be great.
In reply to: Stop Email NotificationSome extra info would be needed:
– I understand that you want an option to centrally activate like ‘Do not send out email’. Let me have a quick look at that.
– But what do you mean with ‘keep notifications in the forum’ ?Pascal.
In reply to: Hiding CommentsUnfortunately that is not possible in bbPress and to be honest I have not seen any plugin doing that so far. There are some discussions ongoing concerning bumping and sinking where replies could go higher or lower in the list, but that discussion is still ongoing and not so easy to implement.
If you want to program yourself, I would think about adding the ID of the replies you are hiding to the meta of a user, or adding the ID of the user as a meta of the reply and then based on that display the reply or not.
In reply to: Send email to users blockedI have added it for now into my ‘bbP Toolkit’ plugin (v1.0.8) while waiting for to be implemented.
In reply to: Forum Formatting/Title Field DisabledThis is not a plugin issue, but a theme issue. Please try to change theme.
Pascal.In reply to: Hiding CommentsHi,
Could you give some extra info ? What do you mean by ‘hiding replies’ ?
Pascal.In reply to: anonymous usersYou would somewhere have to create a WordPress user, get the ID and change the post_author of all ‘topic’ and ‘reply’ in the DB to this ID.
I did a quick search but did not find a plugin for that…
In reply to: Is there an API for bbPressHi,
Plugin is on but let me see to copy the code to GitHub this weekend.
@jpvanmuijen on 2 of my forums it seems to give stats, but we should have that discussion at the support forum for bbp-api 🙂
For specific questions when using that plugin, it might be better to ask on the dedicated forum:,
Can I take one step back?
If a user needs to receive an email when a new topic gets created in a forum, (s)he can just subscribe to the forum and bbPress will do the rest. You don’t need any extra plugins for that.
Pascal.In reply to: Storing documentsFor uploading files, the 3 products I know of are ‘GD bbpress Attachments’, ‘Image Upload for BBPress’ and ‘bbPress Multi Image Uploader’. Have a look if it would fit your needs.
If you use BuddyPress as well, then there is also ‘BuddyPress Forum Editor’.
In reply to: Is there an API for bbPressOkay, I have put my first version on
Please help me test it (replies should be added in the next days).
For all further questions/remarks concerning this plugin, please use the support forum of the plugin.
Pascal.In reply to: Edit my old posts on THIS forumIf you give me the sitename to remove and the topic links where I can find them, I can do it.
Pascal.In reply to: Specific Moderator per forum?@lbonini
It has been added to 2.6 already, so we are close to release !
Pascal.In reply to: Manually delete postsHi,
You are referring to ‘posts’, so maybe you mean standard WordPress blog posts ? In that case you better ask the question on you mean bbPress ‘Topics’ or ‘Replies’, then your admin panel should only show you some topics or replies at a time, so you should be able to see them under the corresponding headers in your menu and delete them.
Topics and Replies are stored in the database as standard posts, so they should be there.
In reply to: bbp sytle packHi,
If you need support for a specific plugin, please post your question on the support forum of the plugin ( in this case).
Pascal.In reply to: Allow Participants to Trash / own Topics and PostsHi Sally,
As you might have seen, we have moved away from the alpha version and even Beta 1 is replaced with Beta 2. So if really no major issues are found, I suspect (no, I hope!) to see 2.6 in a couple of weeks !
Pascal.In reply to: Save data from website – accepting terms, etc.Hi,
This forum is for bbPress. You question seems to be related to WordPress and BuddyPress, so I think the places would be or
Pascal.In reply to: Issue with reply threadingHi,
If replies do work correctly on one page but not on another, I indeed suspect your theme to do strange things. Can I propose to ask it on the support page of the theme ?
Pascal.In reply to: How to remove the “|” separatorIn reply to: Multiple NotificationsHi,
If you are only talking about notifications for new topics into the forum (so not for new replies to a topic), then there is no need to give anybody the keymaster role ! People can just subscribe to a forum and will automatically get a notification when a new topic is created.If you are admin of the site, feel free to check a tool I have created about 2 years ago called ‘bbP Manage Subscriptions’ where you can see and adapt who is subscribed to what. The tool will be improved with some bulk options, but if you don’t have hundreds of users, it might help to manually click and give or remove subscription.
In reply to: How to display only firstnameHi @renaisens,
Feel free to share it so others can find it here too.