bhkh (@bhkh)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @bhkh


    Thanks! I’m sure your answer will help others, though.

    And if you don’t know of another solution, I’m fairly sure one doesn’t exist 🙂




    What I’m looking for is only notifications when people make a reply to someone’s own reply. Not all replies in general. This forum uses nested replies.



    I just realized that being able to set all the posts in a topic to be moderated would also be an acceptable solution. But the two moderation plugins I have found don’t give this functionality.

    These are the two I checked:

    bbPress – Moderation Tools

    bbPress Moderation

    Does anyone know of a plugin that might help from this angle?



    Hmm. The code given in your first reply doesn’t seem to work. Subscribers/Participants still get the error message, “Error: Duplicate reply detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that.”

    I have removed all other php and disabled plugins.





    It seems that for an admin/moderator user this works. But for a regular subscriber/participant it still blocks duplicates.

    I kind of understand what the code is doing but not enough to understand why it’s not working. It doesn’t seem to be saying what role is allowed to bypass. Was I supposed to do something with this:

    the easiest way to do this is to allow participant to ‘throttle’

    I don’t see a setting for that. Could you explain more what I should do to allow participants to throttle?



    That will get you to lots of bits of code which are usually around what you are trying to find

    I’ll give it a go, thanks!

    I heard back and GD bbPress Attachments doesn’t have anything I can hook into, so i will just have to increase the priority number.

    Thanks for your help



    quite a few bbpress additional plugins authors use ‘bbp’ as a prefix to indicate the the class/code is bbpress related.

    Oh, that’s really good to know. Thank you.

    I was able to find the event (is that the proper name for it??) bbp_get_reply_content and that allowed me to filter the reply content but not the attachment area. Then I changed the priority of the filter to 1000 and I was able to achieve my intended outcome. What I don’t know is if this is good coding practice or not. I thought I read somewhere that super high priorities are not a good idea. In any case, I did post to the plugin company’s forum to see if there is a better/more specific event to filter. I’ll report back what I learn.

    But a general bbPress question if I may. How is one supposed to learn about events such as bbp_get_reply_content? I did a search in the bbPress documentation and there are no results. I was only able to find it by discecting the GD bbPress Attachments code. I did come across a site called Is that the best resource?

    I recently spent several hours trying to fix an issue and when I posted all I got back was ‘already fixed elsewhere’

    🙁 that’s a bummer.

    I really appreciate your work supporting the forum and bbPress. Open Source software is nothing without people who dedicate time to support users. Thank you and all who help here.



    Ah, I posted it also to his company forum. Honestly, I forgot I posted there. He didn’t reply there. I have just made a link to your solution. Thanks again!

    Do you know if there is a way to filter the content of replies in the same way as is working for my filter of the_content?



    Thanks again for such a quick reply!

    1. since this relates to bbpress attachments plugin specifically, it would be better to ask there – Milan should be able to help

    So I just now tested putting the code (in this case a link) I’m trying to filter in the body of a reply in addition to having it be in the attachment (hadn’t thought about trying that before) but before I posted I saw <div class="bbp-attachments"> in the page source and so figured that attachments were something in core bbP, not just the GD bbPress Attachments plugin.

    And the result of that test now is that the link in the body of the reply is also not filtered. So I think I’m back to this being a bbP thing and not a GD bbPress Attachments.

    I notice that you also asked about empty replies in that forum as well as this forum where I gave you a fix – it is very frustrating for plugin authors and helpers when they spend time on an issue only to find that the original poster has already fixed it

    I totally get that! At the time, I had no idea what the response rate was going to be. Sometimes communities/companies reply within the hour (as you did, thanks!!) or if they will take weeks. So not being sure which was causing the problem, I did post in both places. Please forgive me. I was surprised that both places replied so quickly.

    It would be polite to do this

    I did! Within minutes of seeing his response. Wasn’t it visible to you? Should I have linked back to the forum as well? I’m happy to, I just thought the code was enough. I totally know the frustration of support posts that end with “Oh, never mind, I fixed it.” and no solution.

    Anyway, since I now know that my filter also doesn’t catch things in the body of the reply either (and I would like it to) are we back to this being a bbP thing? Are there other troubleshooting things I’m missing? I have disabled all other plugins and tried a default theme.




    I don’t know. For sure the second one works for me. Was there a reason the characters were escaped, or whatever that is called? Certianly it’s more human readable just using the < >s.

    Thanks for checking, though.

    In reply to: Allow empty replies



    Thank you so much for such a fast and helpful reply!

    I must hang my head in shame and admit that I had inadvertently hidden the error message. How many times do I have to read “remove all plugins and use default theme” before I remember to do it completely every time.

    The UX for the error message is not great, especially on a smaller laptop screen. The message is hidden below the fold upon refresh. I wonder why there can’t be validation before the submit button is clicked.

    However, you solved the bigger problem of being able to submit a reply with only an attachment. I had thought about a solution like you proposed but had no idea how to do it.

    Thanks again!

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