Forum Replies Created
In reply to: bbpress and wpmu integration
instead ofwp-admin/options-general.php
thats what works in WP
In reply to: Show comments in the bbpress profileAs per me, its not easy as it sounds. You will need place in db to hold those comments like in WP. How about picking the code from WP itself? Post id can be replaced with user id and like..
In reply to: Style Keymaster's postsYeah! I think I got it. Thanks _ck_ !
I will try it and get back if I need more help.
In reply to: list forum name in the sidebarIt may be simple using hard-coded html tags but
code will serve the needs of all those who are looking for that functionality.Michael’s code seems fine (I just don’t get the point of using table, should have been a list).
In reply to: Installing New Forum Software on WordPress 2.8WordPress & bbPress can be made to use the same database with shared user tables. bbPress requires at least MySQL 4.0
In reply to: how can i verify the login ?Use
In reply to: Authentication check on non-WP pageWhy not load the bbPress environment and then call function to check is user is logged in? I have done the same in WP, so I think it might be possible in bbPress very easily too.
For WP
// load the WP environment so that I can call on the WP functions to make sure that user is logged in before accessing members area
require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-load.php' );
if (!is_user_logged_in()) // You can't access the members area without login. Now can you?
}For bbPress, it should be like
// find the name of the function you will needIn reply to: FavIcon not displayingWhat advantage does it have over adding a line in header? I think its better to add a line than call a function.
In reply to: FavIcon not displayingAdd this line in your <head> tag
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />
In reply to: Indicating Posts by AdministratorsThis seems to be interesting. Yes ,that can be done with PHP but for masses, an automatic addition of classes should be great.
In reply to: Which WordPress and bbPress version combination?No issues! Jump ahead and make it happen. Its nothing that can’t be done
In reply to: New deep integration method?For integrating WP 2.7.1 with bbPress 0.9.04 or, you can use this tutorial of mine :
I have integrated several setups using this tutorial.
Let the bbPress 1.0 come out and I will write a tutorial for its integration with WordPress 2.8 too. At the moment WordPress 2.8 can’t be integrated by using the method I wrote.
In reply to: bbPress overwriting a DB valueNow you know who has lost admin access
In reply to: Which WordPress and bbPress version combination?I tried integrating WordPress 2.8 with bbPress today but I found out that it can’t be done as per my tutorial because WP 2.8 has added one more function by which they change how they handle login so “Freshly baked cookies” plugin is broken for WP 2.8 at the moment. I would suggest integrating WP 2.7.1 with bbPress
Apart from new Widgets functionality, theme installing capability and some back-end performance improvement, you won’t miss much
Or you can wait for a few days for bbPress 1.0 which will integrate with WP 2.8 without any pain.
In reply to: bbPress overwriting a DB valueLoss of admin access problem has happened to several people (almost all of them, if I am not wrong).
Have you tried my method of integration? You will end up with what I did. Moreover, I am new to bbPress and learning it slowly. So, I might be doing something that I am not supposed to but I guess I am right. Who knows? Atleast I don’t.
In reply to: Convert WP Super Cache plug-in for bbPress ?Isn’t that too much of a favour? I wish I was that much skilled at the moment, I wouldn’t have cared about my exams next week and would have start working on it right away.
In reply to: Can you only use the LOOP once per page.Its just code that works. Real power is the pluggable nature of bbPress & WordPress which lets you add almost any functionality without bloating the code for mass consumption.
In reply to: Which WordPress and bbPress version combination?I have already tested the integration of WP 2.7.1 and bbPress here :
Although WordPress 2.8 should work fine (theoretically) by following that integration tutorial but I havn’t tried it yet. I will let you know if I face any issue and will update the tutorial.
Hope that helps!
In reply to: bbPress overwriting a DB valueYes! It was pretty weird problem. It didn’t work when I copy pasted the string from my blog post but when I did from console (value from another integrated copy), it did the job.
They were not messed up. When I share tables, the default role of the admin of forums has a subscriber role in capabilities, thats why the admin access is lost. May be we are again going in circles now
In reply to: Convert WP Super Cache plug-in for bbPress ?Why logged in users can’t have cached pages? (This is what I am not able to understand)
In reply to: bbPress overwriting a DB valueOk. But in my case I was using custom table prefixes, so instead of editing the plugin I directly run a sql query
Problem is solved now!
Thanks for your help!
We can see out of the box integration in upcoming releases but that can be done even now although it requires much of manual work.
You can integrate WP + bbPress as per my guide :
and using both the registration page wont be a problem but you can redirect it to one if you want. There was a plugin for it, I guess else it can be done manually too.
In reply to: Nginx Rewrite Rules for Pretty PermalinksI am sure that I am doing something wrong here.
This is the vhost for the domain :
server {
listen 80;
rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent;
server {
listen 80;
access_log /home/public_html/;
error_log /home/public_html/;
location / {
root /home/public_html/;
index index.php index.html;
# Basic version of WordPress parameters, supporting nice permalinks.
# include /usr/local/nginx/conf/wordpress_params.regular;
# Advanced version of WordPress parameters supporting nice permalinks and WP Super Cache plugin
include /usr/local/nginx/conf/wordpress_params.super_cache;
# pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
location ~ .php$ {
fastcgi_index index.php;
include /usr/local/nginx/conf/fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /home/public_html/$fastcgi_script_name;
}I have added the rewrite rules for bbPress in
Now where should I add
include /usr/local/nginx/conf/bbpress_params.regular;
in my vhost file?In reply to: Nginx Rewrite Rules for Pretty PermalinksThanks Sam! I will get back once I have tried them.
In reply to: Convert WP Super Cache plug-in for bbPress ?I didn’t get it. I actually understand that caching for a forum script is not a good idea but I didn’t get anything from your 1st point. Single topics pages can be cached untill a new response comes in. What say? As per me, that will actually help even having some overhead as there is a great difference between the topics answers and views.