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In reply to: Controlling the Number of Latest Discussions
mdawaffe’s plugin isn’t as cool as mine
j/k about mine being cooler, but it may work in a way that you like better
In reply to: Changing what memberlist plugin displays.That sounds fine dude. One of these days I”ll get around to adding in an admin panel for it
I also want to turn the web link into a pic in the next release so that spammers no longer break the size of the table
In reply to: Template: Binary Moon Onvertigo ThemeI like it dude. Looks real good.
In reply to: bb-ratings problem with 0.8just hardcode it. Change BBPLUGINDIR to “/my-plugins”
In reply to: Plugin – Private MessagesPS. oh, on second thought, maybe your tables aren’t created? Open up your mysql and check if _privatemessages is there. If not, you can open bb-privatemessages.php and look at the first function in that file. It gives the layout of the tables.
In reply to: Plugin – Private MessagesLooks like the table is there and you’re running into the WPMU bug that I believe Trent and/or spencer talk about in this thread.
Actually, spencer posted a fix for it here :
Sorry about the bug. I highly suggest upgrading to .80 as soon as that version of bbpress is released. It addresses that issue.
In reply to: Plugin – Private MessagesPS. Or you can install the trac version of bbpress… or just wait for when .80 comes out (I wouldn’t suggest this since it was supposed to come out 2 days ago and, well… here we are)
In reply to: Plugin – Private MessagesSorry man, I updated the plugin 2 days ago to be compatible with the new .80 release of bbpress. You’ll have to get the most recent .73 version. If you can’t figure out how to get it from /plugins, you can go to
In reply to: Changing what memberlist plugin displays.Just ask if you have anymore questions. Feel free to post up code that isn’t working also
There are a few of us who can help you with it.
In reply to: Changing what memberlist plugin displays.Thanks Trent
I just wish I had more time to upgrade the existing plugins and make new ones. At least my 5 are ready for .80
In reply to: Changing what memberlist plugin displays.One day I plan to add options such as these to an admin interface, but for the time being, you just gotta do it by hand.
Of course, the trick to that is pulling out the information. get_profile_info_keys seems like it should pass you back an array of those values and you can just get them out of there, except I haven’t attempted to use that function and since it doesn’t ask for any information about the user you’re interested in, I don’t know how to tell you to get the information from that seemingly useful function.
Which takes us to my personal favorite method: SQL commands. You’d be searching through the table
(mine isbbpress_usermeta
). Setup a SQL call like this:$result = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->usermeta WHERE user_id = $id");
where $id is the id of the person you’re interested in and $result is the object that the person’s data will be loaded into.
Then to access the information, you’d simply call it like this (like, for the example of where the user is from):
You can echo that to have it printed or whatever you want done with that information. A quick glance at the database tells me that you can call this information (and what it means):
“from” = location
“occ” = occupation
“interest” = interests
“bbpress_title” = the title, custom or default
You’d have to make a subroutine in bb-memberlist.php in the my-plugins directory to get $result, then use the information in memberlist.php.
Sorry I can’t do more for you than this, but I used information from the table I had already gotten results from for ease in my current release. I could have added more stuff, but then some people might not have wanted them plus it’s easy to add or subtract from information users put in when they sign up and blah blah blah…. one day I’ll make it nice via the admin panel, but for now, good luck
In reply to: New PostsI do it with css… visited links are normal, unvisited are bold.
One day someone will do the plugin (maybe me, but only if work freakin’ slows down)
In reply to: show search form or link to search.php on home pagesearch_form() is in template-functions.php which is a core file. I just use windows search function to look inside files (you have to make a change in windows to do it) and just looked for probably something like “function search” and it found the code.
Anyhow, copying the code I pasted and putting it wherever you want the search bar to show up should work. Once you get it showing up, it’ll take up most of the screen, so open search_form.php and change the sizes.
In reply to: show search form or link to search.php on home pageLike on my forums?
If so, I just searched through the code for the search form and found the function “search_form()” so I did this:
<h2><?php _e('Search'); ?></h2>
<?php search_form(); ?>
Then you just take “search_form.php” out of your bb-templates folder, drop it in the my-templates folder and change the sizes to whatever you want.
In reply to: What do you do for a living?I am a technician for Audio, Video, and Control equipment. The only programming I do at work is control programming, but it’s not like php and stuff. I got into bbpress plugins because I wanted to brush up on php skills and learn SQL… plus it’s fun (and doesn’t look bad on a resume).
In reply to: Session CookiesI’m not sure, but looking at the pluggable code, you might be able to drop this into your my-plugins directory and it work without changing core files:
function bb_cookie( $name, $value, $expires = 0 ) {
global $bb;
if ( !$expires )
$expires = time() + 604800;
if ( isset( $bb->cookiedomain ) )
setcookie( $name, $value, $expires, $bb->cookiepath, $bb->cookiedomain );
setcookie( $name, $value, $expires, $bb->cookiepath );
Then make the same change you made last time (changing 604800 to 0 or something, whatever you did)
In reply to: query/php problemYeah, I’m with chris on this one. SQL can’t determine what page you’re on. It can only get stuff from the DB. You’ll need to use php to figure out when to get the information from the db.
In reply to: Looking for the right hookI don’t think you want a hook, you want
In reply to: Cannot login, Hide forumThat’s for bbpress .74 and up
In reply to: Plugin: Forum RestrictionI had a similar problem as you (with having to submit twice) in my memberlist plugin when trying to delete users. It would update the database, but only after the page was loaded… so in order to get a page load to reflect the new changes, you’d have to hit the button again.
Pissed me off for a long time. Figured out it’s all about when and how you call the db change. For me it was easy because I had made my own pages so could change whatever I wanted. I put the deletion script in the root file (the one called mlist.php) and had the submit button do nothing but reload the page. When the page was reloaded, it would have all the deletion info in the pages $POST data, so the deletion script just looks for that and acts accordingly.
I don’t know if that helps you at all with your plugin since I haven’t used the site options plugin yet (is that what you’re using?) so don’t know how to add stuff to the admin pages.
In reply to: Plugin – Avatar *UPDATE*My site is still up, but some people in foreign countries (especially the far east) have had trouble viewing the site.
In reply to: can’t access Admin pageLooks like you might need to post up your config file for us to figure it out. Be sure to take out the sensitive info (leave the syntax, just take out the passwords and junk)
In reply to: get_latest_topics_where code problemI’m not absolutely sure about this, but it seems that SQL will want you to be more explicit. You need to break up the list (4 and 1) and add different strings to the where. So, for the first add
WHERE forum_id = 4
then doOR forum_id = 1
. Every subsequent forum id query should also start with an OR.That’s what I think at least. It’s worth a shot
In reply to: Memberlist pluginI haven’t had the chance to update the plugin since .74. When I update it, then it’ll act correctly. I programmed it to act like the core, but they changed the way the core acts, so I still have to change the plugin to match.
In reply to: Plugin – Avatar *UPDATE*Did you do the css stuff outlined in the readme?