Forum Replies Created
In reply to: RAYD Forums (by Ardentfrost)
Naw, I got rid of all my CRTs. I think I do see it, I just don’t notice it. Understand, I’m not artistic at all. All I did to make the rounded corners was take a round paint brush and put a dot on a blank thing, then split it into 1/4ths to make each corner I would need.
I can probably blur them up, I’ll just have to play with it
In reply to: RAYD Forums (by Ardentfrost)yeah, I made the rounded corners kinda hard… what resolution do you run at? You’re probably just notice it more than I do… I should go back and fade them out a bit. That might look nice
In reply to: RAYD Forums (by Ardentfrost)I did round the corners. Do you not see them? Err, which corners are you talking about? I rounded all containers using gimp.
Memberlist is one of my plugins. It actually has the most updates
In reply to: Plugin: Avatar UploadVery nice. I was hoping someone would eventually write a file uploader that I could integrate with my avatar plugin, but this works too. Good job
In reply to: AvatarsOr you can use either of the avatar plugins available.
In reply to: Learning Curve Too LargeI think the point of bbpress is to allow ultimate customizability (same as wordpress). If you want all-in-one forums, then bbpress is certainly not for you because you’ll spend 3 years installing and writing plugins to get you to that point.
If you want a slim forum software that allows you to pick and choose what functions you want, then bbpress is really good. You don’t NEED to know php unless you want to add something specific for you.
And, of course, as bbpress grows so does its plugin list. Plugins is what makes bbpress particularly special because if, for instance, you don’t find private messages useful, then don’t install that plugin. The base software is just enough to have forums that are easily navigated and posted to. Everything else is up to you (and plugin creators)
In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?One of the co-creators of my forum worked on it for a while (putting the emoticons in an AJAX window) but wasn’t successful as yet. Perhaps one day I can look at it if someone else doesn’t beat me to it.
In reply to: Convert breaks into paragraphs?hmm, to be honest, I didn’t notice it was doing that (maybe all my PMs are only one paragraph… oops).
I thought I had it setup so that it ran by the same posting rules as the main forum, but I’ll look into it as soon as I can.
In reply to: Setting user dataTo set one yourself is a lot harder than should be. If you look in the database, you’ll see that all that information is held in a single linear table called usermeta.
What you want to do is make a script that, upon creation of a user, adds something to that table. You’ll have to do the dirty work yourself. It’s not THAT hard, but not as easy as what you’re wanting.
My avatar plugin simply adds the avatar to the list, which allows the user to set the value. You can’t add something into that list without the user being able to set the value (your only choices are required and not required).
In reply to: Plugin: [REL] SignatureI thought the updated plugins allowed you to adjust it in the plugin file. I know my avatar plugin works that way.
In reply to: Anyone here know how to parse files with PHP?Just go to and look it up. They always have good code samples there. I wrote an entire xml parser (first thing I ever wrote in php) 2 years ago from code examples I found on
In reply to: Plugin – Private MessagesThe function checks to see if it exists, and if it doesn’t it creates the tables. If you created the tables as they are setup in that function, it shouldn’t do anything again. If it happens again, I suggest you comment out the table creation code in the plugin. I don’t know why it would do that.
By the way, Online List works the same way as mine with table creation if you use that one.
In reply to: Plugin – Private MessagesSince that only has to happen once, if you added the tables that should be the end of it. I tested the process on my own server and had 2 others test it on theirs. A lot of people have downloaded and installed the plugin, and a minority have had problems. Unfortunately, I am unsure how to fix this problem for that minority, but the commands you posted should work or people can copy the commands directly from the plugin themselves… it’s the first subroutine in the main plugin file (bb-privatemessages.php)
In reply to: Plugin: Allow additional or custom profile fieldsLet me know if it works for non-WP-integrated bbpress… if so I’ll see about using it in a couple of my plugins
In reply to: Plugin help…go to /plugins and request it be added to the repository. If you want to make it available immediately, just host it up somewhere and make a post about it. I have all my pluging mirrored on my site.
In reply to: Plugin help…Honestly all I did to learn was download existing plugins (there weren’t many when I started writing them, so you’re at an advantage there) and check out how certain things were performed… I also used windows search to look through the files of bbpress to see how things were done.
Once you see how it is done currently (or how similar functions work), then you can start writing your own subroutines to either intercept, replace, or just create new functions that can be installed into the themes.
Unfortunately, I don’t know much about dealing with WP. I never wrote anything for WP, and the plugins of mine that play nice with WP only do so because people like Trent and spencer helped me test them.
But if you ask specific questions, there are a number of us here who can help you if we know what you’re asking
In reply to: Plugins DBYeah, I IM’d Trent to let him know a little while ago. He’s like my liason to the powers-that-be
In reply to: 3 question about bbPressbbPress isn’t for someone who wants a program that can do everything including fixing your kitchen sink. It’s for people who want a slim, quick forum software that is highly customizable. You certainly have a good many plugins to choose from already, and the number is constantly getting bigger… for instance bbPress doesn’t come with stuff like private messaging, but you can easily install it using a plugin that some really smart guy created. But then if you feel that PMs aren’t needed in your forum, then you don’t have to install it and that choice causes your forum to stay trim instead of being bloated with features you don’t need.
However, if you feel you need everything packaged with phpBB, I think your choice is already made.
And to answer your questions:
1. I’m not sure, but I do know that a lot of different languages have been added to bbPress… you just have to install the correct files and I’m not exactly sure if there is a repository of them
2. Yes
3. The admin area is very slim with few options. Customization comes from theming and plugins. Plugins have the capability to add options to the admin pages (though none of mine do that yet… it’s on my docket)
Why not just leave pagination as ?page=2
That method isn’t necessarily ugly, and I think your prettier permalinks certainly make a good addition.
In reply to: Plugin – Private Messagesadded
I might not be able to help you tonight, but just shoot me an IM when you see me on.
In reply to: Is there a Post Preview Plugin?I had thought about doing it, but I’m so busy lately I barely had the time to make my plugins compatible with .80
I don’t figure it to be a very hard one to make, but probably more difficult to make it easy for others to install.
In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?That is how it happens. The plugin filters through post. And it won’t be able to display the smilie when you’re typing until AJAX is incorporated into the text boxes.
In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?I haven’t upgraded yet, but I will be once I do. Is it broken for you?
I’ve also F’d with mine to try to get some functionality out of it.
In reply to: Plugin – Private Messagesit should really only care about the name of the column. Even if you set it to int, it would get some values (they wouldn’t make any sense however).
I’m pretty sure in .80 of bbpress you have to have the template folder inside my-templates. So those files should be in my-templates/[your template here]. The function that gets the location only returns the location of the template folder.
Plus when you load /pm.php you don’t get any errors, just nothing is displayed in the source. I bet if you added an echo to say “hello” in pm.php it would be displayed. I bet if you added an echo below the file call for privatemessages.php you wouldn’t get jack. If that’s the case, that means the function is unable to find privatemessages.php and is halting.
I should have come up with some way to display something if it can’t find the file. I’ll release that in the next version… but for now it seems most likely to me either the files aren’t in the correct place or something affecting it’s ability to find the files has occurred.
In reply to: Plugin – Private MessagesSorry, I just saw these 2 posts.
Suleiman, the “seen” is just a boolean value that tells whether or not the receiver of the PM has opened the message or not. It should be expected for it to have some zeros on there if no one can see their PMs. As for id_receiver, do you have someone with an id of zero? Or all they all zeros, even those to multiple people?
Sometimes the best way to work through the problems is to do it through IMs, so if you’d like to do that, just let me know. We can get it working for you.
Netsleds, there should be DB errors the first time you install the plugin, but that’s just for when the tables are being created. Upon refresh, they should go away (I assume they did?). As for your problem of it being a blank page, that is certainly strange. It’s not showing anything in the source, even the header or footer, which makes me think you might not have the template files in the correct place. Do you have them in the directory of the template you’re using?