andrew55 (@andrew55)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @andrew55


    Thank you very much!



    I’ve noticed the ‘bbPress Custom Reply Notifications’ plugin no longer seems to work. The plugin’s fields still show in forum setting, but bbPress is sending out original topic emails.

    Anyone know a workaround for this or maybe a different plugin that will allow me to send out custom topic emails?

    In reply to: 404 after update



    Oddly, the sidebar content for user shows (username, links to topics, etc.) even though there is a 404 error where the main forums should be. I tried running bbPress with almost all plugins disabled and default theme enabled – still get the 404. But when main page is refreshed, forums display correctly.

    In reply to: 404 after update




    Thanks for the suggestion. It’s one of the first things I did, including saving settings of other plugins. Still no luck.

    In reply to: 404 after update



    Any suggestions on how I can troubleshoot this issue? There don’t seem to be any errors in the log files.

    In reply to: Migrating from phpbb



    I have seen 3rd party plugins and services for this. Have you researched these?



    Have you named the forums?



    yes that sends individual.

    Ok, I guess that’s good news. In that case, maybe I’ll to try to find a function which creates a placeholder/token which can be used in the bbPress emails for the username. If anyone knows of such a thing, please let me know.



    That’s great to hear that you might soon have a solution. I see now why it’s difficult to include a personal greeting.

    I was using “BP Emails for BBP” which seemed to solve that issue, but the plugin wasn’t working right for us.

    Currently, I use “AsynCRONous bbPress Subscriptions” which I think would correct the issue you are referring to, but I’m not 100% sure.

    Thanks for the clarification.



    @robin-w – thank you very much for sharing the “from email” snippet. Works great!

    In reply to: bbpress Like Button



    This might be promising:

    Topic Like Button for bbPress



    Robin – works great. Thank you very much.

    I have a board which has about 20 forum icons, and I’m really looking forward to speeding the site up by switching over to fonts.

    This helps a lot, and I think it will help others also.



    Robin – Thank you very much.

    I have topic icon created in test forum (it’s in 2nd forum):


    I’ve tried and tried, but I can’t figure out how to style the font awesome font.

    I need to get it moved down, and I need to get the title and description of forum moved to the right a bit.

    Anyone have a suggestion for how to accomplish this? Or, is there maybe a better way to use Font Awesome fonts as topic icons (template edit, function, etc)?



    Sorry for all the confusion. I was guessing this was a bbPress issue. After digging and digging, I discovered the issue is actually from this plugin:

    You Have a New (BuddyPress) Message

    It appears to be creating the paragraph and break, even when there is no message notice present. This is what’s causing the spacing issue. I really like plugin, so I will experiment to see how I can make it work.

    Also, did you get my email earlier? Just checking!



    Correct. I checked the page again though, and there is no paragraph or break below [bbp-forum-index]

    But of course, I can’t guarantee WordPress isn’t creating something there.



    The paragraph/break was there before the social icons were installed (Super Socializer). It’s just more obvious now.

    I thought paragraph/break was part of bbPress, but maybe I put them in there last year. I’ve been going through theme files and don’t see anything which should cause this.

    The into text and picture of hands is just a widget, which goes away after signup/login. I tested, and this isn’t the issue.

    Any suggestions for this strange issue?



    I found this plugin which seems to do the job:

    Real-Time Find and Replace



    Robin – That’s a powerful plugin. I’ve had it installed for some time. Should be part of bbPress core!

    In plugin, I see where you can change names of roles. This is helpful, but many of our roles are WP roles and custom roles (which I don’t see listed in plugin).

    Any other suggestion on how to change the name of a WP or custom role (just what displays on front-end)?

    For example, if I have a custom role “unsubscribed,” how can I change this to “Inactive”

    Thanks for any help.



    Ok, I see now.

    Yes, it’s a role we are trying to change. We are doing some whacky things with roles. On frontend of bbPress, sometimes we display bbPress roles and sometimes standard WordPress roles.

    I was looking for a method to change how roles are displayed on frontend, without changing the actual name of the role in the database.

    For example, instead of “Participant,” is shows as “New Member”

    Or, instead of “Subscriber,” is shows as “Student”

    Maybe there are different methods to accomplish this for standard WordPress roles and bbPress roles?

    Thanks for any suggestions.



    This is exactly what we need. But when I use this function…

    //This function changes the text wherever it is quoted
    function change_translate_text( $translated_text ) {
    	if ( $translated_text == 'Subscriber' ) {
    	$translated_text = 'Member';
    	return $translated_text;
    add_filter( 'gettext', 'change_translate_text', 20 );

    …it doesn’t change “Subscriber” to “Member” in profile area or anywhere else.

    Any suggestions on what I can do to get this working?

    Thanks for any help.



    I tested and it seems to work great. Thank you very much.

    I think this will help greatly.



    Thank you very much!



    Robin, thank you very much for the reply.

    We do have dozens and dozens of unsubscribes a week, sometimes more, due to the size of our community. It would take too much to adjust settings for users individually.

    I did check out plugin. In description of plugin, it says “No email sending to blocked users”

    This could be promising. I installed it but don’t see a setting for this feature. Maybe plugin does this automatically? I will try to find out from plugin author.

    I was thinking I could give users I need to block a WP role in membership script such as “unsubscribe”

    Then, I could easily set all these users to “blocked” as bbp role (through mass action). If emails don’t go out to blocked users, this might work.



    This would be powerful. Would really help boost SEO to get all those meta descriptions pulled from topics, replies, etc. Any experts out there have a solution? Maybe a function to point the meta description at the content of topics, replies, etc?



    thank you very much.

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