Chuckie (@ajtruckle)

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 24 replies - 376 through 399 (of 399 total)
  • @ajtruckle


    Thanks for this. I have now successfully created a child theme (I think) and it is live on my site.

    I am trying to find where your previous instructions are. If I recall, you said I should replicate the path to the stated files under the child theme folder? And put them there and they will be picked up?

    If so, I might give it ago. But not until I get my head around “Submitting” which I see is in the functions file.

    One step at a time.



    Thank you. I think the problem I am going to have though is that for new topics, the right words are still Submit / Submitting. It is only editing topics that need the words replaced.

    Wouldn’t the above code replace in code contexts, based on your comment preceding the code?



    After using the code tweak ($args['teeny'] = false;) I was then able to use this snippet:

    add_filter("mce_buttons", "tinymce_editor_buttons", 99); //targets the first line
    function tinymce_editor_buttons($buttons) {
    return array(
      //add more here...



    I tried sending a post using a non-admin user, with the TEXT editor and thus 3 hrefobjects and it still simply went through the system. Just thought I mention.



    I tried the code above and I get all the buttons.

    But it is missing the Insert Image button.

    In reply to: Pending topics



    This can be closed. It was not clear in the Dashboard but I now see Topics and Replies menu items. In the Topics section was a Pending entry

    So it was working. But i do have to say that the Dashboard is somewhat confusing:


    Forums (+ sub menu

    Settings > Forums

    Would it make sense:

    Forums > Topics
    Forums > Replies


    Just a thought.

    In reply to: Working Member List?



    Thanks for this plugin. Sorry if this is a dumb question – but suppose I add this as a a plugin, how do I actually use it to present data on a page? A shortcode?



    Thanks. I am afraid I am not in a position to purchase this plugin. Sorry.




    Moderate posts that have 3 or more links

    But it does not work.



    This works:

    // Redirect Registration Page
    function my_registration_page_redirect()
        global $pagenow;
        // Standard Registration Redirect
        if ( (strtolower($pagenow) == 'wp-login.php') && (strtolower($_GET['action']) == 'register') ) {
            wp_redirect( home_url('/register/') );
        // Redirection after successful registration
        if ( (strtolower($pagenow) == 'wp-login.php') && (strtolower($_GET['checkemail']) == 'registered') ) {
            wp_redirect( home_url('/registration-complete/') );
    add_filter( 'init', 'my_registration_page_redirect' );



    :)Side question – do the bbPress authors actively view these forums etc.? It all seems rather quiet. Apart from your grateful efforts. I raised one of those trac tickets:



    It was suggested:

    But I tried:

    add_filter( ‘registration_redirect’, ‘my_redirect_home’ );
    function my_redirect_home( $registration_redirect ) {
    return ‘’;

    I used the “Snippets” plugin and it did not seem to work.



    OK, I am a bit confused.

    I create test account and started a topic.

    I immediately see that there is no status | type drop-down lists so that is good.

    But I put 3 hyperlinks in the topic and hit submit and it went through the system. So why did it do this when we have said comments with over 2 links should flag for moderation?



    Ok, I have asked a “Participant” and will provide feedback here.



    Understood. I know some php and know c++ and this tool looked not too much code. But then I don’t know the mechanics of BBPress and don’t really know how to debug properly except by trial and error for php.

    I might just try the tool on my staging site.



    Yeah, that is understandable.

    In bbp style pack it lists a few other plugins. I wonder if we could indicate any that won’t work with the latest bbp build.

    Also, if it is not maintained I guess there is no where to ask for help.

    I understand people getting overwhelmed.

    But I tend not to install plugins that say they are not supported.

    Was thinking of:

    bbPress Advanced Statistics


    In reply to: Locked topics



    Fair point! I have removed the strike-through and I am in agreement. Case closed. 🙂

    In reply to: Locked topics



    No no. Now sure how to show screen grabs here. Look:

    See how the paperclip just looks nicer?

    The lock styling is not as nice. I don’t want to replace it with a paper clip but I want the styling to be similar to the paper clip. Make sense? If I could sort that out then I would remove the strike through since the padlock will be enough info.

    In reply to: Locked topics



    Yeah, but in forums like phpBB, if you close a topic you are locking the topic. This is indicated to the user by a icon. I added some styling which I had gleaned from the internet:

    #bbpress-forums .status-closed > li.bbp-topic-title > a.bbp-topic-permalink:before {
    	content: "[Locked]";
    	text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #ffffff;
    	color: #ff0000;
    	margin-right: 5px;
    	font-size: 16pt !important;

    This gives me a lock symbol but the look and feel of this symbol is not as nice as the paper clip which is visible for topics with attachments (using the GD Attachments plugin).

    In reply to: Setting



    Thank you.

    In reply to: Importing from phpBB



    I tried doing this with a staging website and it would not convert. Has this importer been tested with recent editions of phpBB?

    In reply to: Closing topics



    I resolved this.



    Sorted it. I added this second style:

    #bbpress-forums li.bbp-header div {
    	background: #7A7A78 !important;
    	border:  none;



    Thanks. I have made a start using that plugin.

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