AdventureRidingNZ (@adventureridingnz)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @adventureridingnz


    Hi @Casiepa

    I’m interested in this as well. It looks like you started working on it but never published it?



    I just found this as well, though I haven’t delved into it.



    There are plugins for exporting BBpress data so maybe I could string together something with this

    WordPress Comments Import & Export



    I figured it might be a case of nothing existing, everything is all about making comments into BBpress topics and replies.
    Comments are about the only standard WP content type that isn’t a ‘Post’ so it’s obviously not as simple as changing the post type in wp_posts and getting to retain all the relationships between the Comments as the ID’s are unchanged.

    My site has a bit over 300 pages which have associated BBPress Topics created via Topics for Posts, these Topics all live in the same BBPress Forum. They would be the primary selection.

    Beyond that there are BBPress Topics that I’d like to change to Posts and their Replies which I’d like to be Comments as children/belonging to the Post. Again these Topics are all children of the same BBPress Forum.

    I guess I’ll have to have a think about it, it’s a community forum that barely covers it’s basic outgoings each year so there’s not a pot of cash sitting around for it.
    I could just turn off the forums that are no longer useful, but removing BBPress would allow the removal of another dozen supporting plugins as well.



    Is there any way to reverse/undo Topics for Posts and convert/migrate selected BBPRESS forum topics back to comments attached to a page?

    For a number of reasons I’m considering removing BBPRESS from my site to stop trying to be a place of conversation on everything for everyone in it’s subject field and rationalise my site back to it’s core objective.
    Doing so would also result in removing a significant number of plug-ins related to BBPRESS leading to better performance and less operational overhead, both for the site and for me personally.

    My Google Fu obviously isn’t on point as I’ve not found anything about doing this so far.

    Also should this be a ‘Topics for Posts’ question or a core BBpress level question, have I asked in the right place? I suspect there might be more core issues around where/how members are defined involved as well. I also run Buddypress if that matters and I wasn’t considering removing that at this time.



    It wasn’t so evident in that page but in others was obvious. I fixed it by updating the margin-left in the css I posted earlier.

    I grabbed a plugin off your personal site and dropped you a few $ via paypal for your support.





    Thanks Robin.



    Thanks Robin.

    After your comment on my other issue I pasted this code into the custom css part of my child theme and it worked when placed in there.
    So I went back to my child theme and found a typo in an earlier entry which meant nothing after that was being picked up. Once that was fixed and the document version updated it picked up both these changes.

    The child theme css is /themes/newsphere-child-theme/style.css?ver=1.0.2
    and I’ve put “my child theme css ATTN Robin W” in it to make it findable.

    So my forum-Author column is now wider as I had wanted thank you, but the forum-content area has not reduced correspondingly meaning the author section overlaps the content section and I can’t see a specific width designation for the forum-content area to update.

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-content, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-content, #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-content {
        margin-left: 130px;
        padding: 12px 12px 12px 0;
        text-align: left;
        position: relative;



    Ooops sorry.

    I’ve set an account for you though I don’t know how to share the details here privately, you should have a password reset email in your inbox however.



    Yeah, the BBPress release info, and BBPress itself seems to be the neglected son of WordPress.

    In reply to: Keyword Shortcode



    I know this is an old topic but did you ever find one? I’d like the same thing.



    I’ve found no issues in relation to WordPress 5.0
    And BBPRESS continues to be stable but as an actively maintained and developed platform BBPRESS is dead.

    As you have seen Version 2.6 has been in development for about 2 years and no updates have been made on the latest release candidate in over a year I think.

    The only person providing any support here seems to be Robin, who I understand Is not part of the BBPRESS team but has developed a number of plugins that can help with many users issues.

    Even with Bbpress scale and amount of plugin developers I still can’t believe there is no way of adding images inline in a BBpress post with the image being loaded into the WordPress media library.



    Bumping this as the sentiment in the original post about the lack of progress with maintaining bbbpress as an active project seems to be even more relevant now than when this topic was made.

    While somehow indicates the bbpress plugin was last updated a week ago, the current version 2.5.14 was released in September 2017.

    The next release as far as I can tell is 2.60, for which the latest development version, rc5, was first put out for feedback 13 months ago.

    it is not reasonable to call this project under active development.

    In reply to: Buddypress reply forms



    @mentions work on my site in BBpress. You need to have the Activity function enabled in Buddypress.



    array(‘post’, ‘page’, 'release')



    Lines 191 and 192 of wp-content/plugins/bbpress-post-topics/index.php



    In one of the topics for posts files there is a statement that defines what post types it works for.

    Updated: in index.php look for

    /** Only process for post types we specify */
    		if( !in_array( $post->post_type

    and you can add your custom post types in there



    It’s looking more and more like IF rather than When 2.6 gets released.



    BBpress Forum Redirect ties the page of content and the forum topic used for ‘Topics for posts’ together better.

    This page ‘uses ‘topics for posts’ to have a BBpress forum topic instead of WordPress comments underneath the page content.

    The BBPress topic for the above page also appears on it’s own in the BBpress forums, in my case at

    ‘BBpress Forum Redirect’ provides a URL field in the forum topic admins screen to redirect the forum url to. In my case I redirect the forum url to the page url so that when the forum topic is accessed directly via the BBpress forum, the user is redirected to the content page with the forum topic underneath. You can see this in action where redirects to

    Without ‘BBpress Forum Redirect’ if the user accessed the forum topic the user would be able to read the forum topic but would have no visibility of the page the topic was in regard to.



    For good UX you also need the plugin ‘bbPress Forum Redirect’ so that when a user accesses the forum topic directly the topic is redirected to the page with the forum topic displays underneath so that the user gets the page content and the forum posts, not just the forum posts.

    That plugin suffers the same where it hasn’t been updated in a year and 3 major WP versions and needs PHP 7.x compatibility updates.



    The “bbpress topics for posts” plugin does still work, I use it extensively on my site and have done for over 3 years.


    I’m currently running WP 4.9.2 and whatever the latest version of BBPress is in Prod and in test I’ve just installed WP 4.9.3 and it’s looking ok under that as well.

    One thing that does need doing for the plugin is to bring it up to PHP7.x compatibility.



    I know this is a topic dredge but would the same code work for excluding particular forums from search results?



    @adjunkten Did you find a fix for this? I am using the same code snippets to extend my search results but now want to exclude/hide some private group forums.



    I have the same issue. It appears the Forums pages are not very responsive on larger screens. I run a 3 column theme and the forums won’t fill the available width.




    It sounds like you really need to talk to your theme developer rather than BBPress as the issue is with your theme, not BBpress or Topics for Posts.

    I’ve used Topics for posts for about 3 years without any theme issues

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