_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @_ck_


    I’ve reduced the number of files included to:

    === executed files ===
    /index.php : 0.44 Kb
    /bb-load.php : 0.46 Kb
    /config.php : 2.28 Kb
    /bb-settings.php : 7.49 Kb
    /bb-includes/db-mysqli.php : 12.77 Kb
    /my-plugins/fastload-includes.php : 298.75 Kb
    /my-plugins/fastload-plugins.php : 93.66 Kb
    /bb-includes/pluggable.php : 8.86 Kb
    /bb-includes/locale.php : 6.91 Kb
    /bb-templates/kakumei/front-page.php : 3.03 Kb
    /bb-templates/kakumei/header.php : 1.6 Kb
    /bb-templates/kakumei/logged-in.php : 0.21 Kb
    /bb-templates/kakumei/footer.php : 1.13 Kb

    With a little work I could make pluggable & locale include properly too.



    Well every millisecond on the output does matter and the reasons you listed are very valid, but on heavily loaded servers, I have to believe the biggest weakness is the sheer number of files that have to seek and load. If they aren’t in the server’s file cache (dreamhost might have 1000 virtual hosts per node or more) that can cause long delays. Even if using an opcode cache, the cache still has to check the file date/size in the OS before it allows execution.

    But even bbpress’s output template requires 3+ files to be included. SMF does it entirely differently in one single file.

    I’ve built a prototype “fastload” plugin that concatinates two pools of files:

    1. includes (except a few outside the general block in bb-settings)

    2. all plugins

    It actually works to some degree to speed things up on dreamhost when they are are at insane loads.

    By reducing the number of files to seek from 40 to less than 10 the page load times are much better.



    Ah, here’s SMF’s secret against bbPress – sheer number of files + size.

    This definitely makes me want to go ahead with making a “quick loader” that will concat all the includes and then all the plugins as two blobs that can be either loaded from disk or mysql at user discretion based on the weakness of their shared server:

    Front pages compared:

    (keep in mind SMF actually has even more features than the dozen plugins loaded with bbPress, online user tracker, etc)

    SMF 1.1.3
    files for front page: 8 files, 338.45 Kb

    index.php : 14.31 Kb
    Settings.php : 3.71 Kb
    Sources/QueryString.php : 18.84 Kb
    Sources/Subs.php : 132.37 Kb
    Sources/Errors.php : 15.94 Kb
    Sources/Load.php : 92.47 Kb
    Sources/Security.php : 29.88 Kb
    Sources/MessageIndex.php : 30.93 Kb


    bbPress 0.8.3 alpha

    files for front page: 40 files, 437.15 Kb

    index.php : 0.44 Kb

    bb-load.php : 0.46 Kb

    config.php : 2.28 Kb

    bb-settings.php : 7.14 Kb

    bb-includes/db-mysqli.php : 12.77 Kb

    bb-includes/functions.php : 71.73 Kb

    bb-includes/wp-classes.php : 3.37 Kb

    bb-includes/classes.php : 37.98 Kb

    bb-includes/formatting-functions.php : 8.73 Kb

    bb-includes/template-functions.php : 59.12 Kb

    bb-includes/capabilities.php : 13.15 Kb

    bb-includes/cache.php : 8.52 Kb

    bb-includes/deprecated.php : 8.17 Kb

    bb-includes/wp-functions.php : 36.06 Kb

    bb-includes/kses.php : 17.65 Kb

    bb-includes/l10n.php : 1.76 Kb

    bb-includes/bozo.php : 10.1 Kb

    bb-includes/akismet.php : 8.14 Kb

    bb-includes/default-filters.php : 4.45 Kb

    bb-includes/script-loader.php : 9.2 Kb

    bb-includes/compat.php : 0.57 Kb

    my-plugins/_bb-benchmark.php : 4.79 Kb

    my-plugins/_cookie-year.php : 0.92 Kb

    my-plugins/bb-polls.php : 21.04 Kb

    my-plugins/bb-signatures.php : 11.52 Kb

    my-plugins/report-post.php : 3.92 Kb

    my-plugins/user-topics-to-favorites.php : 0.59 Kb

    my-plugins/bb-topic-views.php : 5.91 Kb

    my-plugins/my-views.php : 10.13 Kb

    my-plugins/notification.php : 2.26 Kb

    my-plugins/my-views-started-participated-topics.php : 1.52 Kb

    my-plugins/my-views-most-least-views.php : 2.7 Kb

    my-plugins/plugin-browser.php : 21.72 Kb

    my-plugins/my-views-installed-available-plugins.php : 6.61 Kb

    bb-includes/pluggable.php : 8.86 Kb

    bb-includes/locale.php : 6.91 Kb

    bb-templates/kakumei/front-page.php : 3.03 Kb

    bb-templates/kakumei/header.php : 1.6 Kb

    bb-templates/kakumei/logged-in.php : 0.21 Kb

    bb-templates/kakumei/footer.php : 1.13 Kb




    I just installed SMF on the my dreamhost account next to bbpress.

    SMF blows away bbpress’s performance, every time.

    I have to investigate how the heck they do that. It feels like they are using partial page caching but their performance stats say they are using the same number of queries.

    Then again I know bbpress’s weakness is not the queries, it’s all those plugins getting included and then firing up when the filters/actions first trigger.

    Bugs the heck out of me. bbPress should be as fast!



    eaccellerator and xcache are derived from the same original core – eaccellerator is a tad slower than both xcache and apc, but it also has the fewest problems and fewest incompatibilities compared to both. I believe it also has several people working on it, unlike xcache which means the project doesn’t grind to a halt when one person becomes distracted. No opcode cache project can in theory leapfrog in performance over another, it’s just little tweaks here and there.

    The big secret is replacing Apache with LiteSpeed or if you really have alot of time on your hands and don’t need virtual hosts, Lighttpd. Apache is very inefficient, especially running PHP.



    First a quick tip: when you customise templates with a plugin function embeded, instead of this:

    <? show_blah(); ?>

    do this:

    <? if (function_exists('show_blah')) { show_blah();} ?>

    and that way if you deactivate a plugin, it will fail quietly and let the page still render.

    Now to address your problem, that error can happen if something is trying to call bb_get_header before bbpress is completely loaded somehow. Or an include could accidentally get renamed. Or some whitespace got inserted at the end of a plugin somewhere (after the ending ?>)

    You need more info. Go into your config.php and add this as the first line or so:


    And see what it throws at you.



    That’s exactly right about Dreamhost.

    I am working on a technique to try to load all the bbpress includes and plugins directly from the eaccelerator memcache instead of seeking on the disk first to check if they have changed (and just let the mysql plugins registry manage that).

    I suspect I can eliminate the 400ms lag if I can pull that off. Not an easy feat though. Requires a replacement bb-settings.php

    Oh and you’re probably paying per month for your dedicated what I pay per year for my VPS (I’ve migrated twice to get better neighbors):

    === benchmark & query results ===

    12:08:28 up 25 days, 3:37, 0 users, load average: 0.07, 0.04, 0.00

    total page time: 0.045 seconds.

    time to reach each section:
    bb_underscore_plugins_loaded = 0.005
    bb-polls.php loaded = 0.005
    bb-signatures.php loaded = 0.005
    report-post.php loaded = 0.006
    my-views.php loaded = 0.006
    bb-topic-views.php loaded = 0.006
    user-topics-to-favorites.php loaded = 0.006
    admin-post-anything.php loaded = 0.006
    tweaks.php loaded = 0.006
    my-views-most-least-views.php loaded = 0.007
    my-views-started-participated-topics.php loaded = 0.008
    my-views-installed-available-plugins.php loaded = 0.008
    ignore-member.php loaded = 0.009
    bb_plugins_loaded = 0.009
    bb_init = 0.011
    bb_index.php_pre_db = 0.011
    bb_index.php = 0.016
    front-page.php = 0.016
    header.php = 0.017
    logged-in.php = 0.018
    footer.php = 0.045

    time to render page: 0.0429 seconds (query time subtracted)

    total query count: 12

    total query time: 0.0021 seconds

    slowest call was # 1 : 0.0005 seconds
    SELECT * FROM bb_forums LIMIT 1 server:dbh_local connect: 0.38ms



    Yeah dreamhost certainly does suck. I just have a $20 per year promo account that I completely forgot about until recently when I wanted to test bbpress on various hosts (I’m looking for other super cheap hosts to try it on if you know of any, especially pay-as-you go like nearlyfreespeech.net)

    What’s really strange is that some other forum software works MUCH faster on dreamhost and I am trying to figure out why. Take a look at WP plugin author GamerZ’s SMF (simple machines forum, evolved from YaBB) which is on another Dreamhost node:


    It’s incredibly responsive. Not even running an opcode cache. Of course SMF has half a decade of development behind it, but still, it’s impressive. I suspect they use partial page caching somehow. Meanwhile GamerZ’s WP blog running on the same account, crawls at times.



    Note that microtime is off by at least 15ms on every call by nature, sometimes more depending what the cpu is doing and if you have a multiple core cpu. Sometimes the core clocks can be out of sync! (This is the problem on Dreamhost I believe)

    By the way, make sure you notice the new benchmark.php starts with an underscore and delete the old one. But if you are done benchmarking you should delete it altogether or the underscore version will auto-load. The underscore was necessary so it could time the other benchmarks as it loaded before it.

    It’s well known in any programming language that constant little echos to the output are much less efficient than buffering and outputting it all at the end. So that’s something like what you were running into.

    If you use ob_start permanently, make sure you add the second optional chunked output option so the visitor gets periodic output from it, otherwise they won’t see anything until the entire page is flushed. Visually (and mentally) it’s more rewarding to start seeing some kind of page render the moment you click on something.

    (my bb-gzip plugin enforces the chunked output option if you want to see it in action – note that certain server options will de-chunk the output however and ruin the effect like mod_gzip and most proxy caches like squid)

    In reply to: Request: Polls



    Oh sorry I forgot to update you (check the extend area from time to time) but I released it like a week ago…




    I’ve put 0.16 into the SVN, I think it updates on the hour.

    Once you have 0.16 installed, go edit bb-settings.php in the bbpress root and around line 157 change that section so you add the line bb_benchmark_template_timer('',$plugin.' loaded');

    like so:

    if ( $plugins = bb_get_option( 'active_plugins' ) )
    foreach ( (array) $plugins as $plugin ) {
    if ( file_exists(BBPLUGINDIR . $plugin) ) {
    require( BBPLUGINDIR . $plugin );
    bb_benchmark_template_timer('',$plugin.' loaded');
    } }
    do_action( 'bb_plugins_loaded' );
    unset($plugins, $plugin);


    That will give you the super detailed output, so if there is a single plugin that is consistently slowing your page load down, you might be able to spot it.



    If you are running xcache, the plugins are not slowing you down, they get cached.

    So “dedicated virtual” = VPS ? Interesting way to put it.

    If so, you are at the mercy of the disk load on the rest of the node.

    Your own average load rates have nothing to do with the rest of the server node, the VPS software tricks you.

    (the big myth about VPS is that you are you are isolated from your neighbors, you’re not – any high disk use by them will slow you down)

    However if you have 1gb guaranteed, then you have quite a huge VPS. If that’s 1gb burst, then it’s another story.

    But if you have your own vps you can be using an opcode cache (xcache is very good) and then make sure you are using mysql cache.

    Not much else can be done. You could in theory replace apache with LiteSpeed unless you are savvy enough to setup Lighttpd (which I myself won’t bother with)



    Oh and bbPress’s (and WordPress’s) biggest weakness is not mysql queries – it’s actually all the plugins loading.

    Unless you use an opcode cache or have really good disk caching on your host, loading a dozen or more plugins can cause those longer delays.

    If you are on a VPS, you need eaccelerator or some other opcode cache. A few shared hosts like dreamhost let you install your own copy of php+fastcgi and eaccelerator too (but I do not recommend DreamHost, quite the opposite).



    Depending on your host and how accurate their microtime is (for example I actually get negative numbers sometimes on Dreamhost?!!?) it’s fairly accurate but look at the page after a few tries and round out the numbers.

    I have even more improvements in the newest bb-benchmach version (can’t remember if I put it into the SVN yet but I don’t think so). With a slight modification to bb-settings.php you can now get a detailed report like this:

    === benchmark & query results ===

    load average: 1.64, 1.23, 1.14

    total page time: 0.696 seconds.

    time to reach each section:
    bb_underscore_plugins_loaded = 0.412
    bb-polls.php loaded = 0.421
    bb-signatures.php loaded = 0.431
    report-post.php loaded = 0.434
    user-topics-to-favorites.php loaded = 0.436
    tweaks.php loaded = 0.449
    bb-topic-views.php loaded = 0.472
    my-views.php loaded = 0.479
    notification.php loaded = 0.481
    bb-gzip.php loaded = 0.488
    my-views-installed-available-plugins.php loaded = 0.491
    my-views-started-participated-topics.php loaded = 0.493
    my-views-most-least-views.php loaded = 0.495
    plugin-browser.php loaded = 0.504
    bb_plugins_loaded = 0.506
    pluggable.php loaded = 0.523
    locale.php loaded = 0.543
    bb_init = 0.548
    bb_index.php_pre_db = 0.603
    bb_index.php = 0.616
    front-page.php = 0.632
    header.php = 0.655
    logged-in.php = 0.675
    footer.php = 0.694

    time to render page: 0.6623 seconds (query time subtracted)

    total query count: 11

    total query time: 0.0337 seconds

    slowest call was # 1 : 0.0169 seconds
    SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM bb_topicmeta WHERE topic_id = '0' server:dbh_local connect: 10.59ms

    === mysql queries used ===

    # 1 : 0.0169 seconds
    SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM bb_topicmeta WHERE topic_id = '0' server:dbh_local connect: 10.59ms

    etc. etc.





    I now have a fully working “ignore member” plugin.

    It allows members to ignore posts by other members that they don’t get along with but are still decent contributors to your forum so you don’t want to ban them. If a topic has a last post from a member they ignore, they won’t see it in the latest list until someone else replies (this is a good idea, trust me).

    You can put a link on every post easily and then the user can ignore any member except the ones you specify ie. you, mods, in the future it will automatically build the list of mods for you in the admin panel (doesn’t exist yet in this beta).

    The user can also easily remove members from their list under their profile edit tab.

    Still waiting for a svn placement but will post on my blog shortly.

    Works in 0.8.2.x and the trunk alpha.

    Grateful for any beta testers who can give good bug reports.



    feature suggestion:

    change the “install” column to “action” and in addition to the “install” link, create a “readme” link with a link directly to the svn readme. The full path and filename should already be known. If you keep it outside of trac, it can be viewed directly in the browser since the correct headers are sent.

    ie. https://plugins-svn.bbpress.org/plugin-browser-for-bbpress/trunk/readme.txt

    optionally you could use the curl/fsockopen fetch and format the readme.txt into pretty html with colours and bold so it’s easier to read.

    (you could then also include a direct download link in the “action” column so it would be three lines: “readme” “install” “download” )



    You can’t change the colour based on who’s read it because there’s no way to tell who’s read the new post or not (hence it not being new if they have read it). There is however a plugin to track who’s read what last post but that which unfortunately needs yet another plugin.

    bbPress is very weak in the user event tracking department. Not even a built in last login date which is a serious flaw in design.



    It’s like that on purpose ;-)

    That hosting only costs like $10 a year but it still costs.

    Obviously if anyone wanted to use the template I’d either remove the ad entirely or put a space there if they wanted.



    I guess you’ll see that the way it works around here is you get the idea, you volunteer to make the plugin ;-)

    Start coding. But seriously, without cron jobs or pseudo cron it will be tricky to do this. A plugin would have to check the time of day each time it runs and then keep whatever user is currently visiting on a delay while it emails however many people. This can be problematic. What if the site is fairly idle at that time when it should email and noone is visiting? What if there are 100 emails to send, will the people be kept waiting over a minute or two?

    Personally I’m just using yahoo rss to email alerts. It watchs the rss feed for you for changes.

    But this plugin could be easily changed to have two checkboxes, one to just email a summary at end of day, vs when it happens:



    In reply to: Plugin: bb-Topic-Views



    Ah I know what it is after studying the code a bit.

    They never planned on $topic_id being null or not set, so it’s being inserted into the query as blank.

    mysql is getting something like

    SELECT meta_value FROM $bbdb->topicmeta WHERE topic_id = AND meta_key='views'

    see the blank before AND? It’s unacceptable to mysql, needs to be a value.


    function get_view_count ( $topic_id )


    function initialize_view_count( $topic_id )

    and make a new first line for each that says

    if (!$topic_id) return;

    Should be a dirty workaround until the author can take a look.

    In reply to: bbPress database error



    Ah I know what it is after studying the code a bit.

    They never planned on $topic_id being null or not set, so it’s being inserted into the query as blank.

    mysql is getting something like

    SELECT meta_value FROM $bbdb->topicmeta WHERE topic_id = AND meta_key='views'

    see the blank before AND? It’s unacceptable to mysql, needs to be a value.


    function get_view_count ( $topic_id )


    function initialize_view_count( $topic_id )

    and make a new first line for each that says

    if (!$topic_id) return;

    Should be a dirty workaround until the author can take a look.

    In reply to: bbPress database error



    I haven’t seen the bb-topic-views author around, well ever, but apparently it’s been two months or so.

    Unfortunately I can’t reproduce the error or I’d try to help.



    I believe I have figured out how to trick the new trunk alpha version to handle non-query and special views thanks to Sam Bauers.

    I look forward to releasing in a day or so a trunk compatible version of “my views” along with my experimental “list installed plugins” (a public view of your bbpress plugins in use) and “all available bbpress plugins” (based on Sam’s powerful plugin browser class).

    In reply to: Askimet as a plugin?



    I’m kinda surprised that they didn’t just port the wordpress plugin.

    It has more features and given how Matt wanted to make bbpress so “light”, virtually everything should be optional.

    I guess they figured forums would be a huge target without any kind of captcha or turing test for signup.

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