_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Top 100 listings



    Right now I have it simply by number of posts which of course is not an indication of quality by any real means but easiest way for me to track.

    There’s also the top 1000 list where I try to track everyone.

    It’s not a contest, no-one wins anything, and it’s completely unofficial, so don’t worry about it ;-)



    nv1962, it would be a good plugin to learn/practice from. Roughly 3-5 lines total. Essentially you’d add an action to bb_send_headers and just like my plugin above, if the bb_get_location==”register-page” you echo the redirect header for the wordpress page (and then do a die() so no other code can execute until it redirects).



    bbPress functions with the word “get” in them do not self-echo, they simply return the string. So you have to add echo. You almost have it, for example, this should work:

    <a href="<?php echo bb_get_profile_link(); ?>">My Profile</a>

    And just to confuse you, there are a couple of legacy functions with the word “get” in them that do echo. But they shouldn’t and are rare so don’t worry too much, lol.



    Well login integration is not as important as the register part. As far as your instructions, I wouldn’t recommend deleting the contents of a core file but the redirect part is okay.

    It occurs to me, it’s actually possible to redirect the register page in bbpress to the wordpress side via plugin with no edits required anywhere.

    Remember that bbPress registration process should catch up to the WordPress side eventually. In fact I like it’s layout better but WordPress’s is more mature code-wise.



    Yes, this is why I always recommend to people when integrating with WordPress that they redirect all login and registration links to the wordpress side. It’s had years of development in that area.

    In any case, here is a simple plugin to prevent duplicate email addresses. Unfortunately bbPress has no way to place custom error messages on the page without template hacking but this should do:

    Plugin Name: no duplicate email addresses
    Author: _ck_

    if ($_POST && bb_get_location()=="register-page") {add_filter('bb_verify_email','no_duplicate_email');}

    function no_duplicate_email($email) {
    if ($email) {global $bbdb; if (!$bbdb->get_row($bbdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->users WHERE user_email = %s", $email))) {return $email;}
    else {add_action('bb_foot','no_duplicate_email_alert'); return false;}}
    function no_duplicate_email_alert() {echo "<scr"."ipt>alert('".__("email address already registered")."');</script>";}

    (bbPress 0.9 or higher required)



    Whoa I never realized that.

    I wonder if it’s also that way on the WordPress side.

    Well it shouldn’t be too hard to whip up some code for that.



    You cannot use WordPress 2.6 with bbPress 0.9

    There are major cookie changes in 2.6.

    It’s going to be awhile before there is a version of bbPress that will work with 2.6, so stick with 2.5.1

    In reply to: bbpress update soon?



    From what I am being told, it’s going to be awhile before an official release of bbPress will work with with WP 2.6 because of the radical cookie changes. Most certainly not the 0.9 branch.

    There is a version of bbPress in the trunk that supposedly will work with WP 2.6 but that is definitely not recommended for the average user.

    Stick with 2.5.1



    Wait, so was this ever resolved after a year?

    With WordPress in the root and bbPress in a sub-directory (ie. /forums/) can they both have pretty permalinks?

    I have an idea if not – simple edit the webroot wordpress htaccess like so:

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/forums/
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    where /forums/ is the install path of bbpres underneath wordpress. Remember you still need the local htaccess for bbpress in it’s own folder.



    Sure, if that really bothers you, with bbPress you can do almost anything if you get clever.

    Edit the login-form.php template and wrap the entire <form></form> in something like this (untested)

    <?php if (bb_get_location()!="register-page") { ?>
    <form blah blah blah
    <?php } ?>



    Oh wow I wonder when they slipped that in. Good find.

    I bet it’s just copied from the WordPress code.

    If you know how, you might want to stick that into TRAC (and if you have the time, check WordPress and it’s TRAC too)



    The trouble is that the developers on the WP side, in their wisdom ;) decided to re-use an existing cookie name for a new purpose and change the cookie path.

    The idea is higher security as the admin cookie in theory should only get transmitted when you are entering the admin section.

    This is why you need to try deleting all your cookies (for your site) after installing WP 2.6

    If that fails, try my define fix above.

    Note that changing the cookie path to ‘/’ takes you back to the lower level of security that WP 2.5.1 and earlier had. There’s a particular WP mod who’s upset with me for even suggesting this but I figured the idea is to get you up and running ASAP first until they address this later.

    Also, none of this truly fixes WP 2.6 to work properly with cookie integration with bbPress – that’s going to require an upgrade on the bbPress side.



    Okay, some bbPress users may be able to get it to work with WordPress 2.6 by adding to your wp-config.php

    @define('ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH', '/blog/wp-admin');

    where “blog” is your blog’s actual path. If it’s in the webroot, just take out “blog” entirely and leave '/wp-admin'



    We might have to sit tight for a 0.9.1 release or something like that.

    I figured out a work-around to get into admin area on WP 2.6 but this will “knock out” your bbPress login as you switch back and forth:




    I wonder if a newer bbPress build will be required which can be taken from trac (or via svn).

    Let me tinker a bit and see if they changed cookie methods (yet again, sigh)

    CONFIRMED: WP 2.6 breaks cookie sync

    and I get a endless-loop login by WP 2.6

    Many people seem to confirm similar cookie problems:



    In reply to: Where is



    I believe you have not followed (all of) the steps for cookie integration between wordpress and bbpress. Some of the (hundreds) of integration threads might help too.



    Hopefully you’ve figured out that you can just edit front-page.php as you wish to accomplish all that.



    This is unlikely to ever happen as it goes against the entire concept of bbPress being “bare bones”.

    For every plugin you think is very useful, another user will find it useless (and just slows down bbPress).

    I’ve been debating creating a “plus” version of bbPress that will bundle many of my plugins to help get people started more quickly but that won’t happen anytime soon (at least not until 1.0 is mature).

    ps. why do you use “private forums” and “hidden forums” together? Hidden Forums should be a full replacement.

    In reply to: 1.0 Development Plan?



    I suspect most of the efforts are probably going into BackPress so they can get TalkPress going (the wordpress.com version of bbpress). bbPress is benefiting from the work but I doubt we’ll see the resources you are requesting anytime this year (at least not until 1.0 is out)

    The trac roadmap is a (very limited) resource you can use as a reference, sorry that’s all I can think of:




    With some hacking, you could make my “hidden forums” plugin do this. You’d have to modify it so only certain users would experience certain hidden forums, instead of hiding by user level.

    In reply to: Missing features…



    Can’t help you with the first but the mass-edit plugin will give you some of what you want in the second.



    While a TOS (terms of service) agreement for any forum during registration (as well as a age confirmation) I suspect it’s more likely your site got suspended for adult content?

    In any case TOS and AGE confirmation are good plugin ideas. Here’s a plugin for TOS.

    ps. “native american” = North American Indian. I suspect you meant instead that english is not your primary language.



    It would not be too difficult to make bbPress look/work like that. Maybe a week of tinkering.

    In reply to: Bozo deletion



    bbPress does indeed need a mass-edit users like wordpress has.



    There is a long words/long links plugin for wordpress that someone ported to bbPress. Search for it around here somewhere…

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