_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @_ck_


    Block may never have worked like one would think.

    I think it just treats them like “bozo” status.

    It gives them the capability of “not_play_nice” = true

    hmm actually…

    function bb_block_current_user() {
    global $bbdb;
    if ( $id = bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' ) )
    bb_update_usermeta( $id, $bbdb->prefix . 'been_blocked', 1 ); // Just for logging.
    bb_die(__("You've been blocked. If you think a mistake has been made, contact this site's administrator."));

    function bb_reset_password( $key ) {
    global $bbdb;
    $key = sanitize_user( $key );
    if ( empty( $key ) )
    bb_die(__('Key not found.'));
    if ( !$user_id = $bbdb->get_var( $bbdb->prepare( "SELECT user_id FROM $bbdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'newpwdkey' AND meta_value = %s", $key ) ) )
    bb_die(__('Key not found.'));
    if ( $user = new BB_User( $user_id ) ) :
    if ( bb_has_broken_pass( $user->ID ) )
    if ( !$user->has_cap( 'change_user_password', $user->ID ) )
    bb_die( __('You are not allowed to change your password.') );


    According to all that, their password should be scrambled and they should be unable to reset it – so they can’t log in.

    But you can’t stop them from seeing the website.

    There’s no IP based blocking (yet) in bbPress.

    To really block an IP, you’d have to go into htaccess and add a “deny from” – at least for now.

    I guess someone could write a plugin to block the IP of blocked users, perhaps for 48 hours or so. Since bbPress doesn’t store the last login IP for users by default, this makes it difficult, the plugin would have to start storing IPs on every login.



    You should be able to put back 2.5.1 without incident.

    Backing up your current site/db is always recommended.



    I have now added the ability to do inline image viewing starting with version 0.1.5

    It’s not completely finished but I know that ability was in demand so I’m making it available for testing right away.



    Their best bet is this:


    and to set it up using gmail for sending mail.

    In reply to: Add nofollow to links



    cordoval, make this into a plugin:

    //add target=_blank to post links
    function bb_target_blank( $text ) {
    $text = preg_replace('|<a (.+?)>|i', '<a $1 target="_blank">', $text);
    return $text;
    add_filter('pre_post', 'bb_target_blank');

    In reply to: Cannot create forum



    This was discovered by someone else here:


    Apparently getmypid is disabled on some hosts for security and your host may have turned it on suddenly or after an automated upgrade.



    Dollar sign might have to be urlencoded? Also you can integrate bbPress 0.9 with older versions of WordPress using these instructions:




    I gave up on GamerZ’s plugin and wrote my own (User Track) which is more efficient (faster) and does a few more tricks. Unfortunately it may not be available for a couple months as I need to do some more testing and write some geoip importing features.

    In reply to: bbpress update soon?



    Normally they advise against this because of potential database changes but you should literally be able to install 2.5.1 back over 2.6 – backups are always a must though.

    If you have an svn client installed this is as easy as a single command.

    In reply to: Cron?



    Not yet. They may one day import the code from WordPress or eventually BackPress may solve the issue.



    I’ve never used it but from what I can tell BuddyPress is more like LiveJournal than a forum based system where there are community blogs. It doesn’t actually have forum code.

    In reply to: Forum categories



    I didn’t even know the trunk had categories.

    In theory you could make a forum the category and just put other forums below it. Then use my Read Only Forums plugin to make the category forums impossible to post to.

    I am not sure how categories work – would you be able to go into a category and see posts from all the sub-forums like a latest discussions list but limited to those few forums?



    I just put the code on a test site and it works for me.

    Sub forums show, but not sub sub forums.

    You used http://pastebin.com/m3cef6607 ???

    The sub sub forums you are seeing are indented?

    Make sure you uploaded and are using the correct file.



    Hang on while I double check the code, apparently I guessed wrong somewhere or missed something.

    update: perhaps it’s because $forum is not declared as a global in the template when when it loops through the forums it doesn’t see the changed parent.

    Try this update:




    The templates need to be double checked, something is corrupted or had bad html as I suspected.



    I have another idea why it might only work in firefox.

    It’s possible you are somehow sending malformed HTML with a damaged or buggy template and only Firefox is able to interpret it correctly while the other browsers munge the bad code and therefore leave out the missing hidden input fields.

    Look carefully at your post-form.php template and see if there is any incorrect HTML. Also try doing a direct download of that ?new=1 page instead of looking at it in a browser and study the source for malformed HTML, for example an <input field without the closing > .

    (you could even temporarily replace post-form.php template from the original kakumei theme just to see if it works)



    Hmm, this is going to require some thought…

    That error occurs when bbPress thinks the source of the post is not coming from bbPress (ie. a spammer trying to do a direct post without first visiting the topic)

    The way that’s done is there’s something called a “nonce” which is vaguely like a hidden captcha code that is automatically sent along with the post (via POST data) to tell bbPress it’s genuine.

    So for some reason it’s not getting that “nonce” other than Firefox, which is incredibly strange. Do you happen to have a personal firewall or some kind of add-on that’s blocking certain data like that?

    I would do a “view source” in both firefox and IE on a page with a textarea (http://support.westciv.com/?new=1) and look at the fields inbetween <form> </form>. See if anything is different.

    In reply to: bbpress update soon?



    Again, I’m not an official voice for bbPress, but I don’t see how any of the points listed above are incompatible with the idea that bbPress isn’t a finished program. All of the points are true, it’s a useful and usable program, but it’s not done yet.

    Over time, based on feedback and user code contributions I am very confident that integration will become virtually painless and almost instantaneous.

    bbPress is only a year old in code development. I’m not sure if you realize that. Polished products like vbulletin are EIGHT years old (and $85 a year plus support plus most plugins and themes are commercially sold)

    If you are curious about future features you can always browse the TRAC which will give you a rough idea (ignore the date schedule, they’re just vague estimates). Remember, it’s a community project, you can suggest features and contribute bug fixes too via TRAC.

    In reply to: @ ck. Suggestions



    hyperhoo, I’m kinda on a bbPress break for the summer so major updates to my plugins will be a month or two…

    “admin to hide disable registration”

    I need you to explain that a bit better.

    Per forum based moderation is something that is likely to happen in a future version of bbPress. They have added forum metadata and supposedly forum permissions and I feel that definitely should be done in the core and not via a plugin (it’s just way too complicated via a plugin)

    I may eventually include it but I always found age verification humorous, because who gives their real age on the internet? You’d be crazy to put in your real birthday into a website you have no control over because if the wrong person gets ahold of that it’s useful for social engineering. For now maybe just put in the TOS that they must be “18” or whatever age you want. If they agree to the TOS they are therefore that age. Otherwise you are collecting personal information (their birthday) and are liable for that if it falls into the wrong hands.

    “make a report plugin”

    You mean report a bad post? I’ve already done that.



    I am working on a plugin for this.

    It’s fairly straightforward and would appear in the same profile edit area as the “throttle” override option.



    Here you go:


    (you can copy the plain text from the lower part)

    The lines added are 49, 51 and 57.

    It’s untested but in theory should work.

    Let me know what happens.



    You have to edit the forum.php in your theme’s template.

    Are you using the built in Kakumei theme or have you already changed it?



    Unfortunately the search feature in bbPress is very poor. It can’t be (easily) modified like you are asking.

    I’ve been working on a search replacement but it won’t be released for awhile:


    Note that you can see all posts by a user in their profile.



    Thanks for sharing this!



    The way I hide sub-forums on the front-page is to wrap the code that lists the forums in this simple code:

    <?php if (!$forum->forum_parent) { ?> <– this

    <tr<?php bb_forum_class(); ?>>

    blah blah


    <?php } ?> <– and this

    It essentially just checks if the forum has a parent and doesn’t show it. Now on the forum page that’s a problem because any forum listed would have a parent. Gotta think about that one for a minute…

    Oh wait, I know what to do, we just have to check if the forum_parent is equal to the current forum id. This is untested but in theory should work:

    <?php $forum_parent=$forum_id; ?>
    <?php while ( bb_forum() ) : ?>
    <?php if ($GLOBALS['forum']->forum_parent==$forum_parent) { ?>
    <tr<?php bb_forum_class(); ?>>
    <td><?php bb_forum_pad( '<div class="nest">' ); ?><a href="<?php forum_link(); ?>"><?php forum_name(); ?></a><small><?php forum_description(); ?></small><?php bb_forum_pad( '</div>' ); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><?php forum_topics(); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><?php forum_posts(); ?></td>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

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