_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @_ck_


    Adding tags does not bump posts to the top of latest discussions. In any case that question/problem should be asked in a new topic, not in this one.



    This turned out to be a corrupted copy of the plugin.

    Re-install fixed it.



    Hopefully you’ve figured out you can use my “Post Count Plus” plugin to change the behavior of the link for the post author’s name.



    Here try this – completely untested – let me know!

    update: forget this one, use the 2nd one below it

    function delete_own_post($retvalue, $capability, $args) {
    global $bb_current_user, $bb_post;
    if ($capability=="delete_post" && $bb_current_user->ID && $bb_post && $bb_post->post_id && $bb_post->post_id ==intval($args[1]) && $bb_post->poster_id && $bb_post->poster_id==$bb_current_user->ID && bb_current_user_can( 'edit_post', $bb_post->post_id) {return true;} // lots and lots of double checks
    return $retvalue;
    add_filter('bb_current_user_can', 'delete_own_post',10,3);


    This checks if the user can still edit the post, and if so, allows them to delete their own post too.

    This plugin could be enhanced by checking if the user has been marked as blocked or inactive and prevent them from deleting it at all.

    Update: I may have “over engineered the above function, this may be a much more simplified approach:

    function delete_own_post($retvalue, $capability, $args) {
    if ($capability=="delete_post") {return bb_current_user_can( 'edit_post', $args[1]);}
    return $retvalue;
    add_filter('bb_current_user_can', 'delete_own_post',10,3);

    This second method simply allows delete if the user can still edit a post. Once the edit times out, so does the delete.



    Technically this could be done by wrapping the delete_posts capability in a function to check the current post id # and if the member owns it.



    There are plenty of threads/posts about this, try this:

    Hiding Subforums’ Subforums from Subforum Pages

    You want code like this:

    <?php $forum_parent=$forum_id; ?>
    <?php while ( bb_forum() ) : ?>
    <?php if ($GLOBALS['forum']->forum_parent==$forum_parent) { ?>
    <tr<?php bb_forum_class(); ?>>
    <td><?php bb_forum_pad( '<div class="nest">' ); ?><a href="<?php forum_link(); ?>"><?php forum_name(); ?></a><small><?php forum_description(); ?></small><?php bb_forum_pad( '</div>' ); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><?php forum_topics(); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><?php forum_posts(); ?></td>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

    In reply to: Order of Sticky topics



    Unfortunately there is no built in way to re-order stickies. They are placed by the last timestamp on the topic. It’s alot of work but you could edit the topic date directly in the table via phpmyadmin.

    This would make a good plugin – not necessarily moving stickies but the ability to edit the hidden post/topic timestamp.

    In reply to: Listing of the forums



    You have to first have the list of the forums for that to work.

    add this to the top of that:

    <?php $forums = get_forums(); ?>

    In reply to: Favourites



    It’s just a query, doesn’t write anything so can’t hurt your db. Only bad thing it could do if it you used it on a frequently accessed page, might slow down your site a little bit.

    I’ll double check why it’s not working in 0.9

    update: oh they changed the name of the field from “favorites” to “bb_favorites” so it’s like this now:

    function get_topic_favorites_count( $topic_id=0) {
    global $bbdb, $topic;
    if (!$topic_id) $topic_id = (int) $topic->topic_id;
    return $bbdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$bbdb->usermeta." WHERE meta_key='bb_favorites' AND meta_value REGEXP ':<:".$topic_id.":>:'");







    More statistics:

    4) bbPress is now being used in nearly 80 countries!

    Top countries by estimated rank:

    1. USA

    2. Germany

    3. Spain

    4. United Kingdom

    5. Russia

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    7. Turkey

    8. France

    9. Sweden

    10. China

    11. Denmark

    12. Canada

    13. Netherlands

    14. Europe (misc unknown)

    15. Japan

    16. Romania

    17. Norway

    18. Argentina

    19. Czech Republic

    20. Austria

    21. Belgium

    22. Brazil

    23. Poland

    24. Switzerland

    25. Australia

    26. India



    Your links are not even showing http://forum.ttl79.ru/topic.php?id=11178 as a valid topic. Which would make it impossible to edit. Looking at your latest discussions I don’t see id’s over 500 yet? So where’s the 11178 coming from?

    Oh wait, I am confusing topic id #’s and post id #’s.

    Hmm. This is the topic/post link:


    So you are trying to edit that post as an administrator/keymaster right? Because it’s past an hour.

    Try deactivating a few plugins at a time?

    ps. is there a minibb convert script around or did you write one yourself? Because that would be a nice one to share with others.



    You could use absolute positioning and just put that home button in position:absolute;top:0; left:0; which would take it out of the content flow.

    There has to be a more natural way to layout that header though. What you might use (though more work) is a sub-menu under the header.



    Try editing your bb-config.php file and put in a line like this:

    $bb->uri = 'http://your-domain-name.com/forum-path/';

    It may also require a forced change of your cookiepath if you can’t login.



    I agree on the registration process which can be done by forcing the links on one side to the other but I could not disagree more with “Editing a wordpress post that didn’t exist on the bbpress side would still create a post on bbpress, but it’d date it for when the wordpress post was created, not when the edit took place.”

    I can’t fathom people who do that. WordPress is for One-To-Many posting and bbPress is for Many-To-Many posting.

    What bbPress needs instead is a “promote-to-front-page” option where the front page becomes a descriptive list of topics with summaries that have been marked by admin as worthy for the front page. It’s yet another plugin that I want to write but don’t have time for right now.



    Well the definition of integration is that the two softwares operate as one. If a user has to log in twice, then they do not perceive the website operating as one big system but two different programs.



    If you read the levels of integration I posted in the beginning here you will see that even the most simple level of integration requires cookie sync. It is impossible to sync the cookies between bbPress 0.9 and WordPress 2.6 because they literally use different cookies. A user cannot stay logged in between both. They will have to login twice. Log out twice. The db may be similar and the user table may be used by both but the login cookies are different.

    I don’t know how to state it more clearly than that.



    I think you asked this on the IRC channel but I will also answer here to help others.

    PHP is not processed in style.css (unless you force your server to, and that’s not recommended)

    However you can edit your theme’s header.php and create an additional “inline” stylesheet like so:

    body {background: url("<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>/wp-content/themes/default/images/background.gif") repeat-x top;}

    (note that </head> at the end, it’s meant to indicate you should put that code at the end of the <head></head> section)

    Also, more importantly, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] is not going to be the variable you want. Probably more like $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] and you’ll have to add the path to wordpress too.



    It occurs to me that while the for-hire market is very small on the bbPress side, it’s much more likely you might find someone on the WordPress side who does it for a living. You then might be able to convince them to give bbPress themes a try since they are so similar.

    In any case, you’ve posted your email which is what the “rules” here require and then I guess I’m supposed to close the thread, so good luck and best wishes.

    In reply to: The Whistle & Fish Pub



    Nice! Makes me with they used topic-icons here.

    ps. If you get tired of the 600px wide, try my Hybrid theme as a replacement:


    In reply to: No indexing:(



    Speaking of the 404’s this is worryingly more common than should be with bbPress for some reason. I’ve found a few dozen installs like that during my top100 spidering (out of 3000 so it’s a small number but still).

    I wonder if bbPress could detect if it’s serving 404 response headers or if that happens outside of PHP so it’s not possible to detect.



    Let me repeat and clarify – it’s IMPOSSIBLE to integrate bbPress 0.9.x with WordPress 2.6 – the cookie methods are now completely different. You must use 2.5.1

    Sam has hinted at the possibility of doing an early 1.0 alpha release which would be compatible with WordPress 2.6 and WPMU 2.6 – no promises and no mention of a specific date yet.

    In reply to: Threaded comments



    Various people have requested threaded over the past year but it’s not a priority right now. Only a handful of forums can do threaded. It’s a bit tricky but bbPress could be made to do it eventually. It’s a matter of storing each post’s parent id and changing the display order (and formatting). The hardest part is pagination which requires some complex look-ahead calculations.

    After 1.0 gets stable, maybe threaded will be revisited, at least as a plugin.



    You will need bbPress 1.0 to integrate with wpmu 2.6 (or even wp 2.6) which is only available via the trunk. It’s also not stable yet, so not recommended for live sites.

    Sam has mentioned possibly doing some kind of early 1.0 alpha release soon to help/please some people who insist on using 2.6 but I don’t know the specifics of the timetable he has in mind.

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