_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: foodadelphia



    Ah here it is, ‘sort_tag_heat_map’

    So this is a rough guess, untested:

    // sort hot tag heat maps by descending tag count
    remove_filter('sort_tag_heat_map', 'bb_sort_tag_heat_map');
    add_filter('sort_tag_heat_map', 'my_sort_tag_heat_map');
    function my_sort_tag_heat_map( &$tag_counts ) {
    arsort($tag_counts, SORT_NUMERIC);

    try stuffing that into functions.php and put it into your template folder.

    In reply to: foodadelphia



    Now that I think about it, there is a sort routine specifically for the tags that you could intercept via a plugin. I’ll take a look.

    Be sure to tell me what other plugins you are using as I am concerned about the (lack of) performance on your install.

    In reply to: foodadelphia



    Part of how the visual impact of a hot tag list works requires it to be jumbled a bit, which is why alphabetical works. If you do it decending, it looks weird. I don’t think there is a built in way to do it in order, a replacement routine would have to be written.

    In reply to: foodadelphia



    Windows has a “large font” mode under the advanced display settings which turns everything into 120dpi instead of 96dpi, it makes some fonts larger. I would guess that at least 25% of the people out there use it because at high resolution the fonts are too small on most monitors.

    Something is wrong though with the number of queries used on your pages, I am worried a plugin is malfunctioning under 1.0 – can you tell me what plugins you are using? Queries are how bbPress gets data from the database. Each kind of info needs a query, a user, a forum, a topic, etc. A clean install of 1.0 with some forums/topics uses probably 15-20 queries for the front page, yours is using 35 which seems excessive.

    In reply to: foodadelphia



    Nice clean layout. You might want to look at it using the large fonts setting in Windows, the “remember me” gets pushed over to a new line (some of us have eyesight problems ;-)

    Even though you are on 1.0, the query count seems a little high for some pages, I wonder if something is off. I can definitely tell you are on shared hosting because of the page render times.



    If I missed such a large site in the top 100 be sure to let me know.

    Sometimes it’s hard for me to find certain sites given how much bbPress is being customized.

    (I had written a whole thing here but I accidentally closed the tab and restoring it never brought the text back unfortunately.)

    You should never adopt a program based on one person, especially if that person doesn’t do it for a living and even more important since that person doesn’t work for the company that made the program in the first place ;-)

    To be clear I am not abandoning bbPress, at least not until I find something better and I am not actually looking for something else right now and what I have seen over the past year has not impressed me much. Besides, there are other talents around here and they are slowing releasing more and more impressive plugins or porting them from WP. A couple years from now people won’t even remember me.

    My biggest problem with 1.0 is how bbPress was on a course with 0.9 to correct many of the legacy mistakes that WordPress had made, and suddenly with a whim by Matt, bbPress has turned around 180 degrees and steered itself neck deep back into the muck and mire via BackPress. It’s now burdened with many more layers and required compatibility and it will never be any more lightweight than it is now, which is not so fantastic anymore.

    Another big problem growing with 1.0 is how instead of taking any feature that is outside of the API functionality and making it external as a plugin, it is being poured directly into the core, setting itself up for more legacy failure, like WordPress. Sam wrote some really great plugins as an independent but now as a core developer he can just slide it right into the core. It’s far easier to modified the core to get new features done fast but it should be resisted at all costs. You’ll notice that WordPress doesn’t have any official plugins outside of akismet and “hello dolly”, it’s a very clear but invisible company policy – “we don’t make plugins, put it into the core”. bbPress is now headed down the same path and it’s not necessary.

    Things like:



    topic page icons

    should not be in the core. Instead any necessary action and filter hooks needed to accomplish such features should be carefully created and then the features should be made as plugins that can be enabled or disabled as desired. bbPress already comes with a “factory” plugin directory, it should be put to good use.

    bbPress 0.9’s greatest strength was as a lightweight framework.

    1.0 is not just a framework anymore, it’s starting to tell you how it should look and feel, and that is bad, because there are dozens of other forum programs out there that will do just that.



    Nice to see the page restored (see my rant here about that for those who don’t know the history)

    I can see they are already whining about “third-party publications”

    I can give you newspaper references where bbPress was mentioned if that helps:


    I’ve got a couple others somewhere.

    Also there is a post somewhere where Matt describes how he first put bbPress together over a Christmas holiday, which is important as it’s bbPress’s genesis story.

    Oh and TalkPress should probably be mentioned on there and compare it to WordPress.com



    I appreciate it when people listen to my advice. I wish more people did, I am getting a few people a day now asking how to fix so-and-so because they upgraded to 1.0 and it’s getting tiresome.

    In some cases they never saw my warning which is unfortunate but the ones who saw my warnings and figured they knew better or I would somehow drop everything and fix it anyway, well I don’t know what to say.



    Post Meta is so complex I might not be supporting it anymore under the new 1.0

    It uses a great deal of hacky workarounds to function and was kind of experimental in the first place.

    Since 1.0 now really does have post meta ability (at least in the database) you might want to try making something work with that.

    As a side note I find all these “has anyone figured how to make so-and-so work under 1.0” questions very strange. People should not be using 1.0 so soon unless they know how to figure it out themselves. Also 1.0 has also only been out a few days, not even a week, how many people does everyone think are rushing to upgrade to 1.0 so soon?

    The way some plugins will be broken under 1.0 is non-trivial. There are database changes, hook changes, the way data is moved around has changed, cache system has changed, variables are renamed. It’s a different creature than 0.9, not a simple upgrade. The numbering system is very misleading – 0.9 is really 1.0 and 1.0 is really like 2.0



    $page will be greater than 1 if you are on a paginated set of pages for any kind of view, topic, etc.

    so do a

    global $page;

    and then if ($page>1) { blah }

    but search engines like google are already aware of bbPress and index it well



    My point exactly about access. On a single server setup you might as well give more resources to mysql, it’s much more practical. The idea is to try to eliminate the bottleneck to mysql when you have contention among many clients. You won’t likely get that in a single server setup if mysql is done right.

    The memcache layer in wp/bbpress is only one step above the mysql layer and the only thing you are saving is a few cpu cycles from when it decodes the serialized data from mysql to memory. It certainly doesn’t help at all the fact that bbPress 1.0, like WP, now does a gazillion copies of an object in memory as it references data, instead of using pointers like 0.9 does – all those copies add up, you can actually time the 50% decrease in performance on each ROW when displaying the front page with 25 topics and it gets magnified with each plugin used.


    Cache Type Cache Gets/sec
    Array Cache 365000
    APC Cache 98000
    File Cache 27000
    Memcached Cache (TCP/IP) 12200 <<<<====---
    MySQL Query Cache (TCP/IP) 9900
    MySQL Query Cache (Unix Socket) 13500 <<<<===---
    Selecting from table (TCP/IP) 5100
    Selecting from table (Unix Socket) 7400

    Maybe someone should write an interface into the wp/bbpress memcache object manager to use APC/eaccelerator shared memory instead on single server systems. Apparently that would be significantly faster.



    The people who have them working under 1.0 are likely using an older theme, either from a previous version of bbPress or a 3rd party template.

    In reply to: post_form() h2 woes



    My plugins are not supported on 1.0 and many will not work properly.

    I’ve said this several times over the past few months.

    In reply to: 1.0 screenshots?



    That’s a good idea, someone should do it.

    I’d recommend to take screenshots under Safari for the best possible appearance.

    Here is a view in Firefox of the plugins panel.


    As you can see it now has the (very annoying) semi-monochromatic, narrow, length-wise vertical layout of WordPress 2.7+

    It also uses the same short-circuited logic as WP, where item that are dark on the left mean they are selected and active, while items on the right that are dark are actually inactive.



    Many of my plugins (and others) meant for bbPress 0.9 will not work under 1.0

    I do not intend to address this until December as there will likely be additional changes to bbPress.

    Those that want to use my plugins should use bbPress 0.9 and not 1.0, you can always upgrade later.



    You cannot use many of the 0.9 plugins under 1.0 final

    I have been warning about that for months.

    In reply to: strange url issue



    If this is happening in 1.0, it’s a bug and I would open a ticket in http://trac.bbpress.org to make sure that Sam becomes aware of it.

    utf-8 in URLs is probably going to be a difficult problem to debug



    To learn how bbPress works, I would suggest browsing the source of the top level files in the bbPress root.

    is_forum simply checks the url and does not know which forum it is in

    but it can be used before repermalink happens (similar to wordpress)

    to get the current forum, in theory you should be able to

    global $forum_id;

    And then the $forum_id is the current forum number. You can then use the api to get the forum name, etc. if desired.

    This may not work in all cases as bbPress has some nasty code in some places that even in 1.0 still does not reset the counter after loops. For example a forum page that has some sub-forums, the $forum_id might very well be the last sub-forum displayed (if the bug has not been fixed yet).

    You also cannot fetch $forum_id before repermalink happens which is after bb_init is triggered. Shouldn’t be a problem unless you are trying to execute code while a plugin is loading vs. after init

    ps. is_forum is deprecated in 1.0, use bb_is_forum



    Memcache is going to be an absolutely useless suggestion for 95%+ of bbPress users.

    Most won’t have the knowledge or resources to set it up and the performance boost will be trivial, almost non-existent for a single server setup (on a shared host it won’t even be a possibility). A proper mysql cache, opcode cache, and local disk cache will come within the same single digit performance gains of memcache.

    Memcache is only beneficial for multi-server systems, it’s why it was invented in the first place.

    The way to cache forums properly is to cache parts of the pages and build the page based on each user on demand. This allows much more dynamic content.

    Large forums usually have an additional problem with several bots crawling them at once at any given time which is why caching every single page in a page cache (like wp super cache) can be a problem. The bots will fill the cache with many one-time hits which have to be purged very soon after they are created.



    If you are trying to use my plugins on 1.0 you are not going to get very far.

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Speaking of .htaccess I want to express how I simply cannot disagree more with the suggestion during bbPress 1.0 install to make it writeable by bbPress.

    Opening .htaccess to writes by PHP is an INCREDIBLY bad idea security-wise.

    Never, ever, make any part of your bbPress (or WordPress) install write-able or you are just begging to be hacked sooner or later. Always use FTP and replace it yourself.

    If you are on a shared server, the vulnerability is magnified many more times.

    Directories used for caching and uploading that simply must be writable should always be “above” the web-root so that an attacker cannot easily execute files they just uploaded or modified.

    One day bbPress will have a template editor like WordPress and I will have to recommend deleting it and never chmod’ing the template directory as well.



    My hardware wouldn’t matter because I’m running a small fraction of the number of users you are asking about. I am however running litespeed instead of apache which can double the performance of most servers.



    There are already sites running bbPress 0.9 with many more users than that.


    Only thing I would suggest as I have in the past is that if it’s a commercial project with income, you should always be considering vbulletin which is no-nonsense, high end features/performance right out of the box. But it’s not cheap and everything worthwhile for it is usually pay-only also.

    bbPress is for do-it-yourself-ers who want to make something that either blends into an existing design or you want something fresh that doesn’t look like every other cookie-cutter forum.



    This would be fairly straightforward to do via a plugin.

    Sam recently modified a filter for a post class based on my suggestion in 1.0



    All you would have to do is hook the filter and examine the user for the post, then add a class based on role.

    So the framework you need is something like this:

    add_filter( 'post_del_class', 'post_class_by_role',10,2);
    function post_class_by_role($classes, $post_id ) {
    // do stuff here, add class to $classes if necessary
    return $classes;

    This won’t work in 0.9 however, you would need a template modification instead.



    MDA tried to put in code that prevented malformed image tags. Since bbPress uses raw html and not bbcode by default, it’s always something to consider. However you can run a minimal plugin to allow any and all images quite easily:

    add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'allow_images_allowed_tags' );
    function allow_images_allowed_tags( $tags ) {$tags['img'] = array('src' => array(), 'title' => array(), 'alt' => array()); return $tags; }

    That’s all that’s needed to permit the image tag.

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