_ck_ (@_ck_)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @_ck_


    I found the bug, they need to change this rule

    in /common-theme/style.css



    go to the end of the rule and change

    scroll bottom 180px;}


    scroll 180px bottom;}

    problem solved

    He has X/Y reversed.



    This is interesting, the buzzing bee doesn’t show up in any browser but Chrome and Safari for me.

    Maybe a CSS3 rule of some kind.

    Ah okay maybe it’s the z-index, foreground image overlapping the rear.

    Hmm, I can’t quite figure out the issue.

    Does anyone in Firefox see this in the header:




    Thanks for making bbPress.org 2.0 happen Michael !



    This all started with Sam 9 months ago.


    I sure miss him :-(

    In reply to: Bbpress themes



    Huh. Who runs that bbpressthemes.net ?



    They copied all my carefully collected (and slightly modified) themes from bbShowcase, edited them all and are presenting it like they did all the work.

    Oh hell, it’s too late:


    So many people are getting their themes from there, I need to contact Google Safe Browsing group asap



    Yeah someone is slowly straightening out things.

    I guess it was virtually impossible to test before it went live so this is unavoidable.

    We probably need to give them overnight to get it stable.



    If whomever is doing the changes finally returns, please note there are many page “stalls” (blank page) and the plugin section has many broken links.

    I know the plugins are a custom mod of bbPress so that might take some time to straighten out, just making sure someone is aware.

    ps. ah the link to the plugin section just disappeared so I assume it’s a work in progress…



    I like my meta on the right hand side instead of the left.

    Since there is no toggle in this theme, you can use the Stylish plugin for Firefox to change it:

    @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

    @-moz-document domain("bbpress.org") {
    .grid_3,.grid_4 {float:right !important;}

    You can probably do something similar with GreaseMonkey but I am not certain exactly how.



    Hiya Chris, glad to see you!



    This is bbPress.org 2.0

    Nice to see the change!

    This seems to be based on Sam’s work but someone has done some tweaking.

    Matt apparently either remembered or rushed the update after my complaint on WPTavern following his (negative) comments about bbPress over the weekend at WordCamp in his keynote.

    Gravatars are a bit staggeringly huge, takes some getting used to and not sure I really care for them that big.



    Please do not do send donations anymore.

    For those that have in the past 24 hours because of this thread please ask Amazon or your credit company for a refund or I’ll send you back the gift certificate numbers if they can’t refund for some reason.

    Any donations sent as of this month will not be used,

    I repeat, do not send any further donations.



    I’ve unspammed the other posts.

    In reply to: bbpress slow?



    bbPress 0.9 can still be fastest if setup correctly.

    I assure you I have more plugins running at once than virtually anyone.


    Average: 0.50s. Median: 0.41s. StdDev: 0.50s. From 10 calls.


    Average: 0.73s. Median: 0.43s. StdDev: 0.73s. From 10 calls.

    And that webwait site is a very poor way of benchmarking things.

    Your distance to each site also affects the load time

    (especially since you are far overseas to continental USA).



    0.9 or 1.0 and what is the environment your server is on.

    If you don’t know what that means just give us a PHPINFO.

    If you are on a host with NFS (like dreamhost) bbPress and WordPress

    (or anything relying on alot of files) will be slow.

    In reply to: bbPress Codex – lolz



    That’s just a domain mapping problem, it’s not the bbpress.org site.

    They just both are parked right now on the same automattic server.



    Er, you mean just like the hot-topic plugin?



    Of course it’s possible but around half the plugins will stop working.



    If a user is deleted (or somehow corrupted) the post will show as anonymous.

    Also the post data might be corrupted in some way.

    You’d have to look at the poster_id and see if it matches any user id #

    In reply to: bbpress and memcache?



    Output caching can be effective for parts of the page (I do it in several plugins) but caching an entire page for a forum is not as good of an experience for forums vs blogs.

    Blogs are post once, read many times. Forums are post many times, read many times.

    When you aren’t viewing comments, blogs barely change, on forums everything changes constantly.

    Unless you don’t mind showing guests outdated info.

    One day someone will port WP Super Cache or similar (but don’t look at me).

    It will be effecting for showing guests outdated info.



    In theory it should be also possible to allow users to move their own topics if placed in the wrong category:

    (untested, should allow a user to move only their own topics within the same time period they can typically edit a topic, ie. 1 hour default)

    function move_own_topic($retvalue, $capability, $args) {
    if ($capability=="move_topic") {return bb_current_user_can( 'edit_topic', $args[1]);}
    return $retvalue;
    add_filter('bb_current_user_can', 'move_own_topic',10,3);

    In reply to: bbpress and memcache?



    It only loads faster because several parts of 1.0 are still not optimized yet and use too many queries.

    The point is a proper mysql cache, especially if it’s on the local machine, is as fast as memcached unless you have an overloaded mysql server (that is also typically external to the webserver).

    In reply to: bbpress and memcache?



    Glad to see what I am saying confirmed with independent realword proof.

    BTW, just how big is your site that you require multiple db servers?

    I don’t know of a single WordPress+bbPress install, other than Automattic’s that are using multiple db servers.

    (unless of course you are running other apps that have heavy db use or maybe for backup replication)



    Try this simpler version:

    function bb_target_blank( $text ) {
    $text = preg_replace('|<a (.+?)>|i', '<a $1 target="_blank">', $text);
    return $text;
    add_filter('pre_post', 'bb_target_blank');

    EDIT 22 December 2009. bbPress is stripping the $1 out of the code above. It goes between the ‘a’ and the ‘target’ where you can see two spaces. See here:




    Older installs from 0.8 won’t have a default throttle time so the override won’t show up.

    Try putting this into bb-config.php




    I can’t find that on my local or the remote copy.

    In fact I can’t find any other script that could load/create such a script.

    If it appears on your site after you’ve had it installed for awhile, someone injected code into your site.

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