amirsaam (@7i7griffin)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @7i7griffin


    umm…, no! bbPlugin by default using a subdirectory of WordPress but by some skills on creating a pro theme for your blog that give the forums pages, and left the permalink of the forum root (called Forums) blank you can get what you want (it’s jus’ a advice, I’m not sure!)



    Before anything read this all:

    bbPlugin Shortcodes | bbPlugin Theme Compatibility



    I’ve this problem too on localhost with bbPlugin. XAMPP PHP vr5.3.1

    I have no idea why this is like this, but perhaps permalinks in localhost be the reason

    In reply to: bbPress Language Files



    Dude you mean bbPlugin or bbPress (StandAlone vr.)?

    For the StandAlone one you must put your language files into my-languages and for bbPlugin put them into WordPress language directory with name like bbpress-fa_IR.po or .mo. themes and plugins have a directory for translations, if have not code a textdomain for it :)

    In reply to: bbPress Language Files



    Nope @Vayu. He mean bbPress language not theme or plugin.

    Language files must upload in a directory in bbPress root called my-languages

    (Also you must look at the post date: 1 month ago!)

    In reply to: How can I …?



    #1 is fixed too now. looks like bbPress have that bug. I put the topic pages nav upper the post form and now the closed messsege shown under the page last post.

    I would like @JJJ fixed this out…




    Yeah dude it’s StandAlone version not the bbPlugin.

    I think @ootes worked on it very much

    I work on Persian bbPress support site, I would like to have some discussions with you @BJ :) Can you gimme your mail address?




    Yeah dude it’s StandAlone version not the bbPlugin.

    I think @ootes worked on it very much

    I work on Persian bbPress support site, I would like to have some discussions with you @BJ :) Can you gimme your mail address?

    In reply to: Seperate Forums




    I CAN SAY WOW! What a fantastic skills that coder had! It looks like used BuddyPress too, nah?

    I just worked with Stand-Alone versions but that is so fantastic! I hope @JohnJamesJacoby write a better doc than now for us :)

    In reply to: WYSIWYG-Editor?



    For PM you can use WordPress Private Messege. Need some act to using it :)



    template directory has no code. you must use

    http://"<?php bb_uri(); ?>/my-templates/your theme name/



    template directory has no code. you must use

    http://"<?php bb_uri(); ?>/my-templates/your theme name/

    In reply to: WPMimic V.1



    Do you know all of codes of WPMimic?

    How can I show the < closed topic > messege after the last post?

    It shown for me under the first post :-/

    In reply to: WPMimic V.1



    Do you know all of codes of WPMimic?

    How can I show the < closed topic > messege after the last post?

    It shown for me under the first post :-/

    In reply to: Full Width forum



    You must use everywhere %

    example: #content {width: 80%} #sidebar {width; 20%}

    In reply to: jDate and Jalali dates



    :-/ No One?

    In reply to: WPMimic V.1



    No, this theme jus’ work wuth 1.0.x or 1.x now

    In reply to: WPMimic V.1



    No, this theme jus’ work wuth 1.0.x or 1.x now

    In reply to: How can I …?



    # 2 is now fixed

    In reply to: jDate and Jalali dates



    John I need this answers…

    bbPress 1.1 is translated 50%, if we don’t have a Jalali date format we cannot publish it :(

    In reply to: jDate and Jalali dates



    Thanks for the answers…

    John I saw that all of formats (like number format and date format) is in a file name in bb-includes directory…

    If our plugin convert the functions in this file (bb_gmdate_i18n & bb_number_format_i18n) to Persian formats, will all the formats in anywhere being reformated?

    In reply to: jDate and Jalali dates



    Can you say I must edit the core (I mean not any version) for show jDate or something else?

    Cause I say that there is nothing in the themes function like WordPress themes that call date. In bbPress themes, we saw just calls from core like profile_base_content that have the member since date.

    And do you support us in Persian bbPress project? Something like the Persian WordPress page (

    In reply to: jDate and Jalali dates



    umm… John I now see the about/domains page :-( I am sorry to say I’ve submit < bbPress.iR > for our team :-( Can we continue using it?



    bbPress 1.0.x or 2.0?

    In reply to: jDate and Jalali dates



    John I’ve question about that the Date function must be in ThemeFunctions or no, that is in bbPress Core and I need to convert that to jDate function?

    We coded a plugin that with found jDate in somewhere will convert it into Jalali date but I don’t know we must with require_once function include the core or no, the theme must have the jDate… :)

    And can you say when will you work on the perevius versions? And when the stable 2.0 come (cause of that we need to prepare to support it too!)?


    AmirSaam امیرسام

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