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WYSIWYG editor with image upload for "Normal Users"

  • @dreamwork


    Can someone tell me is there a plugin doing this now?(This has been asked over 6 years)

    I have tried lots of plugins but no one does exactly what I need,
    1) An easy WYSIWYG editor in bbpress for normal users(frontend).
    2) With an image “upload” feature, but is not working like an attachment like “GD bbPress Attachments”.
    3) All the uploaded images will be separated by folder(user name or individual name for an user).
    This is to avoid user use images from other users.
    I am also happy to know the reason if this is impossible this meanwhile, like wordpress official has a consideration on it’s risks.

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  • @dreamwork


    Hi Guys,

    Or how you solve this? a wysiwyg editor with image upload which is not uploaded in a public media box for bbpress users?



    1) An easy WYSIWYG editor in bbpress for normal users(frontend).

    You can enable the TinyMCE Visual Editor with instructions shown here:

    Enable Visual Editor

    2) With an image “upload” feature, but is not working like an attachment like “GD bbPress Attachments”.

    I’m only aware of the “GD bbPress Attachments” plugin that offers this for bbPress, you should be asking in their support forums for any issues relating to why this plugin doesn’t work for you.

    3) All the uploaded images will be separated by folder(user name or individual name for an user).

    bbPress does NOT support attachments or media uploads ‘out of the box’
    I would also suggest you also contact the “GD bbPress Attachments” support forum to request any enhancements you would like to see in the plugin.



    Hi Stephen,
    Thank you for the reply, due to the GD press attachment uploads files after clicking on submit, it will never work like WYSIWYG editor, and as a support plugin they will follow bbpress rules.

    I guess I will need another plugin which allows user box by account id and stocks personal images. This may work with the default TinyMCE by inserting uploaded images.



    You can add the default WordPress media button. I guess it only works for logged in WordPress users with authorization to upload.



    The Coffeeblack Plugin for BBpress and Mediapress does this

    Mediapress BBpress Gallery Insert From Editor

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