WP bbpress integration plugin no longer needed?
I have a simple question to bbpress 1.0 (final) and wp 2.8: Is the bbpress integration plugin still needed for complete integration? I followed the screencast on wordpress.tv. After installing bbpress there´s no problem to login into bbpress and wp at the same time. I remeber my first tests with 1.0 alpha where it doesn´t work…
curious as well…
I am running an install without the plugin just fine. Cookies work on both ends and all. Don’t think it is needed anymore.
Cannot get integration to work even with the plugin. Help appreciated.
Below is generated from wordpress plugin for shared cookies:
define( ‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’ );
User database table prefix:
set to wp_
I do not have a value for:
WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt
define( ‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ” );
When I log into bbpress it logs me out of wordpress and vice-versa. Any ideas?
Settings are the same:
Unless you are using the secure auth (https://) stuff you won’t need a cookie salt.
What bout the nonce Key?
Also do I have to define:
WordPress “auth” cookie salt
and WordPress “logged in” cookie salt
in the bbconfig.php?
I am confused about the use of the plugin, now. Everything works fine when deactivating it, but as the description of the plugin says … “it is also necessary to setup this plugin so that WordPress can set a couple of extra cookies which are required”.
I am not sure what the extra cookies do, if things work fine without the plugin. Is there no longer a need for these extra cookies in v. 1.0? Were they required only in the prior versions of bbPress?
Yeah, I am completely lost. Bbpress install works but there is absolutely no integration, in fact I have anti-integration. If I log into one, it logs me out of the other.
For some reason I cannot change the :
WordPress “auth” cookie salt & WordPress “logged in” cookie salt in bbpress to match the values for wordpress!!!
No salts in the bb-config–thats all in the database.
The nonce key is not set in mine, but I am not 100% sure what it is.
Apparently the problem was that when you try to login as ‘admin’ user the bbpress and wordpress user list gets confused. It thinks that they are two different users since there is the admin in bbpress user database upon install and an existing one in wordpress. This creates a conflict. I created a new admin account under a different username in wordpress and everything works correctly.
BBpress integration plugin IS NOT REQUIRED to get integration to work correctly.
I am not sure why, but “auth” cookie salt & WordPress “logged in” cookie salt in bbpress does not have to match that in wordpress.
Lastly, the most important variable other than in bb-config and wp-config files:
define(‘AUTH_KEY’,’ ‘);
define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’,’ ‘);
define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘ ‘);
Is to verify that User database table prefix is set correctly. To verify this, set field usually to wp_ and check the user list. If you have this value set correctly, then bbpress imports all users into bbpress admin area. Integration is super easy, but there are a few admin/instructional issues that have not been updated and can cause confusion. Please post if you have further questions!!!
@ cornetjr
I do have all the keys set, including the nonce key.
In the bb-config file you will find this url
where it will define all the secret keys for you automatically
I simply copied and pasted.
Or you can use the ones defined on the wordpress end, as per the link on the wp-config file
Whichever ones you end up using, make sure the strings match in both config files. See if this makes it work for you.
Edit: Never mind, I noticed you fixed it, while I was posting. Maybe this info can be useful in other cases.
Hm… I´m a bit confused, too. All seems to work fine. But why the plugin description says “This plugin is only useful if you are running bbPress version 1.0-alpha-4 or later” and why the plugin was updated to 1.0 if it works fine without it?
The plugin is required because it will call functions to clear your bbpress login cookies. It will also be called to create your bbpress cookies (cookies with paths that = /bb-admin, /bb-plugins, /my-plugins). Without this these will not get created.
These cookies allow you to enter into the admin/dashboard of the user in the respective app.
Which is pretty much the entire point of integration plugin.
@Jason_JM: Okay, but as i said it works also without having the plugin installed. I tried it on my testblog, before going live. And if the plugin is really needed for integration it should be mentioned in the documentation. It´s the first place to go for users who are trying to integrate bbpress with wordpress…
But one more point: What about those 2 folders called my-plugins & my-templates. Is there a reason for why i can´t access them with my ftp? The folders can´t not opened either i can´t change their chmods. I´m using Filezilla as ftp tool. It reports “Failed to retrieve directory listing” when i try to open on of this folders.
the plugin on wordpress it’s necessary! i can log in wp admin if i log in bbpress, if you log in wordpress the cookie are not set to enter in bbpress admin.
I recommend continuing to use the plugin. There are only a few cases where integration might work without it.
I recommend continuing to use the plugin. There are only a few cases where integration might work without it.
Then i´m the luckiest guy on planet
For me it seems to work fine without the plugin. I created some test users and i had no problems to access both frontends/backends logged in at the same time. Tested on different machines. But if you recommend it, i will install it just to prevent later problems that may be appear.
Thanks for your help so far! But what about the two folders mentioned above?
Those folders are created with 0750 file permissions. If you can’t do anything with them then unless you have shell access you might have to ask your host to delete them and then you can re-create them yourself.
I recommend continuing to use the plugin.
@sambauers: Thanks for your reply. No, i haven´t shell access. I´ll ask my hoster. Thanks! If none other users have any questions to the main topic this thread could be marked as solved.
Thank you for the clarification. I have now reactivated the plugin. It is indeed necessary to enter the bb-admin area, when logging in from WordPress.
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