Widgets are wrongly placed on forum pages, but appear nicely in non-forum pages
Using WordPress 3.4.1, bbPress 2.1.2, TwentyEleven 1.4 (unmodified theme).
Widgets are correctly placed on non-bbPress forum pages (See screenshot)
But on any bbPress forum page, the widgets appear below the forum content (See screenshot)
What’s wrong? How can I fix this?
The likeliest from what I can see in those screenshots is that there is an extra container somewhere that messes up the stylesheet. Unfortunately, it’s kind of hard to see off of screenshots exactly where the tags go wrong — do you know your way around CSS/HTML to figure it out from there?
It`s near impossible to troubleshoot this without having access to the site so we can see the HTML/CSS. Looks to be either a CSS clear or, as Melindrea said, an extra container.
If you want more help than that we really must see the site itself.
Just FYI,
This is very, very similar to the probl;em I’m having that’s been referenced here.
Melindrea, No I don’t know my way around HTML/CSS.
Looks very much like a clearing issue. Site link would allow us to help you further 🙂
Good luck!
If you can give a link, I (and by the looks of things, several others) can give it a gander.
Dear Melindrea, Lynq, Amunds,
Thank you so much for your willingness to help us. And thanks for your patience.
Here are the relevant files:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/5me5s9gtumwrd1h/bbpress.cssThe link to the folder containing the files is https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lm1mlfjxx3gcwoy/JpAMg7Ipxa
Hi, folks. Please let me know if there are other web files whose source code would be helpful to examine.
Thank you.Hi, if anyone can diagnose the problem by looking at the stylesheets (CSS) and HTML, we’d be most grateful.
Dear all,
Please let me know if there are any files you need to inspect.
Thanks.Hello all. Some of you have graciously offered to take a look at the website. I’ve posted links to the HTML and CSS but have not received any responses yet.
Please help if you can.
Hi, everyone. Still patiently waiting for help.
Sorry, work swallowed my soul (again < .<)
Alright, the problem is that the id of the primary container (the main content) is "container" on bbpress, and "primary" on your page.
Take a backup of all the files, change to in the forum pages. In the forum CSS, replace #container with #primary
That ought to do it, and good luck.
Hi, Melindrea.
I know the feeling!You wrote
> change to in the forum pages
What changes exactly should I make in the forum pages (HTML)?
…Bah, my code was swallowed.
Change <div id=”container”> to <div id=”primary”> in the forum pages.
Melindrea, Thanks for clarifying what to change in the forum pages.
Would I have to manually change div id=”container” to div id=”primary” every time a new forum page is created (such as when a visitor creates a new forum thread?
This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by
No, only on the template pages for them, such as archive-topics, archive-forums, single-topic, single-forum… those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
I’m having this same exact problem with the twenty eleven theme. Widgets are not displayed until the bottom of the forum.
Melindrea – I’m very new to CSS, you state to change the forum CSS from “container” to “primary”. Where would I find that CSS? in the plugins directory?
Thank you
I had the same problem, i resoved it by adding this code in the style.css of my twenty eleven child theme
.forum #primary{
}.forum .entry-content{
And then also:
.topic #primary{
}.topic .entry-content{
And finaly,
.bbp-user-page #primary{
}.bbp-user-page .entry-content{
That solved my problem. I run WP 3.5. and bbpress 2.2. Hope this helps.
I also figured out how to change the page title and remove some space at the top. Let me knof if you are interrested.Hi,
Thank you pdhuisman, that fixed that problem easily! I’d been messing around with all sorts of complicated code other people had suggested, which weren’t as succesful. Your code works a treat!
I’d really like to know how to remove some space at the top, though.
I’d like the formatting of the forum page to match that of the other pages. Currently the header (I think that’s what it’s called) is for some reason indented a bit and too low under the menu bar.
I’m working with a child theme, but other than that I really don’t know a lot about what I’m doing.
Glad to hear it worked. Add the code below, that should work.
`.singular .hentry {
border-bottom: medium none;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
It didn’t work initially, but when I changed .singular to .forum it worked (lucky hunch) as I knew I’d selected forum.php in BBPressWPTweaks to be the ‘forum wrapper’?
The title (which I stupidly called a header in the last post) is still indented to the right, though, and the body (is that the right word?) of the forum stuff is still too far left. Any idea why they aren’t lining up with the first menu option, like they do on the other pages?
(don’t ask me why it’s forums/forum/forum… I haven’t a clue, and since it works, don’t care either!)
I can live with it as it is (because I’ve tried writing adding some code to your last bit which made zero difference, and it’s already a vast improvement on what I had before!), but ideally I’d like both the title and the body to be in the same place as it is on the other pages (which have sidebar.php as their templates, if that helps).
Thank you in advance if you can help – you’ve helped loads already!
I use this code for that:
`.singular .entry-header, .singular .entry-content, .singular footer.entry-meta, .singular #comments-title {
width: 100%;
}`Looking at your site, that should work. I use the inspect element button in Chrome to find the item i want to change. Just fiddle a bit by turning things on and off until you find what you want to change and add code in your child theme. Almost anything can be done like colours, font size e.d.
Great work on your site btw!.
Thanks heaps.
I’ve been doing this less than a month, and am hooked already!
So much to learn! Am now installing Chrome. :o)
Wordpress is so impressive.
Thanks again for all your help.
And again, thanks. The Google Chrome ‘inspect element’ tip is invaluable!
Now I’m getting to grips with the code a LOT quicker!
This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by
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