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Whoa! ( 2.0 is live)

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  • @matveb


    It is good to see such a nice work. Congrats.



    It’s great to see the site updated

    it’s also great to see _ck_ as well w/b :o)



    Looks nice. Just discovered bbpress and had the site open the other night, wake up and click to a new section and it was different! Fun.



    so there is no way to reply to a comment, only to the entire post thread? how does somebody quote another person to reply to them within the post?



    Nice to see that big changes are finally happening here. Now all we need is a look-a-like theme to go with it. bbShowcase is back on? Sweet!



    so there is no way to reply to a comment, only to the entire post thread? how does somebody quote another person to reply to them within the post?

    You copy and paste into your reply and just wrap it in html <blockquote>

    Replies are not threaded in bbPress. Comments *are* threaded in WordPress, if you want them.



    new style for not means that bbpressstill alive, one week… no new version, and this style is very ugly: small text, small elements, annoying fade effects…

    we need fresh look of old style



    I disagree there. this new look is taking some getting used, and overall is very good. However there is room for improvement.





    Very good style, i like it!



    I like this theme more than the previous one..



    If the text is too small, just use the Stylish plugin for firefox and add this rule

    body {font-size:100% !important;}

    (or increase 100% as desired)



    actually I forgot I have my text increased as standard in Firefox (failing eyesight and all that) and the font is just readable for me without straining. This makes me think the standard font size is a touch small – especially considering the avatar size.

    If your font size is really small, can you let me know which browser you are using? I can’t seem to replicate that problem.



    It is great indeed, the only section i miss is the THEME section.

    Just like


    – plugins

    – themes

    I think this will also result in more themes.

    Everything else is just great, love to see bbpress is getting more mature, in a few years bbpress will be the most used forumboard.

    Keep it up!



    Noel the fonts are small in Firefox but that may be because they don’t seem to scale for some reason when “large fonts” are enabled in Windows.

    Like I pointed out, resetting the body to font-size:100%; seems to fix the whole problem for me.

    The overly large gravatars still takes some getting used to however, I’ve never seen a forum system with avatars over 100×100



    i’m using Opera 10, i can make css table for any site without any plugins.

    i see no reason for updating style of if plugin page don’t work



    Noel, here are problems that I think are important to fix:

    • no download link for plugins, version etc (major)
    • in login form in header, username and password are not deleted when you click on it, so you need to manually delete them
    • no subscribe to topic link (I’m now wondering could be this solved by using action topicmeta instead of hardcoding in theme since this won’t work in any theme by default)
    • better aligning on post form on plugin’s pages
    • better pagination on profile pages on forum
    • more margin between columns on user’s favorites page

    Also, gravatars could be added to posts on plugin’s page too.



    i <3 the new style



    I must say I like it. But it does look a bit cluttered with these huge avatars.


    Member looks great. Good job!!!

    [EDIT by chrishajer]



    Off topic comments removed.



    Very nice redesign! Does make one feel that there is life here and things happening. :)



    Very nice theme!!



    Hmm, my font-size increase trick is no longer working, someone changed the stylesheet.

    The default font-size is ridiculously small.

    Did someone seriously hard code the font-sizes into PX instead of percent or em?

    Ah this will fix it in Stylish

    * {font-size:98% !important;}

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