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Translate options select

  • @tvieira


    Even with the translation files for pt_BR, select this options not translated. How can I translate those options that are in the select’s as Open, spam and so on.?

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  • @ronthai


    Don’t know in to which language you are trying to translate, looks like Brasilian (which is I think is almost Portugese).

    There is a _pot (in the language folder) file that comes with bbPress, that you can translate and use on your bbPress and hopefully submit for others to use also if they need it.

    If the current translation of BR/PO is wrong feel free to change it and submit it.

    The creator/developer of bbPress or the Mods, can not help in translations, they just have to trust anybody whom submits a translation.



    File _pot in pt_BR (Brazilian) and I have this working perfectly, select only those options that are not translated and has nothing on file to reference them. There’s no way in the bbpress files even I translate these terms? Because it seems that this file _pot complete and translated all but the select only those terms that are in English yet.



    Be sure to check bbPress versions (latest 2.5.1) and if you are up to date then the developer/mods may have to update the POT files also, which is something to forget easily.



    The creator/developer of bbPress or the Mods, can not help in translations, they just have to trust anybody whom submits a translation.

    Kind of correct, all the translations are handled by the same translation process for WordPress

    Using pt_BR as an example if you take a look at:

    You will see that Portuguese (Brazil) is at 94% translated, 975 strings translated and 60 strings untranslated.

    If you open this link it shows you the 60 strings that have yet to be translated for bbPress. You can update these strings yourself and then contact the Brazilian translator team via one of these links to get these translations approved. Once approved they should then become available via WordPress’ automatic updates in the very near future.

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