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Topics not appearing in forum

  • @joesusername


    I’m trying to get bbpress up and running with Buddypress, and it’s all working fine except that the topics are not showing up in the forums.

    The forums themselves are showing up, but when I click on a category it takes me to the page where the topics should be, and it has the message, “This forum contains 2 topics and was last updated…”

    Then under that there’s the message, “Oh bother! No topics were found here!”

    But if there are 2 topics, they should be found there, no?

    I’ve tried looking at it with the twenty fourteen theme, and the topics to in fact show up. So why wouldn’t they show up in the other theme?

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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  • @joesusername


    I should add that I have bbpress version 2.5.4, and the newest version of WordPress.

    and here’s a link to my site so you can see what’s going on:




    I am having exactly the same problem. I am also using the latest bbpress 2.5.4 and the newest version of wordpress. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    What theme are you using?



    If you’re on wordpress 4.0 then there are some issues with themes and plugins, so it could be a theme or plugin issue


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.



    I’ve tried deactivating all plugins. It doesn’t fix it.

    I’ve tried switching to the twenty fourteen theme, and it does fix it.

    So I’m guessing there’s a problem with the theme. I can’t seem to get the theme creator to give me any support with the topic, so I was wondering if there is some way to fix it myself.



    given that you paid money for this theme, I’d be annoyed that you are not getting support form the theme writer.



    Yes, I am annoyed. I’ve reached out to themeforest who I bought it from asking them to either help me get in contact with the writer or refund my money, and I’m getting silence from them as well. I don’t know what else to do though.



    anyway, I just downgraded my wordpress to 3.9.2, and that fixed the problem. But I’m still annoyed.




    Given that you’ve downgraded, suspect you won’t want to upgrade again to do a test !

    But if anyone else out there still has problems with 404’s or topics/replies not showing and is on wp4, can they try the very optimistically named bbpress wp4 fix plugin, and let me know if it makes a difference !+

    bbpress wp4 fix



    Hi, your bbpress wp4 fix is perfect @robin-w my topics are showing up again.
    Is this a known issue? Do you know if it will be officially fixed in the next bbpress release?

    Thank you a lot



    yes I believe it will be fixed in wordpress 4.0.1 (it was a wordpress change), but no idea when that is coming out



    OMG @robin-w ! Internet high five. I was beating my head against the wall trying to figure out why I could see the count of my posts and replies but none would show up. Your fix did the trick!



    Great, glad it worked !



    Thanks @robin-w and everybody, this helped me a lot.

    For future googlers: I was having the issue described by OP using a theme called Kabuto. After I installed bbPress, I could create new topics, but when I went to view the forum from the front end, the posts would not display. Instead, I got:

    Then under that there’s the message, “Oh bother! No topics were found here!”

    Installing the plugin recommended by RobinW fixed the problem.



    I had the same problem. After upgrading to WP 4.0 only sticky topics were visible. I tried the patch/plugin “bbpress wp4 fix”. I could now see all topics, but when I clicked on any one of them only the first forum topic would open. The URL was correct, but the wrong topic appeared in the page. I deactivated the plugin and after some more research, found that I had a piece of code in my functions file that interfered with the topics showing. Here is the code that caused the problem:

    //exclude from search results
    function fb_search_filter($query) {
    if ( !$query->is_admin && $query->is_search) {
    $query->set('post_type', array('course_unit') ); // id of page or post
    return $query;
    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'fb_search_filter' );

    I don’t know why this code is a problem, but I no longer needed it. I deleted it and now my forums are working just fine.



    The issue is related to how wp4.0 looks at search and in particular at the ‘s’ parameter submitted to wp-query. wp4.0 does it differently and what didn’t look like a search to previous wp versions now does when sent from bbpress functions.

    Hence why your $query->is_search was affected



    Hi Robin W, just letting you know I have the ‘last reply not showing ‘ problem and unfortunately the ‘fix’ does not work for me.
    running 4.0 on twenty ten theme, no super cache.

    Reply is there, can view it separately.

    Topic list header is incorrect (says previous post before the last one was the last activity), topic list shows last voice correctly but when one clicks into the topic the last reply is missing.

    The freshness on the forum list is very wrong (has topic start date, not any of the more recent posts).

    I’ve run the recounts under tools but that does not seem to make any difference.



    Hey guys,
    As a theme developper I wanted to bring bbPress support and I was facing the same issue.

    The plugin that @robin-w brought was working but I know something was wrong with my theme.

    I managed to make it work without the plugin by deleting this snippet from functions.php :

    The intent of this snippet is to exclude pages from search results and I guess this was conflicting with WP4.

    If you have this problem with your theme, look for “pre_get_posts” actions and if the search query is updated.

    Hope that can helps 🙂



    @themesdefrance – thanks for posting that – we know that wp4.0 changed the way it worked with search, so that all makes sense !

    – does that help you?

    EDIT – @anmari have just seen your other thread that it’s fixed



    Fiiiinally, I found exactly what I needed. I was honestly searching up and down as to why I could no longer view the posts (viewing a topic) in my custom theme, it seemingly broke out of nowhere on a site I hadn’t updated for a while. I’m glad this search has come to an end.

    Thanks @robin-w! I was at a dead halt with my website until I could figure this out. Semi-old topic, I know, but I’m sure it’ll help others out.

    EDIT: I’ve made a small donation through your website.



    Tecca, thanks and great that you are now fixed !



    Thank you for the fix




    We are using bbPress on and topics are not showing on single forum pages instead it shows the counts of topics as “This forum contains 1 topic and was last updated…”. Here is the URL:

    I tried all the techniques as suggested in this thread.

    Still, our issue is resolved.A help will be greatly appreciated.


    Member, Failures Republic community





    I tried both of them but it did not resolve the issue. After, activating these plugins, evem direct link to topic is directing to relevant topic instead of the topic page!

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