do you have the bbp toolkit plugin active ?
The reason that it is dequeued is that it was built that way by the software company that built our theme. This, I assume, was so that the forum would look like the rest of our site.
My issue, by adding the ($args)
arguments (to that snippet of code) and by removing that one line of CSS has now resolved this issue completely.
Thank you!
@haddly great, glad you are fixed !!
Hey Guyes,
This issue because you are using this function [bbp_list_forums] in [loop-single-forum.php] with old (2.5.0) default args array in your active theme.
You must use [bbp_get_forum_id()] in function’s args, So try to find this function inside the active theme and change the value of the [forum_id] argument.
bbp_list_forums( array(
'before' => '<ul class="bbp-forums-list">',
'after' => '</ul>',
'link_before' => '<li class="bbp-forum">',
'link_after' => '</li>',
'count_before' => ' (',
'count_after' => ')',
'count_sep' => ', ',
'sep' => '',
'forum_id' => bbp_get_forum_id(), /* Fix for bbPv2.6.3 */
'show_topic_count' => true,
'show_reply_count' => true
) );
Hope it helps.