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sub topics not showing

  • @haddly


    Hi, I have two main topics and they have 4 and 3 subtopics respectively. For some reason, only the main topics on my forum page are showing. I believe this changed with a recent update to either WordPress or BBpress. How do I display the sub-topics of each of the main 2 forum topics as well plz?

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  • @brandaoj


    Any feedback on this one?



    Hoping it will be a part of their next update!




    Sorry for the bump. Any fixes or updates for this issue?



    After a break at Christmas, I still looking at this one – some have it some don’t, some fix by running repair, some find that doesn’t work.



    I am not sure if this is much of a help. Pasting this from a previous reply.

    The subforums and replies were still working in 2.6-beta-1 and 2.6-beta-2.

    Additional information:

    • CSS stopped working since 2.6-beta-1.
    • Replies to topics stopped working since 2.6-rc-1.
    • Subforum display stopped working in 2.6-rc-7.



    ok, can anyone who still has this problem let me know if they are using bbp toolkit

    If so as a test try deactivating this (you can reactivate after) to see if this fixes.

    Please report back



    Hi there, I do not have BBpToolkit activated on my site.



    @haddly – thanks. What other bbpress related plugins do you have ?



    @robin-w – hey:

    1. AsynCRONous bbPress Subscriptions
    2. Image Upload for BBPress
    3. topic subscribe



    ok, as a TEST, can you try deactivating 1 & 2 (I wrote 3 so know it is not the problem!) and see if sub forums reappear ? You can re-enable immediately afterwards



    Hi there. I have finally found why this is not displaying. It isn’t the plugins 1 or 2 above but a snippet of code I added to my functions.php file a long while back. I remember adding it because the subforum topics weren’t displaying correctly and were displaying in a horizontal fashion (I think).

    If I remove this piece of code, the subforum topics now appear. The CSS is a little funky and the text a little small, but I can fix this. Sorry for not thinking to check the added snippets to my functions.php sooner.

    function custom_bbp_sub_forum_list() {
    $args['separator'] = '';
    return $args;
    add_filter('bbp_after_list_forums_parse_args', 'custom_bbp_sub_forum_list' );



    change that to

    function custom_bbp_sub_forum_list($args) {
    $args['separator'] = '';
    return $args;
    add_filter('bbp_after_list_forums_parse_args', 'custom_bbp_sub_forum_list' );

    and it should be fine



    hmmm, no that was just how I pasted it badly into this post. When I comment out the snippet the sub topics reappear and when I have it in, they do not. I thought I had found the problem to this ticket here




    Together with bbPress I am using UM and bbPress extension from UM; it does not work with or without it.

    FYI the way I manage to make it work is to change the forum visibility to Public and rely on UM to restrict access, read and write permissions.

    Before changing forum visibility setting from Private to Public I noticed that if the full url is provided the topics belonging to the forum are showed correctly; for those who do not have permissions to see it a message is displayed instead.

    So, it might be somehow related to it.



    @haddly do you have

    function custom_bbp_sub_forum_list($args)

    or as you pasted

    function custom_bbp_sub_forum_list() {



    Hey. Sorry, I didn’t see the added arguments in brackets. That works! Well, basically it shows the forum sub topics in exactly the same way as simply removing that snippet completely.



    @robin-w, I typed a reply with plugin information and customization that I have used and submitted. The code format was messed. I am unable to find it or edit it. Guess it should’ve been caught in moderation or spam. Can you please check it? It should be of some help.

    The subforum issue is fixed by adding $args.

    But the other issues like missing stylesheet and missing replies for topics exist.



    If my post cannot be found, here are the custom functions I use –
    The only plugin related to bbPress I use is – bbPress Do Shortcode and WP-Avatar.

    Hope this helps.



    looked in pastebin.

    I’m not sure what this function is there for, except possibly to speed up site display if they have not accessed the forum part ?

    function dequeue_bbpress_style() {
        if ( class_exists('bbPress') ) {
          if ( ! is_bbpress() ) {
            wp_dequeue_style( 'bbp_private_replies_style');
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'dequeue_bbpress_style', 99 );

    it does tend to suggest that you have bbp_private_replies enabled ???



    and this one tends to suggest that your theme or anther plugin is doing stuff with the replies side of bbpress

    //Lead Topic Enable
    function custom_bbp_show_lead_topic( $show_lead ) {
      $show_lead[] = 'true';
      return $show_lead;
    add_filter('bbp_show_lead_topic', 'custom_bbp_show_lead_topic' );



    Regarding the first code, you are right. This dequeues bbPress related style-sheets for most of the users who don’t visit forum page.

    The second code highlights the lead topic, like it does on this forum. I used the code from the codex.



    @hydrogriff – ok, not sure that I ma goung to be able to help much further.
    I can only suggest it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentyfifteen, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    Then come back



    @robin-w, @hydrogriff:
    Hi, for me, the CSS styling issue is definitely a theme problem. In my styles.css file I have additional CSS for the styling of BBpress forum.
    #bbpress-forums .bbp-forums-list li {font-size: 11px;}
    I simply removed this line (font-size) from my style sheet and the standard BBPress kicked in.



    that’s interesting – no idea why that happens !!



    I have it dequeued in my functions.php file:
    wp_dequeue_style( 'bbp-default' );

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