In a single forum or a topic, you would usually see a description like this describing what a topic or forum contains.
This topic contains 12 replies (+ 1 hidden), has 1 voice, and was last updated by robkk 6 days, 7 hours ago.
To see any all the posts especially those marked as spam per forum/topic just click the (+ 1 hidden) , “1” is how many topics/replies are marked as spam or pending moderation.
To just see all of the topics/replies sitewide marked as spam/pending, login into your WordPress backend and to see all the topics go to Topics > All TOpics and you should see an action link labeled spam and pending to filter the posts. Similar with replies except it is Replies > All Replies.
Here is an example of the action links in Topics > All Topics.

I thank you Robkk. But how can I see the content a post flagged as spam by Akismet?
Clicking the hidden link should show the normal post lists of either replies with the spam posts (either caught by Akismet or a moderator) marked with a red tint.
In the WordPress backend filtering the posts to only see spam posts, then you can see the actual text content by clicking the little icon in this image.