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some installation problems

  • @dixyantar


    This is the error log that i am getting :

    >>> WordPress cookie keys not set.
    >>>>>> Your "bb-config.php" file was not writable.
    >>>>>> You will need to manually re-define "BB_AUTH_KEY", "BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY" and "BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY" in your "bb-config.php" file.
    >>> WordPress "auth" cookie salt not set.
    >>>>>> Could not fetch "auth" cookie salt from the WordPress options table.
    >>>>>> You will need to manually define the "auth" cookie salt in your database.
    >>> WordPress "logged in" cookie salt not set.
    >>>>>> Could not fetch "logged in" cookie salt from the WordPress options table.
    >>>>>> You will need to manually define the "logged in" cookie salt in your database.

    What did I do wrong? How can I get it right now?

    Please someone help me.

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  • @ipstenu


    Well … maybe you bb-config.php file writeable. or you could manually copy the info from wp-config to bb-config.



    my problem is also “salt” related….


    I upgraded to wpmu 2.7, and bbpress1.0 alpha 4…. the data base was sharing…everything was almost perfect….but then….

    I was in the Admin Panel for bbpress, and was changing User roles (admin of wp to be admin of bbpress, etc)….

    Then, I saw that the ‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’ form was blank…. (in the admin panel of bbpress for wordpress integration)… I thought …”mmm., thats strange, I already entered that when doing the setup.!”…. so…..i entered the key again …..

    oops, really bad idea

    Now, i get an error message:

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2) in /nfs/c02/h03/mnt/27695/domains/ on line 123

    Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /nfs/c02/h03/mnt/27695/domains/ on line 377


    how do i undo what i did?

    where do I look? in what file?

    my sites are here:

    1. bbpress:

    2. wpmu:



    i mean…bbpress. alpha6 (not 4)

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