like the way the tag input area shows up below this reply form??

There and also here:

If I’m asking too many questions in one topic I’d rather tackle the tag area on the website (rather than the one in the WP amind).
Thanks again!
what Iād like to do is by default show all existing (not just most used) topic tags when someone is creating a topic from within WP
so your saying the way how categories are displayed in backend you want for topic-tags in the frontend.
ive seen a support forum for one my themes authors site i was on have that kind of functionality (but they dont use bbpress), they use something custom.
i think how its done on their site is just some jquery , and kind of does the same functionality that the bbpress quicktag toolbar does.
like set up some a set of words then you click the button and it automatically inserts into the tag area.
but setting it up where all the tags show in the frontend would be difficult , it would probably need a hacked version of the topic tag cloud widget.
but yeah i just did a brainstorm/analysis on what you might need.
im not sure how to do this , as im very much confused by jquery and javascript
i would hire a developer to this kind of job.
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Hi Robkk,
Thanks for your reply. Maybe I posted this question in the wrong section of the forum – I am a front-end developer wondering if this is something that *can* be done with bbpress. Maybe this question is more suitable to the theming section of the forum.
Thanks anyways!