Show pagination in single topic
Dear all,
I have a 100 posts topic forum, but I have no pagination in the topic page: view the pagination only in the topics list page: is it possible to show it also in single topic page?
Thank you very much
I can’t see any forums in these pages
Hi Robin W,
I’m stupid it’s a password protected forum.Then two screenshot:
– the topics list page with pagination
– the topic page without pagination at the start (and also at the end) you
I also cannot access the screenshots you posted, the site never loads the images and I cannott download theme either.
That said, I suspect you have ‘Threaded Replies’ enabled, if that is the case there is no topic pagination when ‘Threaded Replies’ are enabled.
Hi Stephen Edgar,
sorry again, I’m not lucky with URLs 🙂Thank you very much, if I disable ‘Threaded Replies’ I have pagination.
But I would like to have something similar to this topic and reply enableb per post. How is it possibile to enable it?
Best regards
Sorry, it is one or the other at this stage, you cannot have both.
Enable threaded replies and exclude pagination OR Disable threaded replies and include pagination.
Then here you use customized version of bbpress.
Am I right?
Thank you again
No, we use the same version, I think we may have our terminology crossed.
If you want the topic displayed at the top of every page like we do here so that you can still see the original topic when you are page 3 for example you want to use
See the following article and add that code to your themes
(I think this is what you are after 🙂 )Hi Stephen I appreciate a lot your kindness and I’m sorry for my (a little) stupid request.
In this topic you have a the top the pagination of replies, and for every message the possibility to reply (I have highlighted these in the below image).
To have pagination replies with reply button, do I must use bbp_show_lead_topic?
Thank you
OK, I am with you now and by the way there is no such thing as a stupid question 🙂
You should see a ‘reply’ link but when I look at your forum you are using WordPress 3.5.1, Twenty Eleven theme, a Twenty Eleven bbPress child theme and bbPress v 2.3.2. You also have other plugins modifying/extending the Twenty Eleven theme.
Why are you using old versions? Many of these modifications will be the primary cause of your issues and upgrading all of these and even a newer theme would fix most of your issues.
That is the first thing I would do, update to WordPress 3.9.1 and bbPress 2.5.3
Ok, then I do not see the reply button, because I have an old version.
Where do you see in the code that I use a child theme?
Thank you
I see it all in the <head> section of the HTML source of your site.
You see in the <head> that I use a child theme? Where?
I should have said the ‘bbPress templates’ in your Twenty Eleven theme
<link rel="stylesheet" id="bbp-child-bbpress-css" href="" type="text/css" media="screen">
Hi Stephen,
I have updated my site to WordPress 3.9.1 and bbPress 2.5.4.I have the post reply button, but the reply href of reply is not related to the post ID, but it is related to new post.
In this forum instead you have
Is it normal?
Yes, this is normal and the default for bbPress 2.5.4, when you click ‘reply’ it links to the #new-post form at the bottom of the topic.
Hi guys,
I was faced with the same issue and was able to resolve it by following this guide:
Hope it helps someone else.
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