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Shortcodes from other plugins

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    I have them turned off for now, as many shortcodes assume the post author has the trusted ability to post content, which for forums might not be best.

    It would be a rather simple plugin to create, although you’d probably want some kind of UI to map shortcodes to user roles. You may not want every registered user to post a poll, but you might want to allow users to use code formatting, for example.



    Ah! that makes sense. Yeah, I wouldn’t want everyone to have the ability to post a shortcode. But the challenge sounds easy enough.




    I’m also looking for something like as it will be very useful. I’m not much of a coder so wouldn’t know where to start. This will be great as a plugin though.

    JJJ > My site is only a test site, how would I turn the shortcodes on? I only want to see what it would look like. It’ll be a while before my site goes live. If you don’t want to post this on the forum, then i’ll understand.



    Would it make sense to have the option to allow shortcodes? Simply ON|OFF choices? I have a forum for members of a club, registration required, and using WP-FILEBASE which has a bunch of shortcodes for inserting links to files. Just an example of one good case for allowing at least a choice.






    any news on poll options for bbPress? My members are grumbling 😉
    Also doodle-like polling would be an excellent feat to see in bbPress or BuddyPress.



    Where it’s disabled? How to enable shortcodes again without using any extensions?

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