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Setting up URL to /forums/

  • SRobbins


    I need a lot of help. I installed bbPress, and figured it would ask me configuration during the process… it did not.

    I have 2 problems:

    1) I dont know how to set up a link in my menu bar for my forum.

    2) I assumed it would ask me where I want to forums to exist to the outside world. I want them at but I have no clue where it stuck them.

    the is running wordpress right on it. A lot of the helpo I have found involves editing PHP code. While im a net geek I cant read PHP greek speak. :(

    Its a freash install so I dont need to worry about breaking thread links and the likes. Please help.

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  • Jared Atchison


    If you have pretty permalinks turned on (eg instead of bbPress should automatically configure by default.

    It’s possible you need to “flush” your permalinks for this to take affect. To do this just go to the Settings > Permalinks page, merely navigating to the page will trigger the flush.

    Assuming your theme using the WP Menu system you should be able to just go to Appearances > Menus and add a link to the forums that way.



    Hi Jared,

    So it was not on sadly… however.. what you said fixed it! THANK YOU!:D

    One more question while I have you in my thread. How do I add forums to the nav bar? Right now its got the default Home and Sample page. I thought that would be under Appearance > Menus. So I added a “custom link”(being that there is no check box for plugins). But I have a feeling this is for some kind of pull down menu and not the nav bar.

    BTW, is there a place for ‘noobies’ to go? Just googling these questions and not finding answers makes me feel like Im super noobie questions that are too noobie to be asked in the webs.

    Im moving from vBulletin forums so excuse my stumbling. Cheers!



    @SRobbins – Log in as an administrator and go to This will allow you to create a custom nav menu in which you can add a link to the forums.



    Oh god.. .more PHP. What ever happened to developing management interfaces? :p Well this is going to take a lot of research to learn where the menu items are buried in this. ‘Find’ can even find the words ‘Home’ or ‘Sample Page’.

    Thanks for the help Andre.

    Any tips?



    I’m not sure what you are talking about because the method I mentioned doesn’t require any php knowledge.



    I also discovered some themes have these management options built in. Ill take a look some more before getting too carried away with questions. Thank you again.

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