Search drop down unexpected behaviour
One the search page:
The dropdownlist of forums does not remember the last ‘selected’ forum_id
In the code ln943 of class.bb_query.php
Code:$r .= “tt<div>” . bb_get_forum_dropdown(array(‘selected’ => $q_forum_id, ‘none’ => __(‘Any’), ‘id’ => ‘forum-id’)) . “</div>n”;the forum_dropdown function is called with (‘selected’ => $q_forum_id) as one of the args however $q_forum_id never seems to have a value at this point.
Perhaps this is true for the first call to the search page (ie. when using the search box) but not on subsequent calls using the search form when the forum_id may have been selected.
Is this a bug or is it deliberate?
NB: by hard coding the (‘selected’ => 2) the page performs as expected – but obviously that is no better than the present state.
So I deduce that $q_forum_id is not being set !
NB: I have tried $q but that too has no value!
Any help appreciated
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