Can you post a link to your site here so we can have a look please.
Also posting some screenshots here would be helpful.
Once we know exactly where the problem is we can get it fixed for the next version of bbPress.
Again, you shouldn’t put the dir=”ltr” in the code. It is better to be inherited from the defaults of the website.
via @JohnJamesJacoby
This is a tough one, because technically the theme should have support for RTL editor styles. Moving to future release so we can investigate further.
It is very easy. You just don’t need this HTML code!
This text box should use the defaults of the WordPress installation or the theme basic css instructions. The problem is that you specify the DIR in the html code, so there is no way around it using css.
If it is really important for some reason, you can use css: direction=”ltr”. We could walk around it using the rtl.css or using !important or something.