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removing list style wp351+bp17+bbp23

  • @afjsystem


    hi.. i tried to look around the web to find solution of my trouble.

    my forum is and all seems to be fine (the installation)
    i work on wp 3.5.1 + bp 1.7 rc 1 + bbp 2.3
    but little bit annoying about the display of my bbpress forum.

    Dot of list style appears and the text wrapped. Maybe because of not a full width.

    Any suggestion how to fix it ? @netweb ?

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  • @mzaweb


    URL seems broken, can’t see the site.




    o sorry @mzaweb, because itu no ‘:’ in the http url sorry.. here is the url

    i managed it full width, but the list style still appears. (thanks to @pimarts)

    now i’m reading thread it’s @jaredatch solutions. hope it’ll work.

    any more suggest while i try @jaredatch solution ?



    Putting this in your theme’s CSS will be a start, but you’ll likely need more CSS tweaks as you go to play nice with your theme.

    #bbpress-forums li {
    margin: 0;
    list-style: none;
    background: none;
    padding: 0;

    i tried @jaredatch by putting above code in my theme’s style.css. but still the list style appears..

    need more help here please…



    Eureka…!!! sorry, i don’t mean to spam this thread. but finally i made it fixed.

    hope this help for others
    these is my installation : WP 3.5.1 (multisite subdir)+ BP 1.7 rc1 + Bbp 2.3 rc1
    by default it should work to any themes..

    my trouble previously : (look above)

    Managed fullwidth : (thanks to @jaredatch)
    – identify your theme’s file with fullwidth.php
    – rename that file to bbpress.php
    – you’ll get no sidebar, meaning your forum is fullwidth

    Removing dot list style : (thanks to @jaredatch again)
    – put the code below into your main theme css. ussually called style.css

    #bbpress-forums li {
    margin: 0;
    list-style: none;
    background: none;
    padding: 0;

    – you SHOULD put under #main area and not in #sidebar or other IDs.

    that’s all.

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