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Registration shortcode no password field

  • @flippyr


    Hi everyone,

    Looking for some assistance here,Instead of using WordPress facing registration page/ login page i have made a page that has login, registration an d lost password shortcodes. However during the registration process, i cannot get the user to specify the password therefore there is a need for approving admins to go create a password then email the user. Any ideas?

    I have looked at many forums, plugins but haven’t got very far. Many thanks

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  • @robin-w


    most registrations email the user an initial password, which they can then reset once they have logged on, so no need for admins to get involved.



    Thanks for the reply Robin,

    I have sorted this now. basically i was using the shortcode and couldnt see the password field however once i went into bbpress settings and set a register page and activation page. BBpress then generated the needed components and the registration page.



    great – glad you’re fixed !



    once i went into bbpress settings and set a register page and activation page.

    This sounds like you went to BuddyPress’s settings, you can use BuddyPress’s register form.

    For a login page you can place the bbPress login shortcode in a page and it should work.

    For a lost password page I guess you can use the lost password shortcode but I do not know if it works correctly or not, or it just redirects to the WordPress lost password form.

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