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Quick redirect to wordpress

  • @pastorbobsforum



    I was wondering whether there is any plugin that would give me the possibility to go back to the main wordpress website (through the medium of say, a button underneath the header, or anything as practical as that).

    If there isn’t any, could I get some advice on how to do just that?

    I haven’t tried the integration yet.

    Thank you.


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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    You can edit your Template/Theme and add a link manually :)




    Thank you for the fast intervention. I should have thought twice before asking my uneducated questions.

    After a few modifications in my header, I cannot access my forum at all.

    This is what I have in my style.css

    #returntomain-site {
    font-family: Georgia;
    font-style: bold;
    float: left;
    position: right;
    font-weight: bold;
    width: auto;
    font-size: 16px;
    padding: 205px 0px 0px 0px;
    margin: 5px auto 10px 20px;
    #returntomain-site a {
    color: #000;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-decoration: none;
    #returntomain-site a:hover { color: #666; text-decoration: underline;}

    This is what I use in header.php, to get my link underneath the header, on the right side, opposite to the login.

    <div id="header" role="banner">
    <?php if ( !in_array( bb_get_location(), array( 'login-page', 'register-page' ) ) ) login_form(); ?>
    <div id="returntomain-site"><a>" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Return to main website's home page', ''); ?>" rel="site"> <?php printf( __('%s', ''), 'Go back to The Christian Study' ); ?></a>

    Now, what I don’t get is why when I simply comment these sections in header and style, the forum is still down, but when I remove them completely, the forum comes up again. In both situations (commented bits vs.removed), I can perfectly well login into my account. There is definitely something wrong with my theme. If only I knew what…

    My forum is here

    Any advice?

    Thank you.




    Hi Pastor Bob,

    I’ve had a quick look at your forum and it appears to be working.

    What I’d suggest is making it even simpler.

    <div id="returntomain-site">
    <a href="wordpress-link"> My WordPress Form </a>

    From there you can build up :)

    As a tip, add this line of code after your 4 divs inside your footer div.

    <div style="float:none; clear:both;"></div>



    Hello again.

    Thank you for the tip.

    It seems to be working now, even though I don’t know where I was going wrong.

    Another thing that I don’t seem to be getting to work my way, is the fact that after I (or any user as a matter of fact) log in, both the redirect link and the login form move from their position before the login (which is underneath the header), to that immediately after the search bar, placing it on top of the header.

    Here are two samples of what I mean








    The answer is both simple and not so simple.

    You’re basically taking advantage of how modern browsers will give you wiggle room on your code. For example you’ve set your header to height 200px, and thus the background will only ever be 200px, even though your header is about 350px long (the content doesn’t start for 205px).

    What I suggest is this:

    – Remove the hight property from your header.

    – Add a padding to your header of 205px to put all header content starting below your image.

    – add a clearing div after every section of Floats. (above the closing tag of the header div for example).

    One of the things IE6-8 does really well, is that it wraps everything in the code you put it in, which was in the original specification for HTML and CSS (IE was the first browser to support CSS, some 2 years before any other after all).

    “modern” browsers won’t consider anything with a float to belong to the parent, so as your form and link are floated although in the header, they won’t ever be wrapped by it.

    This is a good example, and I cant wait for some folks to read this, where testing in IE6 is brilliant. It would have caught these v early – as its unforgiving.

    EDIT: Actually Pastor Bob, why not copy over the header of your WordPress site. It’s very nicely made.





    I’m back with a few results, both good and bad, but mostly bad; in fact – disastrous. It might be just me, but I find modifying kakumei much more difficult then wordpress’ default theme (twentyten). My skills, on a scale from 1 to 10, are at about 3, but everything that’s changed from the default in wp (except the header and footer jpegs), to what you see here now were made by me.

    So, this is what I have at the moment:

    I got round my last issue, by placing the header.jpg in a branding div, which came before a colophon-header, containing the login and my returntosite. For the time being, the header and the footer can stay as they are.

    My current issue needs, I guess, a different topic, since it has to do with the forumlist table.

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