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Problem to convert Simple Press to bbpress

  • @cedriclocqueneux



    I use Simple Press 5.2.2 with WordPress 3.4.2, and I want to migrate my forum to bbpress 2.2.4 (on the same installation of WordPress).
    My forum currently has 29 forums, 768 topics and 4324 posts, which is not so huge.

    I try to migrate with the plugin “SimplePress 5 Import”, but the process stops at 490 :/ In fact it created the forums, a lot of the topics and posts, but it miss all the Reply.
    I do not know where it blocks or why.

    In addition, I can’t restart the process: I deleted all the bbpress forums, I even made a reset bbpress, but import around in circles in the first stage.

    Can you help me, I really want to migrate to bbpress?

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  • @netweb


    Are you using the builtin importer included with bbPress?

    Were any replies imported or did the converter stop at topic 490?

    Once the conversion stops if you click ‘start’ again without changing any options does it then complete or stop at the same point?

    If it does continuously stop in the same position open phpMyAdmin and open the `wp_options` table and bump the value stored in `_bbp_converter_start` by 1 and click start again, if it fails again bump this value again.

    When you want to start again fresh and remove all topics, forums, topic tags & replies previously imported check the ‘Start Over’ & ‘Purge Previous Import’ checkboxes.



    Same problem with me its stop at 200-299 , i am using wordperss 3.5.1 , bbpress 2.2.4 and Simple:press 5.2.2 same problem facing and about the data i wants to import is
    1 Groups
    81 Forums
    6113 Topics
    33105 Posts

    Plz help me its very urgent ,




    I am using ,

    Tools > forum > import forums >
    Select Platform = Simplepress5
    Table Prefix = wp_ ( because i am using Simple press plugin in same wordpress and database )



    Now its Converting topics (356 – 357) and “O” wait circle still revolving from 10 min its stop here 🙁 plz help how to fix that , 2 days before i did import every thing but the problem was UTF-8 , then i again i import the phpbb3 data in simplepress and try to import it from bbpress its give me hard time form that day to today ,



    Try the steps I outlined above:

    If it does continuously stop in the same position open phpMyAdmin and open the wp_options table and bump the value stored in _bbp_converter_start by 1 and click start again, if it fails again bump this value again.

    If it hangs for 10 minutes, click ‘stop’, then click ‘start’ again it it should resume.

    … phpbb3 data in simplepress and try to import it from bbpress

    Why are you importing phpBB into SimplePress then into bbPress?

    Why not just import phpBB directly into bbPress?



    Hey Good Morning , well i am using importing phpBB into SimplePress then into bbPress because its fetch almost 99% data from phpbb3 thats why i am using this way , and if i use import phpBB directly into bbPress then i loss lots of topics , forms & replies from phpbb, thats is main reason to use importing phpBB into SimplePress then into bbPress,

    & try to bump the value you asked i did try more then 10 times but same issue its stop some time @ 299 or @ 499 and last night i was stop @ 3499 dont know how to solve this issue 🙁 help me plz ,
    Wordpress site:




    Stop using the SimplePress importer and start using the phpBB importer.

    If you import using the phpBB importer your users can login to WordPress/bbPress using their existing username and password.

    The only known issues with importing from phpBB are listed here (they are all very minor issues)

    If you have issues with the phpBB import then tell us what they are so we can fix them.



    Sure let me try to phpBB importer , do you have any link for download the phpBB importer file (php file )? because i feel the phpbb importer file in bbpress have some issue thats why its not fetch all data from phpbb3 forum ,




    Result :

    Bbpress import 6,159 topic but phpbb3 have 6,312 = 97% recovery
    bbpress import (27,670) replies but phpbb3 have 33,868 = 81% recovery
    bbpress import 80 forums but phpbb3 have 90 = 88% recovery

    over all 88% recovery

    so can any one help me at least 95% data import from phpbb3 to bbpress ?




    From a Google cache of your phpBB site as your site is offline at the moment

    Mensajes totales 34077 | Temas totales 6981

    The 34077 is total posts and this includes topics AND replies so:
    34077 – 6981 = 27093
    Topics = 6981
    Replies = 27093
    (These numbers will be inaccurate as they are from Google cache)



    I would like to switch from simple press to bbpress and am looking for the best way to import the data. Unfortunately, when I go to tools-forum-import, I do NOT have the option to import from simple press. Any idea why not?




    You need to be using bbPress 2.3 for the SimplePress import module to be included with bbPress

    You can download the bbPress 2.3 beta 2 from here:

    bbPress 2.3 Beta 2



    I am looking under Import and I am not seeing SimplePress5 as an option.



    @jasoncoffee My bad, I just updated the post above with a link to the bbPress 2.3 beta 2.



    I am using a fresh download of bbpress 2.2.4



    oic thanks.



    Noob questions. What do I put for Database name and user? my host (godaddy) info or my wordpress info? or neither? lol




    • Database Name: Name of the database with your old forum data

    I am ultra noob. I don’t even know the definition of Database. I need dummy instructions if possible.  does this mean go using my login and pw from my host?…




    You should be able to find these values by using FTP to download a copy of /wp-config.php and open it with a text editor or use your web hosts file manager program to to view this file.

    // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define('DB_NAME', 'database_name');
    /** MySQL database username */
    define('DB_USER', 'database_username');
    /** MySQL database password */
    define('DB_PASSWORD', 'database_password');
    /** MySQL hostname */
    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
     * WordPress Database Table prefix.
     * You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique
     * prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!
    $table_prefix  = 'wp_';



    Ha…. Make sure to select ‘SimplePress’ from the menu and not ‘Example’ 😉



    I input the info found in the place you suggested above and when I ran it got this error.

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘MyDatabaseName.users’ doesn’t exist]SELECT convert(users.ID USING "utf8") AS ID,convert(users.user_pass USING "utf8") AS user_pass,convert(users.user_login USING "utf8") AS user_login,convert(users.user_nicename USING "utf8") AS user_nicename,convert(users.user_email USING "utf8") AS user_email,convert(users.user_url USING "utf8") AS user_url,convert(users.user_registered USING "utf8") AS user_registered,convert(users.user_status USING "utf8") AS user_status,convert(users.display_name USING "utf8") AS display_name FROM users AS users LIMIT 0, 100



    You need to use the correct values from your wp-config.php file

    eg. $table_prefix = 'wp_'; = wp_ in the bbPress Table Prefix: field. (You used MyDatabaseName in ‘Table Prefix’

    Also if you are using the same WordPress install as your existing SimplePress install you don’t need to convert the users as they are already exist, so uncheck the convert users checkbox.



    oh thanks! It went smoothly. We are golden! Now I have a question about URL structure that I just posted in a separate topic. Thank you for the help!



    Hi. I’m not sure if it’s OK to resurrect an old thread, but I keep getting stuck when trying to convert from Simple Press to bbPress and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. The forum has ~2,000 topics and ~60,000 posts.

    The conversion fails at a different point each time – forums and topics get converted, but replies stalls at around 4,000 – sometimes more, sometimes less. I tried raising the value in _bbp_converter_start but it made no significant difference. Between each import attempt I reset the bbPress forum (/wp-admin/tools.php?page=bbp-reset). My server is OK (Linode 2GB VPS, and I’m not getting any alerts that it’s overloaded).

    One other thing I can’t ever get to work is “Purge all information from a previously attempted import”. I’ve let it run for over 48 hours in the past, and it was “Deleting previously converted data” with a number up into the tens of millions before I gave up on the process, and never actually starts converting. Has anyone else experienced similar issues?

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