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Plugin – Private Messages

  • @ardentfrost


    This plugin enables private messaging for BBPress. For usage instructions, view the readme inside the zip file.


    • Inbox and Sent Box
    • Ability to delete messages before other user reads it
    • Link on front page tells you how many new messages you have
    • Visible representation of when a message hasn’t been seen (in your inbox and sent box)
    • Reply functionality
    • Send user PM from a post in a forum

    To download the plugin, visit

    To see the plugin in action, visit (you must signup to see it)

    I have tested this on my own server, but if you have any problems with installation, let me know. I will be monitoring this thread, but you can also go to my forums and post questions there.

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  • @ardentfrost



    I might not be able to help you tonight, but just shoot me an IM when you see me on.



    ardentfrost…..thanks I didn’t have my-template folder as a subfolder of the bb-template directory so it was having a hard time with that. I moved my-template folder under the bb-template directory and it worked. Thanks for the input.



    I had problems too. The table was not created. I had to do it manualy. I have all of the latest updates for both WP and bbPress so I dont know what went wrong. To fix the data base issue go to you myphp admin (data base) and give the following command.

    CREATE TABLE bb_privatemessages (


    id_sender INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,

    id_receiver INT( 11 ) NOT NULL ,

    seen INT( 2 ) NOT NULL ,

    pmtitle VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL ,

    message VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,

    created_on DATETIME NOT NULL ,

    PRIMARY KEY ( pm_id )

    ) TYPE = MYISAM ;

    This solved my problems for now.



    Since that only has to happen once, if you added the tables that should be the end of it. I tested the process on my own server and had 2 others test it on theirs. A lot of people have downloaded and installed the plugin, and a minority have had problems. Unfortunately, I am unsure how to fix this problem for that minority, but the commands you posted should work or people can copy the commands directly from the plugin themselves… it’s the first subroutine in the main plugin file (bb-privatemessages.php)



    ardentfrost, I dont know what happened but all PM’s that went out yesterday have seemed to vanish without a trace??? They were in the data base cuz I checked and seen them there. Today they are gone. I am wondering if the table was copied over after I had manualy installed the table, with your call function in bb-privatemessages.php. Maybe I did not give it enough time to do it on it’s own. I will see what happens today.



    The function checks to see if it exists, and if it doesn’t it creates the tables. If you created the tables as they are setup in that function, it shouldn’t do anything again. If it happens again, I suggest you comment out the table creation code in the plugin. I don’t know why it would do that.

    By the way, Online List works the same way as mine with table creation if you use that one.



    Several people have asked for additional capabilities to be added to this plugin:

    1. That an e-mail alert would be sent out every time a member received a new private message, and

    2. That a “PM this user” link could be added to the profile page.

    I know ardentfrost is busy, so I have posted instructions on how to modify the plugin files so you can do these two things.

    You can view the instructions here:

    Please e-mail me if you have any questions (mike at wittmania dot com). Thanks again to ardentfrost for this exceptional plugin!



    Update: Somebody asked me how to add a name (instead of just the e-mail address) to the new message received e-mail notification. To do this, just use this format:

    $admin_email = "Your Name <>";

    When the e-mail is delivered, it will show up as being from “Your Name” and not “”. I’m not sure that this will work on all PHP configurations, but it works on mine.



    great plugin. :-)

    one question: can Bozos pm?



    Note private messages are cut off at 2048 characters (1965 in practice, from my testing) because the db field is varchar(2048).

    That’s not that much to wordy writers.

    I might try to change this to longtext. If I do I’ll post back on the results, and if good, the method.

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