There is this for users posts submitted. It offers an option to approve a user one or all the time.
Hello Robkk,
I tried the moderation plugin you suggested but it has not been updated in over 3 years so it does not work for me.
I read here that discussion settings should be applied for bbpress but that also does not work.
For whatever reason anyone can immediately post replies without having to wait for moderation.
Under Settings > Discussion > Before a comment appears – I have the checkbox selected for “Comment must be manually approved” however that does not happen.
bbPress only uses the comment blacklist not any other settings like the one you are trying to use.
If you do not want to use bbPress moderation there is also some fork around coupled up with other features in a plugin called FV bbPresst Tweaks.
9 years, 1 month ago
Is there an option(or a plugin) for bbPress that will allow me to moderate posts of certain users? I’d like to have some users moderated so that each post they make(replies to existing posts) will have to wait for admin’s approval.
Thank you.